changeset 13904 99b265e0d1d0
parent 13903 5f819b90d479
child 13905 b172a5d40eee
equal deleted inserted replaced
13903:5f819b90d479 13904:99b265e0d1d0
     1 // Main.cpp
     3 #include "StdAfx.h"
     5 #include "Common/MyInitGuid.h"
     7 #include "Common/CommandLineParser.h"
     8 #include "Common/MyException.h"
     9 #include "Common/IntToString.h"
    10 #include "Common/StdOutStream.h"
    11 #include "Common/StringConvert.h"
    12 #include "Common/StringToInt.h"
    14 #include "Windows/FileDir.h"
    15 #include "Windows/FileName.h"
    16 #include "Windows/Defs.h"
    17 #include "Windows/Error.h"
    18 #ifdef _WIN32
    19 #include "Windows/MemoryLock.h"
    20 #endif
    22 #include "../../IPassword.h"
    23 #include "../../ICoder.h"
    24 #include "../Common/UpdateAction.h"
    25 #include "../Common/Update.h"
    26 #include "../Common/Extract.h"
    27 #include "../Common/ArchiveCommandLine.h"
    28 #include "../Common/ExitCode.h"
    29 #ifdef EXTERNAL_CODECS
    30 #include "../Common/LoadCodecs.h"
    31 #endif
    33 #include "../../Compress/LZMA_Alone/LzmaBenchCon.h"
    35 #include "List.h"
    36 #include "OpenCallbackConsole.h"
    37 #include "ExtractCallbackConsole.h"
    38 #include "UpdateCallbackConsole.h"
    40 #include "../../MyVersion.h"
    42 #if defined( _WIN32) && defined( _7ZIP_LARGE_PAGES)
    43 extern "C" 
    44 { 
    45 #include "../../../../C/Alloc.h"
    46 }
    47 #endif
    49 using namespace NWindows;
    50 using namespace NFile;
    51 using namespace NCommandLineParser;
    53 HINSTANCE g_hInstance = 0;
    54 extern CStdOutStream *g_StdStream;
    56 static const char *kCopyrightString = "\n7-Zip"
    57 #ifndef EXTERNAL_CODECS
    58 " (A)"
    59 #endif
    61 #ifdef _WIN64
    62 " [64]"
    63 #endif
    67 static const char *kHelpString = 
    68     "\nUsage: 7z"
    69 #ifdef _NO_CRYPTO
    70     "r"
    71 #else
    72 #ifndef EXTERNAL_CODECS
    73     "a"
    74 #endif
    75 #endif
    76     " <command> [<switches>...] <archive_name> [<file_names>...]\n"
    77     "       [<@listfiles...>]\n"
    78     "\n"
    79     "<Commands>\n"
    80     "  a: Add files to archive\n"
    81     "  b: Benchmark\n"
    82     "  d: Delete files from archive\n"
    83     "  e: Extract files from archive (without using directory names)\n"
    84     "  l: List contents of archive\n"
    85 //    "  l[a|t][f]: List contents of archive\n"
    86 //    "    a - with Additional fields\n"
    87 //    "    t - with all fields\n"
    88 //    "    f - with Full pathnames\n"
    89     "  t: Test integrity of archive\n"
    90     "  u: Update files to archive\n"
    91     "  x: eXtract files with full paths\n"
    92     "<Switches>\n"
    93     "  -ai[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard}: Include archives\n"
    94     "  -ax[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard}: eXclude archives\n"
    95     "  -bd: Disable percentage indicator\n"
    96     "  -i[r[-|0]]{@listfile|!wildcard}: Include filenames\n"
    97     "  -m{Parameters}: set compression Method\n"
    98     "  -o{Directory}: set Output directory\n"
    99     "  -p{Password}: set Password\n"
   100     "  -r[-|0]: Recurse subdirectories\n"
   101     "  -scs{UTF-8 | WIN | DOS}: set charset for list files\n"
   102     "  -sfx[{name}]: Create SFX archive\n"
   103     "  -si[{name}]: read data from stdin\n"
   104     "  -slt: show technical information for l (List) command\n"
   105     "  -so: write data to stdout\n"
   106     "  -ssc[-]: set sensitive case mode\n"
   107     "  -ssw: compress shared files\n"
   108     "  -t{Type}: Set type of archive\n"
   109     "  -v{Size}[b|k|m|g]: Create volumes\n"
   110     "  -u[-][p#][q#][r#][x#][y#][z#][!newArchiveName]: Update options\n"
   111     "  -w[{path}]: assign Work directory. Empty path means a temporary directory\n"
   112     "  -x[r[-|0]]]{@listfile|!wildcard}: eXclude filenames\n"
   113     "  -y: assume Yes on all queries\n";
   115 // ---------------------------
   116 // exception messages
   118 static const char *kEverythingIsOk = "Everything is Ok";
   119 static const char *kUserErrorMessage  = "Incorrect command line"; // NExitCode::kUserError
   121 static const wchar_t *kDefaultSfxModule = L"7zCon.sfx";
   123 static void ShowMessageAndThrowException(CStdOutStream &s, LPCSTR message, NExitCode::EEnum code)
   124 {
   125   s << message << endl;
   126   throw code;
   127 }
   129 static void PrintHelpAndExit(CStdOutStream &s) // yyy
   130 {
   131   s << kHelpString;
   132   ShowMessageAndThrowException(s, kUserErrorMessage, NExitCode::kUserError);
   133 }
   135 #ifndef _WIN32
   136 static void GetArguments(int numArguments, const char *arguments[], UStringVector &parts)
   137 {
   138   parts.Clear();
   139   for(int i = 0; i < numArguments; i++)
   140   {
   141     UString s = MultiByteToUnicodeString(arguments[i]);
   142     parts.Add(s);
   143   }
   144 }
   145 #endif
   147 static void ShowCopyrightAndHelp(CStdOutStream &s, bool needHelp)
   148 {
   149   s << kCopyrightString;
   150   // s << "# CPUs: " << (UInt64)NWindows::NSystem::GetNumberOfProcessors() << "\n";
   151   if (needHelp) 
   152     s << kHelpString;
   153 }
   155 #ifdef EXTERNAL_CODECS
   156 static void PrintString(CStdOutStream &stdStream, const AString &s, int size)
   157 {
   158   int len = s.Length();
   159   stdStream << s;
   160   for (int i = len; i < size; i++)
   161     stdStream << ' ';
   162 }
   163 #endif
   165 static void PrintString(CStdOutStream &stdStream, const UString &s, int size)
   166 {
   167   int len = s.Length();
   168   stdStream << s;
   169   for (int i = len; i < size; i++)
   170     stdStream << ' ';
   171 }
   173 static inline char GetHex(Byte value)
   174 {
   175   return (char)((value < 10) ? ('0' + value) : ('A' + (value - 10)));
   176 }
   178 int Main2(
   179   #ifndef _WIN32  
   180   int numArguments, const char *arguments[]
   181   #endif
   182 )
   183 {
   184   #ifdef _WIN32  
   185   SetFileApisToOEM();
   186   #endif
   188   UStringVector commandStrings;
   189   #ifdef _WIN32  
   190   NCommandLineParser::SplitCommandLine(GetCommandLineW(), commandStrings);
   191   #else
   192   GetArguments(numArguments, arguments, commandStrings);
   193   #endif
   195   if(commandStrings.Size() == 1)
   196   {
   197     ShowCopyrightAndHelp(g_StdOut, true);
   198     return 0;
   199   }
   200   commandStrings.Delete(0);
   202   CArchiveCommandLineOptions options;
   204   CArchiveCommandLineParser parser;
   206   parser.Parse1(commandStrings, options);
   208   if(options.HelpMode)
   209   {
   210     ShowCopyrightAndHelp(g_StdOut, true);
   211     return 0;
   212   }
   214   #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_7ZIP_LARGE_PAGES)
   215   if (options.LargePages)
   216   {
   217     SetLargePageSize();
   218     NSecurity::EnableLockMemoryPrivilege();
   219   }
   220   #endif
   222   CStdOutStream &stdStream = options.StdOutMode ? g_StdErr : g_StdOut;
   223   g_StdStream = &stdStream;
   225   if (options.EnableHeaders)
   226     ShowCopyrightAndHelp(stdStream, false);
   228   parser.Parse2(options);
   230   CCodecs *codecs = new CCodecs;
   231   CMyComPtr<
   232     #ifdef EXTERNAL_CODECS
   233     ICompressCodecsInfo
   234     #else
   235     IUnknown
   236     #endif
   237     > compressCodecsInfo = codecs;
   238   HRESULT result = codecs->Load();
   239   if (result != S_OK)
   240     throw CSystemException(result);
   242   bool isExtractGroupCommand = options.Command.IsFromExtractGroup();
   243   if (options.Command.CommandType == NCommandType::kInfo)
   244   {
   245     stdStream << endl << "Formats:" << endl;
   246     int i;
   247     for (i = 0; i < codecs->Formats.Size(); i++)
   248     {
   249       const CArcInfoEx &arc = codecs->Formats[i];
   250       #ifdef EXTERNAL_CODECS
   251       if (arc.LibIndex >= 0)
   252       {
   253         char s[32];
   254         ConvertUInt64ToString(arc.LibIndex, s);
   255         PrintString(stdStream, s, 2);
   256       }
   257       else
   258       #endif
   259         stdStream << "  ";
   260       stdStream << ' ';
   261       stdStream << (char)(arc.UpdateEnabled ? 'C' : ' ');
   262       stdStream << (char)(arc.KeepName ? 'K' : ' ');
   263       stdStream << "  ";
   264       PrintString(stdStream, arc.Name, 6);
   265       stdStream << "  ";
   266       UString s;
   267       for (int t = 0; t < arc.Exts.Size(); t++)
   268       {
   269         const CArcExtInfo &ext = arc.Exts[t];
   270         s += ext.Ext;
   271         if (!ext.AddExt.IsEmpty())
   272         {
   273           s += L" (";
   274           s += ext.AddExt;
   275           s += L')';
   276         }
   277         s += L' ';
   278       }
   279       PrintString(stdStream, s, 14);
   280       stdStream << "  ";
   281       const CByteBuffer &sig = arc.StartSignature;
   282       for (size_t j = 0; j < sig.GetCapacity(); j++)
   283       {
   284         Byte b = sig[j];
   285         if (b > 0x20 && b < 0x80)
   286         {
   287           stdStream << (char)b;
   288         }
   289         else
   290         {
   291           stdStream << GetHex((Byte)((b >> 4) & 0xF));
   292           stdStream << GetHex((Byte)(b & 0xF));
   293         }
   294         stdStream << ' ';
   295       }
   296       stdStream << endl;
   297     }
   298     stdStream << endl << "Codecs:" << endl;
   300     #ifdef EXTERNAL_CODECS
   301     UINT32 numMethods;
   302     if (codecs->GetNumberOfMethods(&numMethods) == S_OK)
   303     for (UInt32 j = 0; j < numMethods; j++)
   304     {
   305       int libIndex = codecs->GetCodecLibIndex(j);
   306       if (libIndex >= 0)
   307       {
   308         char s[32];
   309         ConvertUInt64ToString(libIndex, s);
   310         PrintString(stdStream, s, 2);
   311       }
   312       else
   313         stdStream << "  ";
   314       stdStream << ' ';
   315       stdStream << (char)(codecs->GetCodecEncoderIsAssigned(j) ? 'C' : ' ');
   316       UInt64 id;
   317       stdStream << "  ";
   318       HRESULT res = codecs->GetCodecId(j, id);
   319       if (res != S_OK)
   320         id = (UInt64)(Int64)-1;
   321       char s[32];
   322       ConvertUInt64ToString(id, s, 16);
   323       PrintString(stdStream, s, 8);
   324       stdStream << "  ";
   325       PrintString(stdStream, codecs->GetCodecName(j), 11);
   326       stdStream << endl;
   327       /*
   328       if (res != S_OK)
   329         throw "incorrect Codec ID";
   330       */
   331     }
   332     #endif
   333     return S_OK;
   334   }
   335   else if (options.Command.CommandType == NCommandType::kBenchmark)
   336   {
   337     if (options.Method.CompareNoCase(L"CRC") == 0)
   338     {
   339       HRESULT res = CrcBenchCon((FILE *)stdStream, options.NumIterations, options.NumThreads, options.DictionarySize);
   340       if (res != S_OK)
   341       {
   342         if (res == S_FALSE)
   343         {
   344           stdStream << "\nCRC Error\n";
   345           return NExitCode::kFatalError;
   346         }
   347         throw CSystemException(res);
   348       }
   349     }
   350     else
   351     {
   352       HRESULT res = LzmaBenchCon(
   353         #ifdef EXTERNAL_LZMA
   354         codecs,
   355         #endif
   356         (FILE *)stdStream, options.NumIterations, options.NumThreads, options.DictionarySize);
   357       if (res != S_OK)
   358       {
   359         if (res == S_FALSE)
   360         {
   361           stdStream << "\nDecoding Error\n";
   362           return NExitCode::kFatalError;
   363         }
   364         throw CSystemException(res);
   365       }
   366     }
   367   }
   368   else if (isExtractGroupCommand || options.Command.CommandType == NCommandType::kList)
   369   {
   370     if(isExtractGroupCommand)
   371     {
   372       CExtractCallbackConsole *ecs = new CExtractCallbackConsole;
   373       CMyComPtr<IFolderArchiveExtractCallback> extractCallback = ecs;
   375       ecs->OutStream = &stdStream;
   376       ecs->PasswordIsDefined = options.PasswordEnabled;
   377       ecs->Password = options.Password;
   378       ecs->Init();
   380       COpenCallbackConsole openCallback;
   381       openCallback.OutStream = &stdStream;
   382       openCallback.PasswordIsDefined = options.PasswordEnabled;
   383       openCallback.Password = options.Password;
   385       CExtractOptions eo;
   386       eo.StdOutMode = options.StdOutMode;
   387       eo.PathMode = options.Command.GetPathMode();
   388       eo.TestMode = options.Command.IsTestMode();
   389       eo.OverwriteMode = options.OverwriteMode;
   390       eo.OutputDir = options.OutputDir;
   391       eo.YesToAll = options.YesToAll;
   392       #ifdef COMPRESS_MT
   393       eo.Properties = options.ExtractProperties;
   394       #endif
   395       UString errorMessage;
   396       CDecompressStat stat;
   397       HRESULT result = DecompressArchives(
   398           codecs,
   399           options.ArchivePathsSorted, 
   400           options.ArchivePathsFullSorted,
   401           options.WildcardCensor.Pairs.Front().Head, 
   402           eo, &openCallback, ecs, errorMessage, stat);
   403       if (!errorMessage.IsEmpty())
   404       {
   405         stdStream << endl << "Error: " << errorMessage;
   406         if (result == S_OK)
   407           result = E_FAIL;
   408       }
   410       stdStream << endl;
   411       if (ecs->NumArchives > 1)
   412         stdStream << "Archives: " << ecs->NumArchives << endl;
   413       if (ecs->NumArchiveErrors != 0 || ecs->NumFileErrors != 0)
   414       {
   415         if (ecs->NumArchives > 1)
   416         {
   417           stdStream << endl;
   418           if (ecs->NumArchiveErrors != 0)
   419             stdStream << "Archive Errors: " << ecs->NumArchiveErrors << endl;
   420           if (ecs->NumFileErrors != 0)
   421             stdStream << "Sub items Errors: " << ecs->NumFileErrors << endl;
   422         }
   423         if (result != S_OK)
   424           throw CSystemException(result);
   425         return NExitCode::kFatalError;
   426       }
   427       if (result != S_OK)
   428         throw CSystemException(result);
   429       if (stat.NumFolders != 0)
   430         stdStream << "Folders: " << stat.NumFolders << endl;
   431       if (stat.NumFiles != 1 || stat.NumFolders != 0)
   432           stdStream << "Files: " << stat.NumFiles << endl;
   433       stdStream 
   434            << "Size:       " << stat.UnpackSize << endl
   435            << "Compressed: " << stat.PackSize << endl;
   436     }
   437     else
   438     {
   439       UInt64 numErrors = 0;
   440       HRESULT result = ListArchives(
   441           codecs,
   442           options.ArchivePathsSorted, 
   443           options.ArchivePathsFullSorted,
   444           options.WildcardCensor.Pairs.Front().Head, 
   445           options.EnableHeaders, 
   446           options.TechMode,
   447           options.PasswordEnabled, 
   448           options.Password, numErrors);
   449       if (numErrors > 0)
   450       {
   451         g_StdOut << endl << "Errors: " << numErrors;
   452         return NExitCode::kFatalError;
   453       }
   454       if (result != S_OK)
   455         throw CSystemException(result);
   456     }
   457   }
   458   else if(options.Command.IsFromUpdateGroup())
   459   {
   460     UString workingDir;
   462     CUpdateOptions &uo = options.UpdateOptions;
   463     if (uo.SfxMode && uo.SfxModule.IsEmpty())
   464       uo.SfxModule = kDefaultSfxModule;
   466     bool passwordIsDefined = 
   467         options.PasswordEnabled && !options.Password.IsEmpty();
   469     COpenCallbackConsole openCallback;
   470     openCallback.OutStream = &stdStream;
   471     openCallback.PasswordIsDefined = passwordIsDefined;
   472     openCallback.Password = options.Password;
   474     CUpdateCallbackConsole callback;
   475     callback.EnablePercents = options.EnablePercents;
   476     callback.PasswordIsDefined = passwordIsDefined;
   477     callback.AskPassword = options.PasswordEnabled && options.Password.IsEmpty();
   478     callback.Password = options.Password;
   479     callback.StdOutMode = uo.StdOutMode;
   480     callback.Init(&stdStream);
   482     CUpdateErrorInfo errorInfo;
   484     if (!uo.Init(codecs, options.ArchiveName, options.ArcType))
   485       throw "Unsupported archive type";
   486     HRESULT result = UpdateArchive(codecs, 
   487         options.WildcardCensor, uo, 
   488         errorInfo, &openCallback, &callback);
   490     int exitCode = NExitCode::kSuccess;
   491     if (callback.CantFindFiles.Size() > 0)
   492     {
   493       stdStream << endl;
   494       stdStream << "WARNINGS for files:" << endl << endl;
   495       int numErrors = callback.CantFindFiles.Size();
   496       for (int i = 0; i < numErrors; i++)
   497       {
   498         stdStream << callback.CantFindFiles[i] << " : ";
   499         stdStream << NError::MyFormatMessageW(callback.CantFindCodes[i]) << endl;
   500       }
   501       stdStream << "----------------" << endl;
   502       stdStream << "WARNING: Cannot find " << numErrors << " file";
   503       if (numErrors > 1)
   504         stdStream << "s";
   505       stdStream << endl;
   506       exitCode = NExitCode::kWarning;
   507     }
   509     if (result != S_OK)
   510     {
   511       UString message;
   512       if (!errorInfo.Message.IsEmpty())
   513       {
   514         message += errorInfo.Message;
   515         message += L"\n";
   516       }
   517       if (!errorInfo.FileName.IsEmpty())
   518       {
   519         message += errorInfo.FileName;
   520         message += L"\n";
   521       }
   522       if (!errorInfo.FileName2.IsEmpty())
   523       {
   524         message += errorInfo.FileName2;
   525         message += L"\n";
   526       }
   527       if (errorInfo.SystemError != 0)
   528       {
   529         message += NError::MyFormatMessageW(errorInfo.SystemError);
   530         message += L"\n";
   531       }
   532       if (!message.IsEmpty())
   533         stdStream << L"\nError:\n" << message;
   534       throw CSystemException(result);
   535     }
   536     int numErrors = callback.FailedFiles.Size();
   537     if (numErrors == 0)
   538     {
   539       if (callback.CantFindFiles.Size() == 0)
   540         stdStream << kEverythingIsOk << endl;
   541     }
   542     else
   543     {
   544       stdStream << endl;
   545       stdStream << "WARNINGS for files:" << endl << endl;
   546       for (int i = 0; i < numErrors; i++)
   547       {
   548         stdStream << callback.FailedFiles[i] << " : ";
   549         stdStream << NError::MyFormatMessageW(callback.FailedCodes[i]) << endl;
   550       }
   551       stdStream << "----------------" << endl;
   552       stdStream << "WARNING: Cannot open " << numErrors << " file";
   553       if (numErrors > 1)
   554         stdStream << "s";
   555       stdStream << endl;
   556       exitCode = NExitCode::kWarning;
   557     }
   558     return exitCode;
   559   }
   560   else 
   561     PrintHelpAndExit(stdStream);
   562   return 0;
   563 }