changeset 13583 141cdfe0f3ca
parent 13066 ad75ed9a1e15
child 13742 2bb7141496a9
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/SpeedShoppa.lua	Wed Aug 01 02:49:03 2018 +0200
+++ b/share/hedgewars/Data/Scripts/SpeedShoppa.lua	Wed Aug 01 15:50:39 2018 +0200
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 	- teamName:		name of the hedgehog’s team (default: "Shoppers")
 	- teamGrave:		name of the hedgehog’s grave (default: "Statue")
 	- teamFlag:		name of the team’s flag (default: "cm_shoppa")
-	- clanColor:		color of the (only) clan (default: 0xFF0204, which is a red tone)
+	- clanColor:		color of the (only) clan (default: -1, default first clan color)
 	- goalText:		A short string explaining the goal of the mission
 				(default: "Use your rope to collect all crates as fast as possible.")
 	- faceLeft:		If true, the hog faces to the left initially, if false, it faces to the right.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 	if params.teamName == nil then params.teamName = loc("Shoppers") end
 	if params.goalText == nil then params.goalText = loc("Use your rope to collect all crates as fast as possible.") end
 	if params.missionTitle == nil then params.missionTitle = loc("Speed Shoppa") end
-	if params.clanColor == nil then params.clanColor = 0xFF0204 end
+	if params.clanColor == nil then params.clanColor = -1 end
 	if params.teamGrave == nil then params.teamGrave = "Statue" end
 	if params.teamFlag == nil then params.teamFlag = "cm_shoppa" end
 	if params.extra_onGameInit == nil then params.extra_onGameInit = function() end end