changeset 12855 1b2b84315d27
parent 11843 01f88c3b7b66
parent 12854 28cb18c5e712
child 12856 95d903b976d0
--- a/share/hedgewars/Data/Missions/Training/User_Mission_-_That_Sinking_Feeling.lua	Thu Aug 11 23:05:14 2016 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
-local player
-local hh = {}
-local hhCount = 8
-local GameOver = false
-local introStage = 0
-local genCounter = 0
-local waterCounter = 0
-local waterPix = 0
-local frig = 0
-local watGear = nil
-local cinematic = false
--- allow skipping of the intro via hitting precise key
-function onPrecise()
-	if introStage < 100 then
-		introStage = 110
-		genCounter = 0
-		FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog)
-		AddCaption(loc("Good luck out there!"))
-		ShowMission(loc("That Sinking Feeling"), loc("Challenge"), loc("Save as many hapless hogs as possible!"), 4, 0)
-		SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-	end
-function onGameInit()
-	Seed = 0
-	GameFlags = gfInfAttack + gfInvulnerable + gfOneClanMode
-	TurnTime = 90000
-	CaseFreq = 0
-	MinesNum = 0
-	MinesTime  = 3000
-	Explosives = 0
-	Delay = 10
-	Map = "Islands"
-	Theme = "City"
-	SuddenDeathTurns = 1
-	AddTeam(loc("Hapless Hogs"), 14483456, "Simple", "Island", "Default")
-	hh[0] = AddHog(loc("Sinky"), 1, 100, "fr_lemon")
-	hh[1] = AddHog(loc("Drowner"), 1, 100, "fr_orange")
-	hh[2] = AddHog(loc("Heavy"), 1, 100, "dish_Teapot")
-	hh[3] = AddHog(loc("Clumsy"), 1, 100, "dish_SauceBoatSilver")
-	hh[4] = AddHog(loc("Silly"), 1, 100, "dish_Ladle")
-	hh[5] = AddHog(loc("Careless"), 1, 100, "StrawHatEyes")
-	hh[6] = AddHog(loc("Sponge"), 1, 100, "sf_chunli")
-	hh[7] = AddHog(loc("Deadweight"), 1, 100, "dish_Teacup")
-	AddTeam(loc("Nameless Heroes"), 14483456, "Simple", "Island", "Default", "cm_crossedswords")
-	player = AddHog(loc("The Nameless One"), 0, 1, "NoHat")
-	SetGearPosition(player, 3992, 733)
-	SetGearPosition(hh[0], 938, 1369)
-	SetGearPosition(hh[1], 1301, 1439)
-	SetGearPosition(hh[2], 2093, 447)
-	SetGearPosition(hh[3], 2971, 926)
-	SetGearPosition(hh[4], 719, 545)
-	SetGearPosition(hh[5], 1630, 821)
-	SetGearPosition(hh[6], 2191, 810)
-	SetGearPosition(hh[7], 3799, 945)
-	-- Disable all input except [Precise] for the intro
-	SetInputMask(gmPrecise)
-function onGameStart()
-    cinematic = true
-    SetCinematicMode(true)
-	SendHealthStatsOff()
-	ShowMission(loc("That Sinking Feeling"), loc("Challenge"), loc("Save as many hapless hogs as possible!"), 4, 1)
-	HogTurnLeft(hh[0], false)
-	HogTurnLeft(hh[1], true)
-	SpawnUtilityCrate(148,265,amLowGravity)
-	SpawnUtilityCrate(2124,1516,amJetpack)
-function onNewTurn()
-	TurnTimeLeft = -1
-function onGameTick()
-	-- intro sequence
-	if introStage < 100 then
-		frig = frig + 1
-		if frig == 50 then
-			frig = 0			
-			AddCaption(loc("Press [Precise] to skip intro"))
-			if watGear ~= nil then			
-				FollowGear(watGear)
-			end
-		end
-		--AddCaption(loc("Press [Precise] to skip intro"))
-		genCounter = genCounter + 1
-		if introStage == 0 then
-			--FollowGear(hh[0])
-			if genCounter == 2000 then
-				watGear = hh[0]
-				HogSay(hh[0], loc("This rain is really something..."), SAY_SAY,2)
-			elseif genCounter == 5000 then
-				introStage = 1
-				genCounter = 0
-			end
-		elseif introStage == 1 then
-			--FollowGear(hh[1])
-			if genCounter == 2000 then
-				watGear = hh[1]
-				HogSay(hh[1], loc("Heh, it's not that bad."), SAY_SAY,2)
-			elseif genCounter == 5000 then
-				introStage = 2
-				genCounter = 0
-			end
-		elseif introStage == 2 then
-			--FollowGear(hh[0])
-			if genCounter == 2000 then
-				watGear = hh[0]
-				HogSay(hh[0], loc("You'd almost swear the water was rising!"), SAY_SHOUT,2)
-			elseif genCounter == 6000 then
-				introStage = 3
-				genCounter = 0
-			end
-		elseif introStage == 3 then
-			--FollowGear(hh[1])
-			if genCounter == 2000 then
-				watGear = hh[1]
-				HogSay(hh[1], loc("Haha, now THAT would be something!"), SAY_SAY,2)
-			elseif genCounter == 6000 then
-				introStage = 4
-				genCounter = 0
-			end
-		elseif introStage == 4 then
-			--FollowGear(hh[0])
-			if genCounter == 2000 then
-				watGear = hh[0]
-				HogSay(hh[0], loc("Hahahaha!"), SAY_SHOUT,2)
-				HogSay(hh[1], loc("Hahahaha!"), SAY_SHOUT,2)
-			elseif genCounter == 3000 then
-				introStage = 5
-				genCounter = 0
-			end
-		elseif introStage == 5 then
-			--FollowGear(hh[1])
-			if genCounter == 2000 then
-				watGear = hh[1]
-				HogSay(hh[0], loc("..."), SAY_THINK,2)
-				HogSay(hh[1], loc("..."), SAY_THINK,2)
-			elseif genCounter == 5000 then
-				introStage = 6
-				genCounter = 0
-			end
-		elseif introStage == 6 then
-			--FollowGear(hh[0])
-			if genCounter == 2000 then
-				watGear = hh[0]
-				HogSay(hh[0], loc("It's a good thing SUDDEN DEATH is 99 turns away..."), SAY_THINK,2)
-			elseif genCounter == 6000 then
-				introStage = 7
-				genCounter = 0
-			end
-		elseif introStage == 7 then
-			if genCounter == 2000 then
-				introStage = 110
-				FollowGear(CurrentHedgehog)
-				ShowMission(loc("That Sinking Feeling"), loc("User Challenge"), loc("Save as many hapless hogs as possible!"), 4, 0)
-				SetInputMask(0xFFFFFFFF)
-			end
-		end
-	end
-	-- start the water rising when the intro is finished
-	if introStage == 110 then
-        if cinematic then
-            SetCinematicMode(false)
-            cinematic = false
-        end
-		waterCounter = waterCounter + 1
-		if (waterCounter == 100) and (waterPix < 1615) then
-			waterCounter = 0
-			SetTag(AddGear(0, 0, gtWaterUp, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1)
-			waterPix = waterPix +1
-			--AddCaption(waterPix)
-			if (waterPix >= 1615) and (GameOver == false) then
-				GameOver = true
-				AddCaption(loc("The flood has stopped! Challenge over."))
-				SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Challenge completed!"))
-				SendStat(siPlayerKills, tostring(hhCount), loc("Nameless Heroes"))
-				SendStat(siPointType, loc("rescues"))
-				-- Do not count drowning hedgehogs
-				local hhLeft = hhCount
-				for i=1,#hh do
-					local isDrowning = band(GetState(hh[i]),gstDrowning) ~= 0
-					if isDrowning then
-						hhLeft = hhLeft - 1
-					end
-				end
-				SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You saved %d of 8 Hapless Hogs."), hhLeft))
-				if hhLeft == 8 then
-					AddCaption(loc("Achievement obtained: Lively Lifeguard"),0xffba00ff,capgrpMessage2)
-					SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You have obtained an achievement: Lively Lifeguard"))
-				end
-				EndGame()
-			end
-		end
-	end
-function onAmmoStoreInit()
-	SetAmmo(amBazooka, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-	SetAmmo(amRope, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-	SetAmmo(amParachute, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-	SetAmmo(amJetpack, 2, 0, 0, 2)
-	SetAmmo(amGirder, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-	SetAmmo(amBaseballBat, 9, 0, 0, 0)
-	SetAmmo(amTeleport, 1, 0, 0, 1)
-	SetAmmo(amPortalGun, 3, 0, 0, 1)
-	SetAmmo(amLowGravity, 0, 0, 0, 1)
-function onGearDelete(gear)
-	if GetGearType(gear) == gtHedgehog then
-		if GetHogTeamName(gear) == loc("Hapless Hogs") then
-			hhCount = hhCount - 1
-			AddCaption(string.format(loc("%d Hapless Hogs left"), hhCount))
-		end
-	end
-	if ((gear == player) or (hhCount == 0)) and (GameOver == false) then
-		SetHealth(player, 0)
-		AddCaption(loc("Disqualified!"))
-		if gear == player then
-			SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Your hedgehog died!"))
-			SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You must survive the flood in order to score."))
-		else
-			SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You haven't rescued anyone."))
-		end
-		SendStat(siPlayerKills, "0", loc("Nameless Heroes"))
-		SendStat(siPointType, loc("points"))
-		SendStat(siGameResult, loc("Disqualified!"))
-		GameOver = true
-		EndGame()
-	end