changeset 13900 6b2c87490f0a
parent 13898 8c702a4839ec
child 14001 3183c4dc6e53
--- a/hedgewars/uUtils.pas	Tue Oct 09 11:28:07 2018 -0400
+++ b/hedgewars/uUtils.pas	Tue Oct 09 12:54:40 2018 -0400
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 function  IntToStr(n: LongInt): shortstring;
 function  StrToInt(s: shortstring): LongInt;
-function  StrToInt(s: shortstring; var success: boolean): LongInt;
+//function  StrToInt(s: shortstring; var success: boolean): LongInt;
 function  FloatToStr(n: hwFloat): shortstring;
 function  DxDy2Angle(const _dY, _dX: hwFloat): real; inline;
@@ -335,18 +335,17 @@
 // Convert string to longint, with error checking.
 // Success will be set to false when conversion failed.
 // See documentation on Val procedure for syntax of s
-function StrToInt(s: shortstring; var success: boolean): LongInt;
-val(s, StrToInt);
-success:= StrToInt <> nil;
+//function StrToInt(s: shortstring; var success: boolean): LongInt;
+//var Code: Word;
+//val(s, StrToInt, Code);
+//success:= Code = 0;
 // Convert string to longint, without error checking
 function StrToInt(s: shortstring): LongInt;
-var success: boolean; // ignored
-success:= true; // avoid compiler hint
-StrToInt:= StrToInt(s, success);
+val(s, StrToInt);
 function FloatToStr(n: hwFloat): shortstring;