changeset 5375 ec4006837feb
parent 5313 5e18eaef65d0
child 5343 ff7ecf483759
child 5357 ec36f3d53f3c
--- a/hedgewars/uScript.pas	Tue Jun 28 17:56:25 2011 +0200
+++ b/hedgewars/uScript.pas	Tue Jun 28 17:57:54 2011 +0200
@@ -223,16 +223,64 @@
     lc_campaignunlock:= 0;
+function lc_spawnfakehealthcrate(L: Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;
+var gear: PGear;
+    if lua_gettop(L) <> 3 then begin
+        LuaError('Lua: Wrong number of parameters passed to SpawnFakeHealthCrate!');
+        lua_pushnil(L);
+    end
+    else begin
+        gear := SpawnFakeCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2),
+            HealthCrate, lua_toboolean(L, 3));
+        lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid);
+    end;
+    lc_spawnfakehealthcrate := 1;        
+function lc_spawnfakeammocrate(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;
+var gear: PGear;
+    if lua_gettop(L) <> 3 then begin
+        LuaError('Lua: Wrong number of parameters passed to SpawnFakeAmmoCrate!');
+        lua_pushnil(L);
+    end
+    else begin
+        gear := SpawnFakeCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2),
+            AmmoCrate, lua_toboolean(L, 3));
+        lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid);
+    end;
+    lc_spawnfakeammocrate := 1;
+function lc_spawnfakeutilitycrate(L: PLua_State): LongInt; Cdecl;
+var gear: PGear;
+    if lua_gettop(L) <> 3 then begin
+        LuaError('Lua: Wrong number of parameters passed to SpawnFakeUtilityCrate!');
+        lua_pushnil(L);
+    end
+    else begin  
+        gear := SpawnFakeCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2),
+            UtilityCrate, lua_toboolean(L, 3));
+        lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid);
+    end;
+    lc_spawnfakeutilitycrate := 1;
 function lc_spawnhealthcrate(L: Plua_State) : LongInt; Cdecl;
 var gear: PGear;
+var health: LongInt;
-    if lua_gettop(L) <> 2 then begin
+    if (lua_gettop(L) < 2) or (lua_gettop(L) > 3) then begin
         LuaError('Lua: Wrong number of parameters passed to SpawnHealthCrate!');
     else begin
+        if lua_gettop(L) = 3 then health:= lua_tointeger(L, 3)
+        else health:= cHealthCaseAmount;
         gear := SpawnCustomCrateAt(lua_tointeger(L, 1), lua_tointeger(L, 2),
-            HealthCrate, 0);
+            HealthCrate, health);
         lua_pushinteger(L, gear^.uid);
     lc_spawnhealthcrate := 1;        
@@ -1740,6 +1788,9 @@
 lua_register(luaState, 'SpawnHealthCrate', @lc_spawnhealthcrate);
 lua_register(luaState, 'SpawnAmmoCrate', @lc_spawnammocrate);
 lua_register(luaState, 'SpawnUtilityCrate', @lc_spawnutilitycrate);
+lua_register(luaState, 'SpawnFakeHealthCrate', @lc_spawnfakehealthcrate);
+lua_register(luaState, 'SpawnFakeAmmoCrate', @lc_spawnfakeammocrate);
+lua_register(luaState, 'SpawnFakeUtilityCrate', @lc_spawnfakeutilitycrate);
 lua_register(luaState, 'WriteLnToConsole', @lc_writelntoconsole);
 lua_register(luaState, 'GetGearType', @lc_getgeartype);
 lua_register(luaState, 'EndGame', @lc_endgame);