changeset 14056 ecfd13128100
parent 14055 f9281c294a4c
child 14058 bf8b7c166b3c
--- a/hedgewars/uTypes.pas	Sun Oct 28 02:24:06 2018 +0200
+++ b/hedgewars/uTypes.pas	Sun Oct 28 04:21:13 2018 +0100
@@ -154,7 +154,8 @@
             sndCustom5, sndCustom6, sndCustom7, sndCustom8, sndMinigun, sndFlamethrower, sndIceBeamIdle,
             sndLandGun, sndCaseImpact, sndExtraDamage, sndFirePunchHit, sndGrenade, sndThisOneIsMine,
             sndWhatThe, sndSoLong, sndOhDear, sndGonnaGetYou, sndDrat, sndBugger, sndAmazing,
-            sndBrilliant, sndExcellent, sndFire, sndWatchThis, sndRunAway, sndRevenge);
+            sndBrilliant, sndExcellent, sndFire, sndWatchThis, sndRunAway, sndRevenge, sndCutItOut,
+            sndLeaveMeAlone);
     // Available ammo types to be used by hedgehogs
     TAmmoType  = (amNothing, amGrenade, amClusterBomb, amBazooka, amBee, amShotgun, amPickHammer, // 6
@@ -330,19 +331,20 @@
     TStatistics = record
-        DamageRecv,
-        DamageGiven: Longword;
-        StepDamageRecv,
-        StepDamageGiven,
-        StepKills: Longword;
-        StepPoisoned,
-        StepDied,
-        Sacrificed: boolean;
-        MaxStepDamageRecv,
-        MaxStepDamageGiven,
-        MaxStepKills: Longword;
+        DamageRecv,              // total damage received
+        DamageGiven: Longword;   // total damage dealt
+        StepDamageRecvInRow,     // number of enemy turns in row this hog received any damage
+        StepDamageRecv,          // damage received in this turn
+        StepDamageGiven,         // damage dealt in this turn
+        StepKills: Longword;     // kills in this turn
+        StepPoisoned,            // whether hog got poisoned this turn
+        StepDied,                // whether hog died this turn
+        Sacrificed,              // whether hog was sacrificed in suicide attack (kamikaze, piano)
+        GotRevenge: boolean;     // whether hog got revenge in this turn
+        MaxStepDamageRecv,       // most damage received in one turn
+        MaxStepDamageGiven,      // most damage dealt in one turn
+        MaxStepKills: Longword;  // most kills in one turn
         FinishedTurns: Longword;
-        GotRevenge: boolean;     // True if hog got revenge in this turn
     TTeamStats = record