changeset 11362 ed5a6478e710
parent 10924 ed1b6914cac5
child 11366 f1b5f1dc61a3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tools/pas2c/PascalParser.hs	Tue Nov 10 20:43:13 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
+module PascalParser (
+    pascalUnit,
+    mainResultInit
+    )
+    where
+import Text.Parsec
+import Text.Parsec.Token
+import Text.Parsec.Expr
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Char
+import PascalBasics
+import PascalUnitSyntaxTree
+mainResultInit :: Phrase
+mainResultInit = (\(Right a) -> a) $ parse phrase "<built-in>" "main:= 0;"
+knownTypes :: [String]
+knownTypes = ["shortstring", "ansistring", "char", "byte"]
+pascalUnit :: Parsec String u PascalUnit
+pascalUnit = do
+    comments
+    u <- choice [program, unit, systemUnit, redoUnit]
+    comments
+    return u
+iD :: Parsec String u Identifier
+iD = do
+    i <- identifier pas
+    comments
+    when (i == "not") $ unexpected "'not' used as an identifier"
+    return $ Identifier i BTUnknown
+unit :: Parsec String u PascalUnit
+unit = do
+    string' "unit" >> comments
+    name <- iD
+    void $ semi pas
+    comments
+    int <- interface
+    impl <- implementation
+    comments
+    return $ Unit name int impl Nothing Nothing
+reference :: Parsec String u Reference
+reference = term <?> "reference"
+    where
+    term = comments >> choice [
+        parens pas (liftM RefExpression expression >>= postfixes) >>= postfixes
+        , try $ typeCast >>= postfixes
+        , char' '@' >> liftM Address reference >>= postfixes
+        , liftM SimpleReference iD >>= postfixes
+        ] <?> "simple reference"
+    postfixes r = many postfix >>= return . foldl (flip ($)) r
+    postfix = choice [
+            parens pas (option [] parameters) >>= return . FunCall
+          , char' '^' >> return Dereference
+          , (brackets pas) (commaSep1 pas $ expression) >>= return . ArrayElement
+          , (char' '.' >> notFollowedBy (char' '.')) >> liftM (flip RecordField) reference
+        ]
+    typeCast = do
+        t <- choice $ map (\s -> try $ caseInsensitiveString s >>= \i -> notFollowedBy alphaNum >> return i) knownTypes
+        e <- parens pas expression
+        comments
+        return $ TypeCast (Identifier t BTUnknown) e
+varsDecl1, varsDecl :: Bool -> Parsec String u [TypeVarDeclaration]
+varsDecl1 = varsParser sepEndBy1
+varsDecl = varsParser sepEndBy
+varsParser ::
+    (Parsec String u TypeVarDeclaration
+        -> Parsec String u String
+        -> Parsec
+            String u [TypeVarDeclaration])
+    -> Bool
+    -> Parsec
+            String u [TypeVarDeclaration]
+varsParser m endsWithSemi = do
+    vs <- m (aVarDecl endsWithSemi) (semi pas)
+    return vs
+aVarDecl :: Bool -> Parsec String u TypeVarDeclaration
+aVarDecl endsWithSemi = do
+    isVar <- liftM (\i -> i == Just "var" || i == Just "out") $
+        if not endsWithSemi then
+            optionMaybe $ choice [
+                try $ string "var"
+                , try $ string "const"
+                , try $ string "out"
+                ]
+            else
+                return Nothing
+    comments
+    ids <- do
+        i <- (commaSep1 pas) $ (try iD <?> "variable declaration")
+        char' ':'
+        return i
+    comments
+    t <- typeDecl <?> "variable type declaration"
+    comments
+    initialization <- option Nothing $ do
+        char' '='
+        comments
+        e <- initExpression
+        comments
+        return (Just e)
+    return $ VarDeclaration isVar False (ids, t) initialization
+constsDecl :: Parsec String u [TypeVarDeclaration]
+constsDecl = do
+    vs <- many1 (try (aConstDecl >>= \i -> semi pas >> return i) >>= \i -> comments >> return i)
+    comments
+    return vs
+    where
+    aConstDecl = do
+        comments
+        i <- iD
+        t <- optionMaybe $ do
+            char' ':'
+            comments
+            t <- typeDecl
+            comments
+            return t
+        char' '='
+        comments
+        e <- initExpression
+        comments
+        return $ VarDeclaration False (isNothing t) ([i], fromMaybe (DeriveType e) t) (Just e)
+typeDecl :: Parsec String u TypeDecl
+typeDecl = choice [
+    char' '^' >> typeDecl >>= return . PointerTo
+    , try (string' "shortstring") >> return String
+    , try (string' "string") >> optionMaybe (brackets pas $ integer pas) >> return String
+    , try (string' "ansistring") >> optionMaybe (brackets pas $ integer pas) >> return AString
+    , arrayDecl
+    , recordDecl
+    , setDecl
+    , functionType
+    , sequenceDecl >>= return . Sequence
+    , try iD >>= return . SimpleType
+    , rangeDecl >>= return . RangeType
+    ] <?> "type declaration"
+    where
+    arrayDecl = do
+        try $ do
+            optional $ (try $ string' "packed") >> comments
+            string' "array"
+        comments
+        r <- option [] $ do
+            char' '['
+            r <- commaSep pas rangeDecl
+            char' ']'
+            comments
+            return r
+        string' "of"
+        comments
+        t <- typeDecl
+        if null r then
+            return $ ArrayDecl Nothing t
+            else
+            return $ foldr (\a b -> ArrayDecl (Just a) b) (ArrayDecl (Just $ head r) t) (tail r)
+    recordDecl = do
+        try $ do
+            optional $ (try $ string' "packed") >> comments
+            string' "record"
+        comments
+        vs <- varsDecl True
+        union <- optionMaybe $ do
+            string' "case"
+            comments
+            void $ iD
+            comments
+            string' "of"
+            comments
+            many unionCase
+        string' "end"
+        return $ RecordType vs union
+    setDecl = do
+        try $ string' "set" >> void space
+        comments
+        string' "of"
+        comments
+        liftM Set typeDecl
+    unionCase = do
+        void $ try $ commaSep pas $ (void $ iD) <|> (void $ integer pas)
+        char' ':'
+        comments
+        u <- parens pas $ varsDecl True
+        char' ';'
+        comments
+        return u
+    sequenceDecl = (parens pas) $ (commaSep pas) (iD >>= \i -> optional (spaces >> char' '=' >> spaces >> integer pas) >> return i)
+    functionType = do
+        fp <- try (string "function") <|> try (string "procedure")
+        comments
+        vs <- option [] $ parens pas $ varsDecl False
+        comments
+        ret <- if (fp == "function") then do
+            char' ':'
+            comments
+            ret <- typeDecl
+            comments
+            return ret
+            else
+            return VoidType
+        optional $ try $ char' ';' >> comments >> string' "cdecl"
+        comments
+        return $ FunctionType ret vs
+typesDecl :: Parsec String u [TypeVarDeclaration]
+typesDecl = many (aTypeDecl >>= \t -> comments >> return t)
+    where
+    aTypeDecl = do
+        i <- try $ do
+            i <- iD <?> "type declaration"
+            comments
+            char' '='
+            return i
+        comments
+        t <- typeDecl
+        comments
+        void $ semi pas
+        comments
+        return $ TypeDeclaration i t
+rangeDecl :: Parsec String u Range
+rangeDecl = choice [
+    try $ rangeft
+    , iD >>= return . Range
+    ] <?> "range declaration"
+    where
+    rangeft = do
+    e1 <- initExpression
+    string' ".."
+    e2 <- initExpression
+    return $ RangeFromTo e1 e2
+typeVarDeclaration :: Bool -> Parsec String u [TypeVarDeclaration]
+typeVarDeclaration isImpl = (liftM concat . many . choice) [
+    varSection,
+    constSection,
+    typeSection,
+    funcDecl,
+    operatorDecl
+    ]
+    where
+    fixInit v = concat $ map (\x -> case x of
+                    VarDeclaration a b (ids, t) c ->
+                        let typeId = (Identifier ((\(Identifier i _) -> i) (head ids) ++ "_tt") BTUnknown) in
+                        let res =  [TypeDeclaration typeId t, VarDeclaration a b (ids, (SimpleType typeId)) c] in
+                        case t of
+                            RecordType _ _ -> res -- create a separated type declaration
+                            ArrayDecl _ _ -> res
+                            _ -> [x]
+                    _ -> error ("checkInit:\n" ++ (show v))) v
+    varSection = do
+        try $ string' "var"
+        comments
+        v <- varsDecl1 True <?> "variable declaration"
+        comments
+        return $ fixInit v
+    constSection = do
+        try $ string' "const"
+        comments
+        c <- constsDecl <?> "const declaration"
+        comments
+        return $ fixInit c
+    typeSection = do
+        try $ string' "type"
+        comments
+        t <- typesDecl <?> "type declaration"
+        comments
+        return t
+    operatorDecl = do
+        try $ string' "operator"
+        comments
+        i <- manyTill anyChar space
+        comments
+        vs <- parens pas $ varsDecl False
+        comments
+        rid <- iD
+        comments
+        char' ':'
+        comments
+        ret <- typeDecl
+        comments
+        -- return ret
+        -- ^^^^^^^^^^ wth was this???
+        char' ';'
+        comments
+        forward <- liftM isJust $ optionMaybe (try (string' "forward;") >> comments)
+        inline <- liftM (any (== "inline;")) $ many functionDecorator
+        b <- if isImpl && (not forward) then
+                liftM Just functionBody
+                else
+                return Nothing
+        return $ [OperatorDeclaration i rid inline ret vs b]
+    funcDecl = do
+        fp <- try (string "function") <|> try (string "procedure")
+        comments
+        i <- iD
+        vs <- option [] $ parens pas $ varsDecl False
+        comments
+        ret <- if (fp == "function") then do
+            char' ':'
+            comments
+            ret <- typeDecl
+            comments
+            return ret
+            else
+            return VoidType
+        char' ';'
+        comments
+        forward <- liftM isJust $ optionMaybe (try (string "forward;") >> comments)
+        decorators <- many functionDecorator
+        let inline = any (== "inline;") decorators
+            overload = any (== "overload;") decorators
+            external = any (== "external;") decorators
+        -- TODO: don't mangle external functions names (and remove fpcrtl.h defines hacks)
+        b <- if isImpl && (not forward) && (not external) then
+                liftM Just functionBody
+                else
+                return Nothing
+        return $ [FunctionDeclaration i inline overload external ret vs b]
+    functionDecorator = do
+        d <- choice [
+            try $ string "inline;"
+            , try $ caseInsensitiveString "cdecl;"
+            , try $ string "overload;"
+            , try $ string "export;"
+            , try $ string "varargs;"
+            , try (string' "external") >> comments >> iD >> comments >>
+                optional (string' "name" >> comments >> stringLiteral pas) >> string' ";" >> return "external;"
+            ]
+        comments
+        return d
+program :: Parsec String u PascalUnit
+program = do
+    string' "program"
+    comments
+    name <- iD
+    (char' ';')
+    comments
+    comments
+    u <- uses
+    comments
+    tv <- typeVarDeclaration True
+    comments
+    p <- phrase
+    comments
+    char' '.'
+    comments
+    return $ Program name (Implementation u (TypesAndVars tv)) p
+interface :: Parsec String u Interface
+interface = do
+    string' "interface"
+    comments
+    u <- uses
+    comments
+    tv <- typeVarDeclaration False
+    comments
+    return $ Interface u (TypesAndVars tv)
+implementation :: Parsec String u Implementation
+implementation = do
+    string' "implementation"
+    comments
+    u <- uses
+    comments
+    tv <- typeVarDeclaration True
+    string' "end."
+    comments
+    return $ Implementation u (TypesAndVars tv)
+expression :: Parsec String u Expression
+expression = do
+    buildExpressionParser table term <?> "expression"
+    where
+    term = comments >> choice [
+        builtInFunction expression >>= \(n, e) -> return $ BuiltInFunCall e (SimpleReference (Identifier n BTUnknown))
+        , try (parens pas expression >>= \e -> notFollowedBy (comments >> char' '.') >> return e)
+        , brackets pas (commaSep pas iD) >>= return . SetExpression
+        , try $ integer pas >>= \i -> notFollowedBy (char' '.') >> (return . NumberLiteral . show) i
+        , float pas >>= return . FloatLiteral . show
+        , try $ integer pas >>= return . NumberLiteral . show
+        , try (string' "_S" >> stringLiteral pas) >>= return . StringLiteral
+        , try (string' "_P" >> stringLiteral pas) >>= return . PCharLiteral
+        , stringLiteral pas >>= return . strOrChar
+        , try (string' "#$") >> many hexDigit >>= \c -> comments >> return (HexCharCode c)
+        , char' '#' >> many digit >>= \c -> comments >> return (CharCode c)
+        , char' '$' >> many hexDigit >>=  \h -> comments >> return (HexNumber h)
+        --, char' '-' >> expression >>= return . PrefixOp "-"
+        , char' '-' >> reference >>= return . PrefixOp "-" . Reference
+        , (try $ string' "not" >> notFollowedBy comments) >> unexpected "'not'"
+        , try $ string' "nil" >> return Null
+        , reference >>= return . Reference
+        ] <?> "simple expression"
+    table = [
+          [  Prefix (reservedOp pas "not">> return (PrefixOp "not"))
+           , Prefix (try (char' '-') >> return (PrefixOp "-"))]
+           ,
+          [  Infix (char' '*' >> return (BinOp "*")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (char' '/' >> return (BinOp "/")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try (string' "div") >> return (BinOp "div")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try (string' "mod") >> return (BinOp "mod")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try (string' "in") >> return (BinOp "in")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (try $ string' "and" >> return (BinOp "and")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "shl" >> return (BinOp "shl")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "shr" >> return (BinOp "shr")) AssocLeft
+          ]
+        , [  Infix (char' '+' >> return (BinOp "+")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (char' '-' >> return (BinOp "-")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "or" >> return (BinOp "or")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "xor" >> return (BinOp "xor")) AssocLeft
+          ]
+        , [  Infix (try (string' "<>") >> return (BinOp "<>")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (try (string' "<=") >> return (BinOp "<=")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (try (string' ">=") >> return (BinOp ">=")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (char' '<' >> return (BinOp "<")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (char' '>' >> return (BinOp ">")) AssocNone
+          ]
+        {-, [  Infix (try $ string' "shl" >> return (BinOp "shl")) AssocNone
+             , Infix (try $ string' "shr" >> return (BinOp "shr")) AssocNone
+          ]
+        , [
+             Infix (try $ string' "or" >> return (BinOp "or")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "xor" >> return (BinOp "xor")) AssocLeft
+          ]-}
+        , [
+             Infix (char' '=' >> return (BinOp "=")) AssocNone
+          ]
+        ]
+    strOrChar [a] = CharCode . show . ord $ a
+    strOrChar a = StringLiteral a
+phrasesBlock :: Parsec String u Phrase
+phrasesBlock = do
+    try $ string' "begin"
+    comments
+    p <- manyTill phrase (try $ string' "end" >> notFollowedBy alphaNum)
+    comments
+    return $ Phrases p
+phrase :: Parsec String u Phrase
+phrase = do
+    o <- choice [
+        phrasesBlock
+        , ifBlock
+        , whileCycle
+        , repeatCycle
+        , switchCase
+        , withBlock
+        , forCycle
+        , (try $ reference >>= \r -> string' ":=" >> return r) >>= \r -> comments >> expression >>= return . Assignment r
+        , builtInFunction expression >>= \(n, e) -> return $ BuiltInFunctionCall e (SimpleReference (Identifier n BTUnknown))
+        , procCall
+        , char' ';' >> comments >> return NOP
+        ]
+    optional $ char' ';'
+    comments
+    return o
+ifBlock :: Parsec String u Phrase
+ifBlock = do
+    try $ string "if" >> notFollowedBy (alphaNum <|> char '_')
+    comments
+    e <- expression
+    comments
+    string' "then"
+    comments
+    o1 <- phrase
+    comments
+    o2 <- optionMaybe $ do
+        try $ string' "else" >> void space
+        comments
+        o <- option NOP phrase
+        comments
+        return o
+    return $ IfThenElse e o1 o2
+whileCycle :: Parsec String u Phrase
+whileCycle = do
+    try $ string' "while"
+    comments
+    e <- expression
+    comments
+    string' "do"
+    comments
+    o <- phrase
+    return $ WhileCycle e o
+withBlock :: Parsec String u Phrase
+withBlock = do
+    try $ string' "with" >> void space
+    comments
+    rs <- (commaSep1 pas) reference
+    comments
+    string' "do"
+    comments
+    o <- phrase
+    return $ foldr WithBlock o rs
+repeatCycle :: Parsec String u Phrase
+repeatCycle = do
+    try $ string' "repeat" >> void space
+    comments
+    o <- many phrase
+    string' "until"
+    comments
+    e <- expression
+    comments
+    return $ RepeatCycle e o
+forCycle :: Parsec String u Phrase
+forCycle = do
+    try $ string' "for" >> void space
+    comments
+    i <- iD
+    comments
+    string' ":="
+    comments
+    e1 <- expression
+    comments
+    up <- liftM (== Just "to") $
+            optionMaybe $ choice [
+                try $ string "to"
+                , try $ string "downto"
+                ]
+    --choice [string' "to", string' "downto"]
+    comments
+    e2 <- expression
+    comments
+    string' "do"
+    comments
+    p <- phrase
+    comments
+    return $ ForCycle i e1 e2 p up
+switchCase :: Parsec String u Phrase
+switchCase = do
+    try $ string' "case"
+    comments
+    e <- expression
+    comments
+    string' "of"
+    comments
+    cs <- many1 aCase
+    o2 <- optionMaybe $ do
+        try $ string' "else" >> notFollowedBy alphaNum
+        comments
+        o <- many phrase
+        comments
+        return o
+    string' "end"
+    comments
+    return $ SwitchCase e cs o2
+    where
+    aCase = do
+        e <- (commaSep pas) $ (liftM InitRange rangeDecl <|> initExpression)
+        comments
+        char' ':'
+        comments
+        p <- phrase
+        comments
+        return (e, p)
+procCall :: Parsec String u Phrase
+procCall = do
+    r <- reference
+    p <- option [] $ (parens pas) parameters
+    return $ ProcCall r p
+parameters :: Parsec String u [Expression]
+parameters = (commaSep pas) expression <?> "parameters"
+functionBody :: Parsec String u (TypesAndVars, Phrase)
+functionBody = do
+    tv <- typeVarDeclaration True
+    comments
+    p <- phrasesBlock
+    char' ';'
+    comments
+    return (TypesAndVars tv, p)
+uses :: Parsec String u Uses
+uses = liftM Uses (option [] u)
+    where
+        u = do
+            string' "uses"
+            comments
+            ulist <- (iD >>= \i -> comments >> return i) `sepBy1` (char' ',' >> comments)
+            char' ';'
+            comments
+            return ulist
+initExpression :: Parsec String u InitExpression
+initExpression = buildExpressionParser table term <?> "initialization expression"
+    where
+    term = comments >> choice [
+        liftM (uncurry BuiltInFunction) $ builtInFunction initExpression
+        , try $ brackets pas (commaSep pas $ initExpression) >>= return . InitSet
+        , try $ parens pas (commaSep pas $ initExpression) >>= \ia -> when ((notRecord $ head ia) && (null $ tail ia)) mzero >> return (InitArray ia)
+        , try $ parens pas (sepEndBy recField (char' ';' >> comments)) >>= return . InitRecord
+        , parens pas initExpression
+        , try $ integer pas >>= \i -> notFollowedBy (char' '.') >> (return . InitNumber . show) i
+        , try $ float pas >>= return . InitFloat . show
+        , try $ integer pas >>= return . InitNumber . show
+        , try (string' "_S" >> stringLiteral pas) >>= return . InitString
+        , try (string' "_P" >> stringLiteral pas) >>= return . InitPChar
+        , stringLiteral pas >>= return . InitString
+        , char' '#' >> many digit >>= \c -> comments >> return (InitChar c)
+        , char' '$' >> many hexDigit >>= \h -> comments >> return (InitHexNumber h)
+        , char' '@' >> initExpression >>= \c -> comments >> return (InitAddress c)
+        , try $ string' "nil" >> return InitNull
+        , try itypeCast
+        , iD >>= return . InitReference
+        ]
+    notRecord (InitRecord _) = False
+    notRecord _ = True
+    recField = do
+        i <- iD
+        spaces
+        char' ':'
+        spaces
+        e <- initExpression
+        spaces
+        return (i ,e)
+    table = [
+          [
+             Prefix (char' '-' >> return (InitPrefixOp "-"))
+            ,Prefix (try (string' "not") >> return (InitPrefixOp "not"))
+          ]
+        , [  Infix (char' '*' >> return (InitBinOp "*")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (char' '/' >> return (InitBinOp "/")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try (string' "div") >> return (InitBinOp "div")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try (string' "mod") >> return (InitBinOp "mod")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "and" >> return (InitBinOp "and")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "shl" >> return (InitBinOp "shl")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (try $ string' "shr" >> return (InitBinOp "shr")) AssocNone
+          ]
+        , [  Infix (char' '+' >> return (InitBinOp "+")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (char' '-' >> return (InitBinOp "-")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "or" >> return (InitBinOp "or")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "xor" >> return (InitBinOp "xor")) AssocLeft
+          ]
+        , [  Infix (try (string' "<>") >> return (InitBinOp "<>")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (try (string' "<=") >> return (InitBinOp "<=")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (try (string' ">=") >> return (InitBinOp ">=")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (char' '<' >> return (InitBinOp "<")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (char' '>' >> return (InitBinOp ">")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (char' '=' >> return (InitBinOp "=")) AssocNone
+          ]
+        {--, [  Infix (try $ string' "and" >> return (InitBinOp "and")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "or" >> return (InitBinOp "or")) AssocLeft
+           , Infix (try $ string' "xor" >> return (InitBinOp "xor")) AssocLeft
+          ]
+        , [  Infix (try $ string' "shl" >> return (InitBinOp "shl")) AssocNone
+           , Infix (try $ string' "shr" >> return (InitBinOp "shr")) AssocNone
+          ]--}
+        --, [Prefix (try (string' "not") >> return (InitPrefixOp "not"))]
+        ]
+    itypeCast = do
+        --t <- choice $ map (\s -> try $ caseInsensitiveString s >>= \i -> notFollowedBy alphaNum >> return i) knownTypes
+        t <- iD
+        i <- parens pas initExpression
+        comments
+        return $ InitTypeCast t i
+builtInFunction :: Parsec String u a -> Parsec String u (String, [a])
+builtInFunction e = do
+    name <- choice $ map (\s -> try $ caseInsensitiveString s >>= \i -> notFollowedBy alphaNum >> return i) builtin
+    spaces
+    exprs <- option [] $ parens pas $ option [] $ commaSep1 pas $ e
+    spaces
+    return (name, exprs)
+systemUnit :: Parsec String u PascalUnit
+systemUnit = do
+    string' "system;"
+    comments
+    string' "type"
+    comments
+    t <- typesDecl
+    string' "var"
+    v <- varsDecl True
+    return $ System (t ++ v)
+redoUnit :: Parsec String u PascalUnit
+redoUnit = do
+    string' "redo;"
+    comments
+    string' "type"
+    comments
+    t <- typesDecl
+    string' "var"
+    v <- varsDecl True
+    return $ Redo (t ++ v)