Script might well override a static map, but can't risk it not doing it, and preview completely failing. Better to just not try it for static maps. Some script cfg might help. Could also avoid unnnecessary preview regenerations even if the script was doing nothing at all.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Votes where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State
import ServerState
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe
import Utils
import CoreTypes
import HandlerUtils
voted :: Bool -> Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [Action]
voted vote = do
cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
uid <- liftM clUID thisClient
if isNothing $ voting rm then
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", "[server]", loc "There's no voting going on"]]
else if uid `L.notElem` entitledToVote (fromJust $ voting rm) then
return []
else if uid `L.elem` map fst (votes . fromJust $ voting rm) then
return [AnswerClients [sendChan cl] ["CHAT", "[server]", loc "You already have voted"]]
actOnVoting . fromJust . liftM (\v -> v{votes = (uid, vote):votes v}) $ voting rm
actOnVoting :: Voting -> Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [Action]
actOnVoting vt = do
let (contra, pro) = L.partition snd $ votes vt
let v = (length $ entitledToVote vt) `div` 2 + 1
if length contra >= v then
else if length pro >= v then do
act $ voteType vt
return [ModifyRoom $ \r -> r{voting = Just vt}]
closeVoting = do
chans <- roomClientsChans
return [
AnswerClients chans ["CHAT", "[server]", loc "Voting closed"]
, ModifyRoom (\r -> r{voting = Nothing})
act (VoteKick nickname) = do
(thisClientId, rnc) <- ask
maybeClientId <- clientByNick nickname
rm <- thisRoom
let kickId = fromJust maybeClientId
let kickCl = rnc `client` kickId
let sameRoom = clientRoom rnc thisClientId == clientRoom rnc kickId
[KickRoomClient kickId |
isJust maybeClientId
&& sameRoom
&& ((isNothing $ gameInfo rm) || teamsInGame kickCl == 0)
startVote :: VoteType -> Reader (ClientIndex, IRnC) [Action]
startVote vt = do
(ci, rnc) <- ask
--cl <- thisClient
rm <- thisRoom
chans <- roomClientsChans
let uids = map (clUID . client rnc) . roomClients rnc $ clientRoom rnc ci
if isJust $ voting rm then
return []
liftM ([ModifyRoom (\r -> r{voting = Just (newVoting vt){entitledToVote = uids}})
, AnswerClients chans ["CHAT", "[server]", B.concat [loc "New voting started", ": ", voteInfo vt]]
] ++ ) $ voted True
checkVotes :: StateT ServerState IO ()
checkVotes = undefined
voteInfo :: VoteType -> B.ByteString
voteInfo (VoteKick n) = B.concat [loc "kick", " ", n]