Rewrote the Ammomenu:
Added landscape ammomenu
At the moment MOBILE indicates landscape, but we could just as easily make a variable out of it
Draw to texture once
uVariables.AmmoMenuInvalidated indicates a new ammo menu needs to be drawn, see uTeams and uAmmos
Slot/Cellsize is dependent on uConsts.AMSlotSize
this should make it easier to scale the ammo menu on smaller screens
AmmoRect indicates where and how big the ammo menu is, this makes positioning a bit easier imo, because you only need to change the position at one single point
needs testing on the iphone (and other systems as well ofcourse..)
// NSWorkspace_RBAdditions.h
// PathProps
// Created by Rainer Brockerhoff on 10/04/2007.
// Copyright 2007 Rainer Brockerhoff. All rights reserved.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
extern NSString* NSWorkspace_RBfstypename;
extern NSString* NSWorkspace_RBmntonname;
extern NSString* NSWorkspace_RBmntfromname;
extern NSString* NSWorkspace_RBdeviceinfo;
extern NSString* NSWorkspace_RBimagefilepath;
extern NSString* NSWorkspace_RBconnectiontype;
extern NSString* NSWorkspace_RBpartitionscheme;
extern NSString* NSWorkspace_RBserverURL;
@interface NSWorkspace (NSWorkspace_RBAdditions)
// This method will return nil if the input path is invalid. Otherwise, the returned NSDictionary may contain
// the following keys:
//- NSWorkspace_RBfstypename: will always be present.Shows the filesystem type (usually "hfs"), from statfs.
//- NSWorkspace_RBmntonname: will always be present. Shows the volume mount point.
//- NSWorkspace_RBmntfromname: will always be present. Shows the BSD device path for local volumes; info for
// remote volumes depends on the filesystem type.
//- NSWorkspace_RBconnectiontype: should always be present for local volumes. Shows the connection type ("SATA", "USB", etc.).
//- NSWorkspace_RBpartitionscheme: should always be present for local volumes. Shows the partition scheme.
//- NSWorkspace_RBdeviceinfo: should always be present for local volumes. Shows some information about the
// physical device; varies widely.
//- NSWorkspace_RBimagefilepath: should be present for disk images only. Shows the path of the disk image file.
//- NSWorkspace_RBserverURL: should be present for remote volumes only. Shows the server URL.
- (NSDictionary*)propertiesForPath: