Some themers expressed desire to have translucent themes. While the current AA stuff in uLandGraphics won't really allow this to work with LandBackTex properly, seems to me it should be safe to allow alpha for LandTex. Our LandTex should all have alpha of 255 on the existing themes.
#ifndef SYSTEM_H_
#define SYSTEM_H_
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "Types.h"
#include "misc.h"
extern double pi;
typedef TDate* PDate;
// dimension info for dynamic arrays
typedef struct {
int dim;
int a[4]; // at most 4
} fpcrtl_dimension_t;
* Copy returns a string which is a copy if the Count characters in S, starting at position Index.
* If Count is larger than the length of the string S, the result is truncated.
* If Index is larger than the length of the string S, then an empty string is returned.
* Index is 1-based.
string255 fpcrtl_copy(string255 s, Integer Index, Integer Count);
astring fpcrtl_copyA(astring s, Integer Index, Integer Count);
* Insert a shortstring in another at a specified index
void fpcrtl_insert__vars(string255 *src, string255 *dst, SizeInt index);
#define fpcrtl_insert(src, dst, index) fpcrtl_insert__vars(&(src), &(dst), index);
#define fpcrtl_Insert fpcrtl_insert
* Delete removes Count characters from string S, starting at position Index.
* All characters after the deleted characters are shifted Count positions to the left,
* and the length of the string is adjusted.
#define fpcrtl_delete(s, index, count) fpcrtl_delete__vars(&(s), index, count)
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_delete__vars(string255 *s, SizeInt index, SizeInt count);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_delete__vars(astring *s, SizeInt index, SizeInt count);
#define fpcrtl_Delete fpcrtl_delete
string255 fpcrtl_floatToStr(double n);
* Move data from one location in memory to another
void fpcrtl_move__vars(void *src, void *dst, SizeInt count);
#define fpcrtl_move(src, dst, count) fpcrtl_move__vars(&(src), &(dst), count);
#define fpcrtl_Move fpcrtl_move
Integer __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_pos(Char c, string255 str);
Integer __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_pos(string255 substr, string255 str);
Integer __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_pos(string255 substr, astring str);
Integer __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_pos(Char c, astring str);
Integer fpcrtl_length(string255 s);
#define fpcrtl_Length fpcrtl_length
Integer fpcrtl_lengthA(astring s);
#define fpcrtl_LengthA fpcrtl_lengthA
#define fpcrtl_SetLengthA(s, l) do{(s).len = (l);}while(0)
#define fpcrtl_sqr(x) ((x) * (x))
#define fpcrtl_odd(x) ((x) % 2 != 0 ? true : false)
#define fpcrtl_StrLen strlen
#define SizeOf sizeof
string255 fpcrtl_lowerCase(string255 s);
#define fpcrtl_LowerCase fpcrtl_lowerCase
void fpcrtl_fillChar__vars(void *x, SizeInt count, Byte value);
#define fpcrtl_fillChar(x, count, value) fpcrtl_fillChar__vars(&(x), count, value)
#define fpcrtl_FillChar fpcrtl_fillChar
void fpcrtl_new__vars(void **p, int size);
#define fpcrtl_new(a) fpcrtl_new__vars((void **)&(a), sizeof(*(a)))
#define fpcrtl_dispose free
#define fpcrtl_freeMem(p, size) free(p)
#define fpcrtl_FreeMem(p, size) free(p)
#define fpcrtl_getMem(size) malloc(size)
#define fpcrtl_GetMem fpcrtl_getMem
#define fpcrtl_assigned(p) ((p) != NULL)
#define fpcrtl_Assigned fpcrtl_assigned
Integer fpcrtl_trunc(extended n);
Integer fpcrtl_ceil(extended n);
#define fpcrtl_val(s, a) fpcrtl_val__vars(s, &(a))
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, LongInt *a);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, Byte *a);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_val__vars(string255 s, LongWord *a);
#define fpcrtl_randomize() srand(time(NULL))
* Random returns a random number larger or equal to 0 and strictly less than L
LongInt fpcrtl_random(LongInt l);
string255 fpcrtl_paramStr(LongInt);
#define fpcrtl_ParamStr fpcrtl_paramStr
* Str returns a string which represents the value of X. X can be any numerical type.
#define fpcrtl_str(x, s) fpcrtl_str__vars(x, &(s))
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(float x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(double x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(uint8_t x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(int8_t x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(uint16_t x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(int16_t x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(uint32_t x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(int32_t x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(uint64_t x, string255 *s);
void __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_str__vars(int64_t x, string255 *s);
void fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement__vars(int *i);
void fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement__vars(int *i);
#define fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement(i) fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement__vars(&(i))
#define fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement(i) fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement__vars(&(i))
#define fpcrtl_InterlockedIncrement fpcrtl_interlockedIncrement
#define fpcrtl_InterlockedDecrement fpcrtl_interlockedDecrement
void fpcrtl_init(int argc, char** argv);
int fpcrtl_paramCount();
#define fpcrtl_ParamCount fpcrtl_paramCount
string255 fpcrtl_paramStr(int i);
#define fpcrtl_ParamStr fpcrtl_paramStr
int fpcrtl_UTF8ToUnicode(PWideChar dest, PChar src, SizeInt maxLen);
// #define fpcrtl_halt(t) assert(0)
#define fpcrtl_halt(t) exit(t)
#define fpcrtl_Load_GL_VERSION_2_0() 1
uint32_t __attribute__((overloadable)) fpcrtl_lo(uint64_t);
#define fpcrtl_Lo fpcrtl_lo
#define __SET_LENGTH2(arr, d, b) do{\
d.dim = 1;\
arr = realloc(arr, b * sizeof(typeof(*arr)));\
d.a[0] = b;\
#define SET_LENGTH2(arr, b) __SET_LENGTH2(arr, arr##_dimension_info, (b))
#define __SET_LENGTH3(arr, d, b, c) do{\
d.dim = 2;\
for (int i = 0; i < d.a[0]; i++) {\
arr[i] = realloc(arr[i], c * sizeof(typeof(**arr)));\
if (d.a[0] > b) {\
for (int i = b; i < d.a[0]; i++) {\
arr = realloc(arr, b * sizeof(typeof(*arr)));\
} else if (d.a[0] < b) {\
arr = realloc(arr, b * sizeof(typeof(*arr)));\
for (int i = d.a[0]; i < b; i++) {\
arr[i] = malloc(c * sizeof(typeof(**arr)));\
memset(arr[i], 0, c * sizeof(typeof(**arr)));\
d.a[0] = b;\
d.a[1] = c;\
#define SET_LENGTH3(arr, b, c) __SET_LENGTH3(arr, arr##_dimension_info, (b), (c))
#define fpcrtl_SetLength(...) macro_dispatcher(SET_LENGTH, __VA_ARGS__)(__VA_ARGS__)
#endif /* SYSTEM_H_ */