qmlfrontend: tweak map preview a little in an attempt to buy back unC0Rr's <3
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <unC0Rr@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *){$INCLUDE "options.inc"}unit ArgParsers;interfaceprocedure GetParams;{$IFNDEF BSD}var operatingsystem_parameter_argc: NativeInt; external; operatingsystem_parameter_argv: pointer; external; operatingsystem_parameter_envp: pointer; external;{$ELSE}var operatingsystem_parameter_argc: LongInt; export; operatingsystem_parameter_argv: pointer; export; operatingsystem_parameter_envp: pointer; export;{$ENDIF}function ParamCount: LongInt;function ParamStr(i: LongInt): shortstring;implementationuses uVariables, uTypes, uUtils, uSound, uConsts;var isInternal: Boolean;type PCharArray = array[0..255] of PChar; PPCharArray = ^PCharArray;function ParamCount: LongInt;begin ParamCount:= operatingsystem_parameter_argc - 1end;function ParamStr(i: LongInt): shortstring;begin ParamStr:= StrPas(PPCharArray(operatingsystem_parameter_argv)^[i])end;procedure GciEasterEgg;begin WriteLn(stdout, ' '); WriteLn(stdout, ' /\\\\\\\\\\\\ /\\\\\\\\\ /\\\\\\\\\\\ '); WriteLn(stdout, ' /\\\////////// /\\\//////// \/////\\\/// '); WriteLn(stdout, ' /\\\ /\\\/ \/\\\ '); WriteLn(stdout, ' \/\\\ /\\\\\\\ /\\\ \/\\\ '); WriteLn(stdout, ' \/\\\ \/////\\\ \/\\\ \/\\\ '); WriteLn(stdout, ' \/\\\ \/\\\ \//\\\ \/\\\ '); WriteLn(stdout, ' \/\\\ \/\\\ \///\\\ \/\\\ '); WriteLn(stdout, ' \/\\\\\\\\\\\\\/ \////\\\\\\\\\ /\\\\\\\\\\\ '); WriteLn(stdout, ' \///////////// \///////// \/////////// '); WriteLn(stdout, ' '); WriteLn(stdout, ' Command Line Parser Implementation by a Google Code-In Student '); WriteLn(stdout, ' ');end;procedure DisplayUsage;begin WriteLn(stdout, 'Usage: hwengine <path to replay file> [options]'); WriteLn(stdout, ''); WriteLn(stdout, 'where [options] can be any of the following:'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --prefix [path to folder]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --user-prefix [path to folder]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --locale [name of language file]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --nick [string]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --fullscreen-width [fullscreen width in pixels]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --fullscreen-height [fullscreen height in pixels]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --width [window width in pixels]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --height [window height in pixels]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --volume [sound level]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --frame-interval [milliseconds]'); Writeln(stdout, ' --stereo [value]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --raw-quality [flags]'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --low-quality'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --nomusic'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --nosound'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --fullscreen'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --showfps'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --altdmg'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --no-teamtag'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --no-hogtag'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --no-healthtag'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --translucent-tags'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --stats-only'); WriteLn(stdout, ' --help'); WriteLn(stdout, ''); WriteLn(stdout, 'For more detailed help and examples go to:'); WriteLn(stdout, 'http://hedgewars.org/kb/CommandLineOptions'); GameType:= gmtSyntax;end;procedure setDepth(var paramIndex: LongInt);begin WriteLn(stdout, 'WARNING: --depth is a deprecated command, which could be removed in a future version!'); WriteLn(stdout, ' This option no longer does anything, please consider removing it'); WriteLn(stdout, ''); inc(ParamIndex);end;procedure statsOnlyGame;begin cOnlyStats:= true; cReducedQuality:= $FFFFFFFF xor rqLowRes; SetSound(false); SetMusic(false); SetVolume(0);end;function parseNick(nick: shortstring): shortstring;begin if isInternal then parseNick:= DecodeBase64(nick) else parseNick:= nick;end;procedure setStereoMode(tmp: LongInt);begin GrayScale:= false;{$IFDEF USE_S3D_RENDERING} if (tmp > 6) and (tmp < 13) then begin // set the gray anaglyph rendering GrayScale:= true; cStereoMode:= TStereoMode(max(0, min(ord(high(TStereoMode)), tmp-6))) end else if tmp <= 6 then // set the fullcolor anaglyph cStereoMode:= TStereoMode(max(0, min(ord(high(TStereoMode)), tmp))) else // any other mode cStereoMode:= TStereoMode(max(0, min(ord(high(TStereoMode)), tmp-6)));{$ELSE} tmp:= tmp; cStereoMode:= smNone;{$ENDIF}end;procedure startVideoRecording(var paramIndex: LongInt);begin // Silence the hint that appears when USE_VIDEO_RECORDING is not defined paramIndex:= paramIndex;{$IFDEF USE_VIDEO_RECORDING}{$IFNDEF HWLIBRARY} GameType:= gmtRecord; inc(paramIndex); cVideoFramerateNum:= StrToInt(ParamStr(paramIndex)); inc(paramIndex); cVideoFramerateDen:= StrToInt(ParamStr(paramIndex)); inc(paramIndex); RecPrefix:= ParamStr(paramIndex); inc(paramIndex); cAVFormat:= ParamStr(paramIndex); inc(paramIndex); cVideoCodec:= ParamStr(paramIndex); inc(paramIndex); cVideoQuality:= StrToInt(ParamStr(paramIndex)); inc(paramIndex); cAudioCodec:= ParamStr(paramIndex); inc(paramIndex);{$ENDIF}{$ENDIF}end;function getLongIntParameter(str:shortstring; var paramIndex:LongInt; var wrongParameter:Boolean): LongInt;var tmpInt, c: LongInt;begin inc(paramIndex);{$IFDEF PAS2C OR HWLIBRARY} val(str, tmpInt);{$ELSE} val(str, tmpInt, c); wrongParameter:= c <> 0; if wrongParameter then WriteLn(stderr, 'ERROR: '+ParamStr(paramIndex-1)+' expects a number, you passed "'+str+'"');{$ENDIF} getLongIntParameter:= tmpInt;end;function getstringParameter(str:shortstring; var paramIndex:LongInt; var wrongParameter:Boolean): shortstring;begin inc(paramIndex); wrongParameter:= (str='') or (Copy(str,1,2) = '--'); {$IFNDEF HWLIBRARY} if wrongParameter then WriteLn(stderr, 'ERROR: '+ParamStr(paramIndex-1)+' expects a string, you passed "'+str+'"'); {$ENDIF} getstringParameter:= str;end;procedure parseClassicParameter(cmdarray: array of string; size:LongInt; var paramIndex:LongInt); forward;function parseParameter(cmd:string; arg:string; var paramIndex:LongInt): Boolean;const videoarray: array [0..4] of string = ('--fullscreen-width','--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth'); audioarray: array [0..2] of string = ('--volume','--nomusic','--nosound'); otherarray: array [0..2] of string = ('--locale','--fullscreen','--showfps'); mediaarray: array [0..9] of string = ('--fullscreen-width', '--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth', '--volume','--nomusic','--nosound','--locale','--fullscreen'); allarray: array [0..17] of string = ('--fullscreen-width','--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--depth','--volume','--nomusic','--nosound','--locale','--fullscreen','--showfps','--altdmg','--frame-interval','--low-quality','--no-teamtag','--no-hogtag','--no-healthtag','--translucent-tags'); reallyAll: array[0..32] of shortstring = ( '--locale', '--fullscreen-width', '--fullscreen-height', '--width', '--height', '--frame-interval', '--volume','--nomusic', '--nosound', '--fullscreen', '--showfps', '--altdmg', '--low-quality', '--raw-quality', '--stereo', '--nick', {deprecated} '--depth', '--set-video', '--set-audio', '--set-other', '--set-multimedia', '--set-everything', {internal} '--internal', '--recorder', '--landpreview', {misc} '--stats-only', '--gci', '--help','--no-teamtag','--no-hogtag','--no-healthtag','--translucent-tags','--lua-test');var cmdIndex: byte;begin parseParameter:= false; cmdIndex:= 0; //NOTE: Any update to the list of parameters must be reflected in the case statement below, the reallyAll array above, // the the DisplayUsage() procedure, the HWForm::getDemoArguments() function, and the online wiki while (cmdIndex <= High(reallyAll)) and (cmd <> reallyAll[cmdIndex]) do inc(cmdIndex); case cmdIndex of {--locale} 0 : cLocaleFName := getstringParameter (arg, paramIndex, parseParameter); {--fullscreen-width} 1 : cFullscreenWidth := max(getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter), cMinScreenWidth); {--fullscreen-height} 2 : cFullscreenHeight := max(getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter), cMinScreenHeight); {--width} 3 : cWindowedWidth := max(2 * (getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter) div 2), cMinScreenWidth); {--height} 4 : cWindowedHeight := max(2 * (getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter) div 2), cMinScreenHeight); {--frame-interval} 5 : cTimerInterval := getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter); {--volume} 6 : SetVolume ( max(getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter), 0) ); {--nomusic} 7 : SetMusic ( false ); {--nosound} 8 : SetSound ( false ); {--fullscreen} 9 : cFullScreen := true; {--showfps} 10 : cShowFPS := true; {--altdmg} 11 : cAltDamage := true; {--low-quality} 12 : cReducedQuality := $FFFFFFFF xor rqLowRes; {--raw-quality} 13 : cReducedQuality := getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter); {--stereo} 14 : setStereoMode ( getLongIntParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter) ); {--nick} 15 : UserNick := parseNick( getstringParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter) ); {deprecated options} {--depth} 16 : setDepth(paramIndex); {--set-video} 17 : parseClassicParameter(videoarray,5,paramIndex); {--set-audio} 18 : parseClassicParameter(audioarray,3,paramIndex); {--set-other} 19 : parseClassicParameter(otherarray,3,paramIndex); {--set-multimedia} 20 : parseClassicParameter(mediaarray,10,paramIndex); {--set-everything} 21 : parseClassicParameter(allarray,14,paramIndex); {"internal" options} {--internal} 22 : {$IFDEF HWLIBRARY}isInternal:= true{$ENDIF}; {--recorder} 23 : startVideoRecording(paramIndex); {--landpreview} 24 : GameType := gmtLandPreview; {anything else} {--stats-only} 25 : statsOnlyGame(); {--gci} 26 : GciEasterEgg(); {--help} 27 : DisplayUsage(); {--no-teamtag} 28 : cTagsMask := cTagsMask and (not htTeamName); {--no-hogtag} 29 : cTagsMask := cTagsMask and (not htName); {--no-healthtag} 30 : cTagsMask := cTagsMask and (not htHealth); {--translucent-tags} 31 : cTagsMask := cTagsMask or htTransparent; {--lua-test} 32: begin cTestLua := true; SetSound(false); cScriptName := getstringParameter(arg, paramIndex, parseParameter); WriteLn(stdout, 'Lua test file specified: ' + cScriptName);end; else begin //Assume the first "non parameter" is the replay file, anything else is invalid if (recordFileName = '') and (Copy(cmd,1,2) <> '--') then recordFileName := cmd else begin WriteLn(stderr, '"'+cmd+'" is not a valid option'); parseParameter:= true; end; end; end;end;procedure parseClassicParameter(cmdarray: array of string; size:LongInt; var paramIndex:LongInt);var index, tmpInt: LongInt; isBool, isValid: Boolean; cmd, arg, newSyntax: string;begin WriteLn(stdout, 'WARNING: you are using a deprecated command, which could be removed in a future version!'); WriteLn(stdout, ' Consider updating to the latest syntax, which is much more flexible!'); WriteLn(stdout, ' Run `hwegine --help` to learn it!'); WriteLn(stdout, ''); index:= 0; tmpInt:= 1; while (index < size) do begin newSyntax:= ''; inc(paramIndex); cmd:= cmdarray[index]; arg:= cmdarray[paramIndex]; isValid:= (cmd<>'--depth'); // check if the parameter is a boolean one isBool:= (cmd = '--nomusic') or (cmd = '--nosound') or (cmd = '--fullscreen') or (cmd = '--showfps') or (cmd = '--altdmg') or (cmd = '--no-teamtag') or (cmd = '--no-hogtag') or (cmd = '--no-healthtag') or (cmd = '--translucent-tags'); if isBool and (arg='0') then isValid:= false; if (cmd='--nomusic') or (cmd='--nosound') then isValid:= not isValid; if isValid then begin parseParameter(cmd, arg, tmpInt); newSyntax:= newSyntax + cmd + ' '; if not isBool then newSyntax:= newSyntax + arg + ' '; end; inc(index); end; WriteLn(stdout, 'Attempted to automatically convert to the new syntax:'); WriteLn(stdout, newSyntax); WriteLn(stdout, '');end;procedure parseCommandLine;var paramIndex: LongInt; paramTotal: LongInt; index, nextIndex: LongInt; wrongParameter: boolean;var tmpInt: LongInt;begin paramIndex:= {$IFDEF HWLIBRARY}0{$ELSE}1{$ENDIF}; paramTotal:= ParamCount; //-1 because pascal enumeration is inclusive WriteLn(stdout, 'total parameters: ' + inttostr(paramTotal)); tmpInt:= 0; while (tmpInt <= paramTotal) do begin WriteLn(stdout, inttostr(tmpInt) + ': ' + {$IFDEF HWLIBRARY}argv[tmpInt]{$ELSE}paramCount(tmpInt){$ENDIF}); inc(tmpInt); end; wrongParameter:= false; while (paramIndex <= paramTotal) do begin // avoid going past the number of paramTotal (esp. w/ library) index:= paramIndex; if index = paramTotal then nextIndex:= index else nextIndex:= index+1; wrongParameter:= parseParameter( ParamStr(index), ParamStr(nextIndex), paramIndex); inc(paramIndex); end; if wrongParameter = true then GameType:= gmtSyntax;end;procedure GetParams;begin if ParamCount > 0 then begin isInternal:= (ParamStr(1) = '--internal'); recordFileName := ''; parseCommandLine(); if (isInternal) and (ParamCount<=1) then begin WriteLn(stderr, '--internal should not be manually used'); GameType := gmtSyntax; end; if (not cTestLua) and (not isInternal) and (recordFileName = '') then begin WriteLn(stderr, 'You must specify a replay file'); GameType := gmtSyntax; end else if (recordFileName <> '') then WriteLn(stdout, 'Attempting to play demo file "' + recordFilename + '"'); end else GameType:= gmtSyntax; if (GameType = gmtSyntax) then WriteLn(stderr, 'Please use --help to see possible arguments and their usage'); (* WriteLn(stdout,'PathPrefix: ' + PathPrefix); WriteLn(stdout,'UserPathPrefix: ' + UserPathPrefix); *)end;end.