Force-enable NOVIDEOREC when building PAS2C due to
bug #722
local params = {
ammoType = amClusterBomb,
gearType = gtClusterBomb,
secGearType = gtCluster,
missionTitle = loc("Cluster Bomb Training"),
solidLand = false,
map = "Trash",
theme = "Golf",
hog_x = 756,
hog_y = 403,
faceLeft = true,
targets = {
{ x = 628, y = 0 },
{ x = 891, y = 0 },
{ x = 1309, y = 0 },
{ x = 1128, y = 0 },
{ x = 410, y = 0 },
{ x = 1564, y = 0 },
{ x = 1248, y = 476 },
{ x = 169, y = 0 },
{ x = 1720, y = 0 },
{ x = 1441, y = 0 },
{ x = 599, y = 0 },
{ x = 1638, y = 0 },
time = 180000,
shootText = loc("You have thrown %d cluster bombs."),