local player = nil
local playerTeamName = nil
local RCGear = nil
local planesUsed = 0
local planeTimer = 0
local planeUhOh = false
local cratesLeft = 0
local crateStreak = 0
local longestCrateStreak = 0
local commentTimer = 0
local missiles = 0
local totalMissiles = 0
local missileScanTimer = 0
local nextComment = sndNone
function onGameInit()
Seed = 1
GameFlags = gfInfAttack + gfInvulnerable + gfOneClanMode + gfSolidLand
-- Basically unlimited turn time
Map = "Ropes"
Theme = "Eyes"
-- Disable Sudden Death
WaterRise = 0
HealthDecrease = 0
CaseFreq = 0
MinesNum = 0
Explosives = 0
playerTeamName = AddMissionTeam(-1)
player = AddMissionHog(80)
SetGearPosition(player, 1380, 1582)
HogTurnLeft(player, true)
local function spawnCrate(x, y)
local c = SpawnFakeHealthCrate(x, y, false, false)
SetGearValues(c, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 0) -- Karma
function onGameStart()
local recordInfo = getReadableChallengeRecord("Lowscore")
ShowMission (
loc("RC Plane Challenge"),
loc("Collect or destroy all the health crates.") .. "|" ..
loc("Compete to use as few planes as possible!") .. "|" ..
recordInfo, -amRCPlane, 4000
SetTeamLabel(playerTeamName, "0")
PlaceGirder(2192, 508, 6)
PlaceGirder(2192, 670, 6)
PlaceGirder(2193, 792, 2)
PlaceGirder(2100, 825, 4)
PlaceGirder(2009, 899, 6)
PlaceGirder(2084, 992, 4)
PlaceGirder(2145, 1087, 6)
PlaceGirder(2199, 1235, 5)
PlaceGirder(2308, 1296, 0)
PlaceGirder(2424, 1234, 7)
PlaceGirder(2473, 1129, 2)
PlaceGirder(2437, 1046, 1)
PlaceGirder(2409, 927, 6)
PlaceGirder(2408, 763, 6)
PlaceGirder(2404, 540, 6)
PlaceGirder(2426, 423, 3)
PlaceGirder(2550, 400, 4)
PlaceGirder(2668, 425, 1)
PlaceGirder(2707, 541, 6)
PlaceGirder(2706, 703, 6)
PlaceGirder(2705, 867, 6)
PlaceGirder(2779, 962, 4)
PlaceGirder(2894, 924, 3)
PlaceGirder(2908, 802, 6)
PlaceGirder(2907, 639, 6)
PlaceGirder(3052, 566, 4)
PlaceGirder(2971, 394, 4)
PlaceGirder(3103, 448, 7)
PlaceGirder(3047, 654, 0)
PlaceGirder(3043, 746, 6)
PlaceGirder(3265, 1583, 6)
PlaceGirder(3256, 1491, 4)
PlaceGirder(3187, 1401, 6)
PlaceGirder(3326, 1400, 6)
PlaceGirder(774, 530, 5)
PlaceGirder(922, 595, 4)
PlaceGirder(1079, 533, 7)
PlaceGirder(1139, 386, 6)
PlaceGirder(1074, 237, 5)
PlaceGirder(723, 381, 6)
PlaceGirder(781, 229, 7)
PlaceGirder(927, 746, 6)
PlaceGirder(874, 736, 0)
PlaceGirder(982, 737, 0)
PlaceGirder(2430, 1730, 4)
PlaceGirder(1613, 1104, 7)
PlaceGirder(1564, 1256, 6)
PlaceGirder(1643, 1341, 5)
PlaceGirder(1780, 1372, 4)
PlaceGirder(1869, 1296, 7)
PlaceGirder(1858, 1163, 5)
PlaceGirder(1739, 1044, 5)
PlaceGirder(1621, 926, 5)
PlaceGirder(1597, 985, 5)
PlaceGirder(1449, 939, 4)
PlaceGirder(1473, 874, 4)
PlaceGirder(2092, 1352, 7)
PlaceGirder(2145, 1444, 7)
PlaceGirder(2004, 1443, 3)
PlaceGirder(1978, 1523, 2)
PlaceGirder(2021, 1596, 1)
PlaceGirder(2103, 1625, 0)
PlaceGirder(2208, 1551, 7)
PlaceGirder(2327, 1431, 7)
PlaceGirder(2395, 1478, 6)
PlaceGirder(2396, 1600, 2)
PlaceGirder(2495, 1285, 6)
PlaceGirder(2494, 1408, 2)
PlaceGirder(2547, 530, 0)
PlaceGirder(2451, 1551, 0)
PlaceGirder(2551, 706, 6)
PlaceGirder(2551, 869, 6)
PlaceGirder(2623, 1016, 5)
PlaceGirder(2773, 1083, 4)
PlaceGirder(2924, 1019, 7)
PlaceGirder(2568, 1491, 7)
PlaceGirder(2618, 1346, 6)
PlaceGirder(2674, 1195, 7)
PlaceGirder(2822, 1142, 4)
PlaceGirder(2963, 1069, 7)
PlaceGirder(3067, 938, 5)
PlaceGirder(2803, 1373, 2)
PlaceGirder(2811, 1559, 2)
spawnCrate(930, 557)
spawnCrate(979, 692)
spawnCrate(876, 703)
spawnCrate(2309, 1260)
spawnCrate(1733, 1127)
spawnCrate(1738, 1320)
spawnCrate(3249, 1460)
spawnCrate(3051, 617)
spawnCrate(2972, 353)
spawnCrate(2548, 358)
spawnCrate(2090, 1580)
spawnCrate(1752, 1753)
spawnCrate(1865, 1758)
spawnCrate(1985, 1760)
spawnCrate(2429, 1760)
spawnCrate(2810, 1480)
spawnCrate(2800, 1277)
spawnCrate(2806, 1107)
PlaceGirder(1897, 903, 6)
PlaceGirder(1916, 784, 3)
PlaceGirder(2010, 732, 4)
PlaceGirder(2082, 639, 6)
PlaceGirder(2081, 516, 2)
PlaceGirder(1985, 487, 4)
PlaceGirder(1862, 407, 5)
PlaceGirder(1855, 224, 7)
PlaceGirder(2006, 163, 4)
PlaceGirder(2128, 187, 1)
PlaceGirder(2251, 213, 4)
PlaceGirder(2413, 213, 4)
PlaceGirder(1952, 618, 0)
PlaceGirder(957, 1068, 4)
PlaceGirder(794, 1069, 4)
PlaceGirder(728, 1163, 6)
PlaceGirder(728, 1287, 2)
PlaceGirder(802, 1342, 4)
PlaceGirder(966, 1342, 4)
PlaceGirder(674, 1032, 1)
PlaceGirder(554, 1011, 4)
PlaceGirder(445, 1056, 3)
PlaceGirder(422, 1174, 6)
PlaceGirder(369, 1341, 5)
PlaceGirder(495, 1313, 5)
PlaceGirder(568, 1379, 3)
PlaceGirder(577, 1202, 2)
PlaceGirder(744, 1490, 5)
PlaceGirder(760, 1617, 7)
PlaceGirder(622, 1693, 4)
PlaceGirder(476, 1623, 5)
PlaceGirder(376, 1697, 1)
PlaceGirder(955, 1746, 2)
PlaceGirder(1025, 1746, 2)
PlaceGirder(1090, 1745, 2)
PlaceGirder(1156, 1746, 2)
PlaceGirder(3806, 1530, 2)
PlaceGirder(3880, 1464, 2)
PlaceGirder(3738, 1458, 2)
PlaceGirder(3806, 1390, 2)
PlaceGirder(3805, 1588, 0)
PlaceGirder(3676, 1609, 3)
PlaceGirder(3930, 1615, 1)
PlaceGirder(3719, 1295, 0)
PlaceGirder(3888, 1294, 0)
PlaceGirder(3661, 1385, 2)
PlaceGirder(3955, 1377, 2)
PlaceGirder(3982, 1518, 0)
PlaceGirder(3378, 440, 2)
PlaceGirder(3447, 492, 4)
PlaceGirder(3564, 529, 1)
PlaceGirder(3596, 647, 6)
PlaceGirder(3521, 740, 4)
PlaceGirder(3524, 838, 4)
PlaceGirder(3644, 819, 3)
PlaceGirder(3691, 708, 6)
PlaceGirder(3690, 545, 6)
PlaceGirder(3612, 433, 5)
PlaceGirder(3463, 383, 4)
PlaceGirder(2815, 122, 7)
PlaceGirder(2960, 72, 4)
PlaceGirder(3032, 123, 2)
PlaceGirder(3063, 174, 0)
PlaceGirder(3095, 124, 2)
PlaceGirder(3169, 71, 4)
PlaceGirder(3320, 124, 5)
PlaceGirder(3210, 179, 2)
PlaceGirder(2932, 181, 2)
spawnCrate(3804, 1461)
spawnCrate(3269, 1742)
spawnCrate(3066, 121)
spawnCrate(3207, 104)
spawnCrate(2928, 103)
spawnCrate(1997, 202)
spawnCrate(2253, 159)
spawnCrate(2132, 774)
spawnCrate(2549, 490)
spawnCrate(3527, 694)
spawnCrate(3777, 78)
spawnCrate(1124, 1746)
spawnCrate(1056, 1740)
spawnCrate(993, 1742)
spawnCrate(799, 1298)
spawnCrate(577, 1126)
spawnCrate(596, 1463)
spawnCrate(3854, 1043)
spawnCrate(1944, 567)
spawnCrate(338, 1748)
function onGameTick20()
if RCGear ~= nil then
if(GetTimer(RCGear) < 3000 and planeUhOh == false) then
PlaySound(sndUhOh, player)
planeUhOh = true
planeTimer = planeTimer + 20
if commentTimer > 0 then
commentTimer = commentTimer - 20
elseif(nextComment ~= sndNone) then
PlaySound(nextComment, player)
nextComment = sndNone
if missileScanTimer > 0 then
missileScanTimer = missileScanTimer - 20
if crateStreak == 0 and missiles == 3 then
PlaySound(sndMissed, player)
missiles = 4
function onNewTurn()
function onGearAdd(gear)
if GetGearType(gear) == gtRCPlane then
RCGear = gear
planesUsed = planesUsed + 1
SetTeamLabel(playerTeamName, tostring(planesUsed))
planeTimer = 0
missiles = 0
if GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then
cratesLeft = cratesLeft + 1
if GetGearType(gear) == gtAirBomb then
totalMissiles = totalMissiles + 1
function onGearDelete(gear)
if GetGearType(gear) == gtRCPlane then
RCGear = nil
planeUhOh = false
missiles = 0
if(planeTimer < 2000 and crateStreak == 0) then
nextComment = sndStupid
commentTimer = math.min(2000-planeTimer, 800)
elseif(planeTimer < 5000 and crateStreak == 0) then
PlaySound(sndOops, player)
elseif(planesUsed == 72) then
PlaySound(sndStupid, player)
elseif(planesUsed == 50) then
PlaySound(sndNutter, player)
elseif(planesUsed == 30) then
PlaySound(sndOops, player)
crateStreak = 0
elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtAirBomb then
missiles = missiles + 1
missileScanTimer = 500
elseif GetGearType(gear) == gtCase then
cratesLeft = cratesLeft - 1
crateStreak = crateStreak + 1
if(crateStreak > longestCrateStreak) then
longestCrateStreak = crateStreak
if band(GetGearMessage(gear), gmDestroy) ~= 0 then
-- Crate collection sound
AddCaption(string.format(loc("Crates left: %d"), cratesLeft))
if cratesLeft == 0 then
local rank = "unknown"
local color = capcolDefault
local sound = sndVictory
if planesUsed >= 156 then
rank = loc("Destroyer of planes")
color = 0xD06700FF
sound = sndLaugh
elseif planesUsed >= 98 then
rank = loc("Hopeless case")
color = 0xFF0000FF
elseif planesUsed >= 72 then
rank = loc("Drunk greenhorn")
color = 0xFF0040FF
elseif planesUsed >= 50 then
rank = loc("Greenhorn") -- a.k.a. "absolute beginner"
color = 0xFF0080FF
elseif planesUsed >= 39 then
rank = loc("Beginner")
color = 0xFF00BFFF
elseif planesUsed >= 30 then
rank = loc("Experienced beginner")
color = 0xFF00CCFF
elseif planesUsed >= 21 then
rank = loc("Below-average pilot")
color = 0xFF00FFFF
elseif planesUsed >= 17 then
rank = loc("Average pilot")
color = 0xBF00FFFF
elseif planesUsed >= 13 then
rank = loc("Above-average pilot")
color = 0x8000FFFF
elseif planesUsed >= 8 then
rank = loc("Professional pilot")
color = 0x4000FFFF
elseif planesUsed >= 5 then
rank = loc("Professional stunt pilot")
color = 0x0000FFFF
elseif planesUsed >= 3 then
rank = loc("Elite pilot")
color = 0x0040FFFF
elseif planesUsed == 2 then
rank = loc("Upper-class elite pilot")
color = 0x0080FFFF
elseif planesUsed == 1 then
rank = loc("Top-class elite pilot")
color = 0x00FFFFFF
sound = sndFlawless
rank = loc("Cheater")
color = 0xFF0000FF
sound = sndCoward
AddCaption(string.format(loc("Rank: %s"), rank), color, capgrpMessage2)
SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("Your rank: %s"), rank))
if planesUsed == 1 then
AddCaption(loc("Flawless victory!"))
SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You have perfectly beaten the challenge!"))
SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("You have used only 1 RC plane. Outstanding!"))
SendStat(siGameResult, loc("You have finished the challenge!"))
SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have used %d RC planes."), planesUsed))
SaveMissionVar("Won", "true")
updateChallengeRecord("Lowscore", planesUsed)
if(totalMissiles > 1) then
SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("You have dropped %d missiles."), totalMissiles))
if(longestCrateStreak > 5) then
if(planesUsed == 1) then
SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("In your best (and only) flight you took out %d crates with one RC plane!"), longestCrateStreak))
SendStat(siCustomAchievement, string.format(loc("In your best flight you took out %d crates with one RC plane."), longestCrateStreak))
if(planesUsed == 2) then
SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("This was an awesome performance! But this challenge can be finished with even just one RC plane. Can you figure out how?"))
if(planesUsed == 1) then
SendStat(siCustomAchievement, loc("Congratulations! You have truly mastered this challenge! Don't forget to save the demo."))
awardAchievement(loc("Prestigious Pilot"), nil, false)
ShowMission (
string.format(loc("Planes used: %d"), planesUsed) .. "|" ..
"", 0, 0
SetState(player, gstWinner)
PlaySound(sound, player)
if RCGear ~= nil then
SetTimer(RCGear, GetTimer(RCGear) + 10000)
function onAmmoStoreInit()
SetAmmo(amRCPlane, 9, 0, 0, 0)
function onNewTurn()