author Stepan777 <>
Fri, 06 Jul 2012 13:22:33 +0400
changeset 7350 1dbf3f4340e0
parent 7333 520a16a14747
child 7429 fcf13e40d6b6
permissions -rw-r--r--
When compiling with sdl2 use it instead of glut for creating hidden window (as suggested by koda). This is not tested but it should work.

module PascalUnitSyntaxTree where

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char

data PascalUnit =
    Program Identifier Implementation Phrase
    | Unit Identifier Interface Implementation (Maybe Initialize) (Maybe Finalize)
    | System [TypeVarDeclaration]
    deriving Show
data Interface = Interface Uses TypesAndVars
    deriving Show
data Implementation = Implementation Uses TypesAndVars
    deriving Show
data Identifier = Identifier String BaseType
    deriving Show
data TypesAndVars = TypesAndVars [TypeVarDeclaration]
    deriving Show
data TypeVarDeclaration = TypeDeclaration Identifier TypeDecl
    | VarDeclaration Bool Bool ([Identifier], TypeDecl) (Maybe InitExpression)
    | FunctionDeclaration Identifier TypeDecl [TypeVarDeclaration] (Maybe (TypesAndVars, Phrase))
    | OperatorDeclaration String Identifier TypeDecl [TypeVarDeclaration] (Maybe (TypesAndVars, Phrase))
    deriving Show
data TypeDecl = SimpleType Identifier
    | RangeType Range
    | Sequence [Identifier]
    | ArrayDecl (Maybe Range) TypeDecl
    | RecordType [TypeVarDeclaration] (Maybe [[TypeVarDeclaration]])
    | PointerTo TypeDecl
    | String Integer
    | Set TypeDecl
    | FunctionType TypeDecl [TypeVarDeclaration]
    | DeriveType InitExpression
    | VoidType
    | VarParamType TypeDecl -- this is a hack
    deriving Show
data Range = Range Identifier
           | RangeFromTo InitExpression InitExpression
           | RangeInfinite
    deriving Show
data Initialize = Initialize String
    deriving Show
data Finalize = Finalize String
    deriving Show
data Uses = Uses [Identifier]
    deriving Show
data Phrase = ProcCall Reference [Expression]
        | IfThenElse Expression Phrase (Maybe Phrase)
        | WhileCycle Expression Phrase
        | RepeatCycle Expression [Phrase]
        | ForCycle Identifier Expression Expression Phrase
        | WithBlock Reference Phrase
        | Phrases [Phrase]
        | SwitchCase Expression [([InitExpression], Phrase)] (Maybe [Phrase])
        | Assignment Reference Expression
        | BuiltInFunctionCall [Expression] Reference
        | NOP
    deriving Show
data Expression = Expression String
    | BuiltInFunCall [Expression] Reference
    | PrefixOp String Expression
    | PostfixOp String Expression
    | BinOp String Expression Expression
    | StringLiteral String
    | PCharLiteral String
    | CharCode String
    | HexCharCode String
    | NumberLiteral String
    | FloatLiteral String
    | HexNumber String
    | Reference Reference
    | SetExpression [Identifier]
    | Null
    deriving Show
data Reference = ArrayElement [Expression] Reference
    | FunCall [Expression] Reference
    | TypeCast Identifier Expression
    | SimpleReference Identifier
    | Dereference Reference
    | RecordField Reference Reference
    | Address Reference
    | RefExpression Expression
    deriving Show
data InitExpression = InitBinOp String InitExpression InitExpression
    | InitPrefixOp String InitExpression
    | InitReference Identifier
    | InitArray [InitExpression]
    | InitRecord [(Identifier, InitExpression)]
    | InitFloat String
    | InitNumber String
    | InitHexNumber String
    | InitString String
    | InitChar String
    | BuiltInFunction String [InitExpression]
    | InitSet [InitExpression]
    | InitAddress InitExpression
    | InitNull
    | InitRange Range
    | InitTypeCast Identifier InitExpression
    deriving Show

data BaseType = BTUnknown
    | BTChar
    | BTString
    | BTInt
    | BTBool
    | BTFloat
    | BTRecord String [(String, BaseType)]
    | BTArray Range BaseType BaseType
    | BTFunction Bool Int BaseType
    | BTPointerTo BaseType
    | BTUnresolved String
    | BTSet BaseType
    | BTEnum [String]
    | BTVoid
    | BTUnit
    | BTVarParam BaseType
    deriving Show