author Wuzzy <>
Mon, 25 Sep 2017 20:09:33 +0200
changeset 12520 22f2a586b9ca
parent 10017 de822cd3df3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove checkpoints in ASA: Getting to the device This means the player now must win this mission in one go. Justification: There were many ways for the mission to be saved in an unwinnable state, there are many ways to win this mission and the checkpoints try to "force" one particular way. Also, this mission isn't too long anyway.

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#include "gameconn.h"
#include "ipcbase.h"
#include "ipcprotocol.h"
#include "../util/logging.h"
#include "../util/util.h"
#include "../hwconsts.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef enum {
} gameconn_state;

struct _flib_gameconn {
    flib_ipcbase *ipcBase;
    flib_vector *configBuffer;
    flib_vector *demoBuffer;
    char *playerName;

    gameconn_state state;
    bool netgame;
    int disconnectReason;

    void (*onConnectCb)(void* context);
    void *onConnectCtx;

    void (*onDisconnectCb)(void* context, int reason);
    void *onDisconnectCtx;

    void (*onErrorMessageCb)(void* context, const char *msg);
    void *onErrorMessageCtx;

    void (*onChatCb)(void* context, const char *msg, bool teamchat);
    void *onChatCtx;

    void (*onGameRecordedCb)(void *context, const uint8_t *record, size_t size, bool isSavegame);
    void *onGameRecordedCtx;

    void (*onEngineMessageCb)(void *context, const uint8_t *em, size_t size);
    void *onEngineMessageCtx;

    bool running;
    bool destroyRequested;

static void defaultCallback_onErrorMessage(void* context, const char *msg) {
    flib_log_w("Error from engine (no callback set): %s", msg);

static void clearCallbacks(flib_gameconn *conn) {
    flib_gameconn_onConnect(conn, NULL, NULL);
    flib_gameconn_onDisconnect(conn, NULL, NULL);
    flib_gameconn_onErrorMessage(conn, NULL, NULL);
    flib_gameconn_onChat(conn, NULL, NULL);
    flib_gameconn_onGameRecorded(conn, NULL, NULL);
    flib_gameconn_onEngineMessage(conn, NULL, NULL);

static flib_gameconn *flib_gameconn_create_partial(bool record, const char *playerName, bool netGame) {
    flib_gameconn *result = NULL;
    flib_gameconn *tempConn = flib_calloc(1, sizeof(flib_gameconn));
    if(tempConn) {
        tempConn->ipcBase = flib_ipcbase_create();
        tempConn->configBuffer = flib_vector_create();
        tempConn->playerName = flib_strdupnull(playerName);
        if(tempConn->ipcBase && tempConn->configBuffer && tempConn->playerName) {
            if(record) {
                tempConn->demoBuffer = flib_vector_create();
            tempConn->state = AWAIT_CONNECTION;
            tempConn->netgame = netGame;
            tempConn->disconnectReason = GAME_END_ERROR;
            result = tempConn;
            tempConn = NULL;
    return result;

flib_gameconn *flib_gameconn_create(const char *playerName, const flib_gamesetup *setup, bool netgame) {
    if(log_badargs_if2(playerName==NULL, setup==NULL)) {
        return NULL;
    flib_gameconn *result = NULL;
    flib_gameconn *tempConn = flib_gameconn_create_partial(true, playerName, netgame);
    if(tempConn) {
        if(flib_ipc_append_fullconfig(tempConn->configBuffer, setup, netgame)) {
            flib_log_e("Error generating full game configuration for the engine.");
        } else {
            result = tempConn;
            tempConn = NULL;
    return result;

flib_gameconn *flib_gameconn_create_playdemo(const uint8_t *demoFileContent, size_t size) {
    if(log_badargs_if(demoFileContent==NULL && size>0)) {
        return NULL;
    flib_gameconn *result = NULL;
    flib_gameconn *tempConn = flib_gameconn_create_partial(false, "Player", false);
    if(tempConn) {
        if(!flib_vector_append(tempConn->configBuffer, demoFileContent, size)) {
            result = tempConn;
            tempConn = NULL;
    return result;

flib_gameconn *flib_gameconn_create_loadgame(const char *playerName, const uint8_t *saveFileContent, size_t size) {
    if(log_badargs_if(saveFileContent==NULL && size>0)) {
        return NULL;
    flib_gameconn *result = NULL;
    flib_gameconn *tempConn = flib_gameconn_create_partial(true, playerName, false);
    if(tempConn) {
        if(!flib_vector_append(tempConn->configBuffer, saveFileContent, size)) {
            result = tempConn;
            tempConn = NULL;
    return result;

flib_gameconn *flib_gameconn_create_campaign(const char *playerName, const char *seed, const char *script) {
    if(log_badargs_if3(playerName==NULL, seed==NULL, script==NULL)) {
        return NULL;
    flib_gameconn *result = NULL;
    flib_gameconn *tempConn = flib_gameconn_create_partial(true, playerName, false);
    if(tempConn) {
        if(!flib_ipc_append_message(tempConn->configBuffer, "TL")
                && !flib_ipc_append_seed(tempConn->configBuffer, seed)
                && !flib_ipc_append_script(tempConn->configBuffer, script)
                && !flib_ipc_append_message(tempConn->configBuffer, "!")) {
            result = tempConn;
            tempConn = NULL;
    return result;

void flib_gameconn_destroy(flib_gameconn *conn) {
    if(conn) {
        if(conn->running) {
             * The function was called from a callback, so the tick function is still running
             * and we delay the actual destruction. We ensure no further callbacks will be
             * sent to prevent surprises.
            conn->destroyRequested = true;
        } else {

int flib_gameconn_getport(flib_gameconn *conn) {
    if(log_badargs_if(conn==NULL)) {
        return 0;
    return flib_ipcbase_port(conn->ipcBase);

static void demo_append(flib_gameconn *conn, const void *data, size_t len) {
    if(conn->demoBuffer) {
        if(flib_vector_append(conn->demoBuffer, data, len)) {
            flib_log_e("Error recording demo: Out of memory.");
            conn->demoBuffer = NULL;

static int format_chatmessage(uint8_t buffer[257], const char *playerName, const char *message) {
    size_t msglen = strlen(message);

    // If the message starts with /me, it will be displayed differently.
    bool meMessage = msglen >= 4 && !memcmp(message, "/me ", 4);
    const char *template = meMessage ? "s\x02* %s %s  " : "s\x01%s: %s  ";
    int size = snprintf((char*)buffer+1, 256, template, playerName, meMessage ? message+4 : message);
    if(log_e_if(size<=0, "printf error")) {
        return -1;
    } else {
        buffer[0] = size>255 ? 255 : size;
        return 0;

static void demo_append_chatmessage(flib_gameconn *conn, const char *message) {
    // Chat messages are reformatted to make them look as if they were received, not sent.
    uint8_t converted[257];
    if(!format_chatmessage(converted, conn->playerName, message)) {
        demo_append(conn, converted, converted[0]+1);

static void demo_replace_gamemode(flib_buffer buf, char gamemode) {
    size_t msgStart = 0;
    uint8_t *data = (uint8_t*);
    while(msgStart+2 < buf.size) {
        if(!memcmp(data+msgStart, "\x02T", 2)) {
            data[msgStart+2] = gamemode;
        msgStart += (uint8_t)data[msgStart]+1;

int flib_gameconn_send_enginemsg(flib_gameconn *conn, const uint8_t *data, size_t len) {
    if(log_badargs_if2(conn==NULL, data==NULL && len>0)) {
        return -1;
    int result = flib_ipcbase_send_raw(conn->ipcBase, data, len);
    if(!result) {
        demo_append(conn, data, len);
    return result;

int flib_gameconn_send_textmsg(flib_gameconn *conn, int msgtype, const char *msg) {
    if(log_badargs_if2(conn==NULL, msg==NULL)) {
        return -1;
    int result = -1;
    uint8_t converted[257];
    int size = snprintf((char*)converted+1, 256, "s%c%s", (char)msgtype, msg);
    if(size>0) {
        converted[0] = size>255 ? 255 : size;
        if(!flib_ipcbase_send_raw(conn->ipcBase, converted, converted[0]+1)) {
            demo_append(conn, converted, converted[0]+1);
            result = 0;
    return result;

int flib_gameconn_send_chatmsg(flib_gameconn *conn, const char *playername, const char *msg) {
    if(log_badargs_if3(conn==NULL, playername==NULL, msg==NULL)) {
        return -1;
    uint8_t converted[257];
    if(!format_chatmessage(converted, playername, msg)
            && !flib_ipcbase_send_raw(conn->ipcBase, converted, converted[0]+1)) {
        demo_append(conn, converted, converted[0]+1);
        return 0;
    return -1;

int flib_gameconn_send_quit(flib_gameconn *conn) {
    return flib_gameconn_send_cmd(conn, "efinish");

int flib_gameconn_send_cmd(flib_gameconn *conn, const char *cmdString) {
    if(log_badargs_if2(conn==NULL, cmdString==NULL)) {
        return -1;
    int result = -1;
    uint8_t converted[256];
    size_t msglen = strlen(cmdString);
    if(!log_e_if(msglen>255, "Message too long: %s", cmdString)) {
        strcpy((char*)converted+1, cmdString);
        converted[0] = msglen;
        if(!flib_ipcbase_send_raw(conn->ipcBase, converted, msglen+1)) {
            demo_append(conn, converted, msglen+1);
            result = 0;
    return result;

 * This macro generates a callback setter function. It uses the name of the callback to
 * automatically generate the function name and the fields to set, so a consistent naming
 * convention needs to be enforced (not that that is a bad thing). If null is passed as
 * callback to the generated function, the defaultCb will be set instead (with conn
 * as the context).
#define GENERATE_CB_SETTER(cbName, cbParameterTypes, defaultCb) \
    void flib_gameconn_##cbName(flib_gameconn *conn, void (*callback)cbParameterTypes, void *context) { \
        if(!log_badargs_if(conn==NULL)) { \
            conn->cbName##Cb = callback ? callback : &defaultCb; \
            conn->cbName##Ctx = callback ? context : conn; \
        } \

 * Generate a callback setter function like GENERATE_CB_SETTER, and automatically generate a
 * no-op callback function as well that is used as default.
#define GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(cbName, cbParameterTypes) \
    static void _noop_callback_##cbName cbParameterTypes {} \
    GENERATE_CB_SETTER(cbName, cbParameterTypes, _noop_callback_##cbName)

GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onConnect, (void *context));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onDisconnect, (void* context, int reason));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER(onErrorMessage, (void* context, const char *msg), defaultCallback_onErrorMessage);
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onChat, (void* context, const char *msg, bool teamchat));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onGameRecorded, (void *context, const uint8_t *record, size_t size, bool isSavegame));
GENERATE_CB_SETTER_AND_DEFAULT(onEngineMessage, (void *context, const uint8_t *em, size_t size));


static void flib_gameconn_wrappedtick(flib_gameconn *conn) {
    if(conn->state == AWAIT_CONNECTION) {
        switch(flib_ipcbase_state(conn->ipcBase)) {
        case IPC_CONNECTED:
                flib_constbuffer configBuffer = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(conn->configBuffer);
                if(flib_ipcbase_send_raw(conn->ipcBase,, configBuffer.size)) {
                    conn->state = FINISHED;
                    conn->onDisconnectCb(conn->onDisconnectCtx, GAME_END_ERROR);
                } else {
                    demo_append(conn,, configBuffer.size);
                    conn->state = CONNECTED;
                    if(conn->destroyRequested) {
        case IPC_NOT_CONNECTED:
            conn->state = FINISHED;
            conn->onDisconnectCb(conn->onDisconnectCtx, GAME_END_ERROR);

    if(conn->state == CONNECTED) {
        uint8_t msgbuffer[257];
        int len;
        while(!conn->destroyRequested && (len = flib_ipcbase_recv_message(conn->ipcBase, msgbuffer))>=0) {
            if(len<2) {
                flib_log_w("Received short message from IPC (<2 bytes)");
            switch(msgbuffer[1]) {
            case '?':   // Ping
                // The pong is already part of the config message
            case 'C':   // Config query
                // And we already send the config message on connecting.
            case 'E':   // Error message
                if(len>=3) {
                    msgbuffer[len-2] = 0;
                    conn->onErrorMessageCb(conn->onErrorMessageCtx, (char*)msgbuffer+2);
            case 'i':   // Statistics
                // TODO stats
            case 'Q':   // Game interrupted
            case 'H':   // Game halted
            case 'q':   // game finished
                    int reason = msgbuffer[1]=='Q' ? GAME_END_INTERRUPTED : msgbuffer[1]=='H' ? GAME_END_HALTED : GAME_END_FINISHED;
                    conn->disconnectReason = reason;
                    bool savegame = (reason != GAME_END_FINISHED) && !conn->netgame;
                    if(conn->demoBuffer) {
                        flib_buffer demoBuffer = flib_vector_as_buffer(conn->demoBuffer);
                        demo_replace_gamemode(demoBuffer, savegame ? 'S' : 'D');
                        conn->onGameRecordedCb(conn->onGameRecordedCtx,, demoBuffer.size, savegame);
                        if(conn->destroyRequested) {
            case 's':   // Chat message
                if(len>=3) {
                    msgbuffer[len-2] = 0;
                    demo_append_chatmessage(conn, (char*)msgbuffer+2);

                    conn->onChatCb(conn->onChatCtx, (char*)msgbuffer+2, false);
            case 'b':   // Teamchat message
                if(len>=3) {
                    msgbuffer[len-2] = 0;
                    conn->onChatCb(conn->onChatCtx, (char*)msgbuffer+2, true);
            default:    // Engine message
                demo_append(conn, msgbuffer, len);

                conn->onEngineMessageCb(conn->onEngineMessageCtx, msgbuffer, len);

    if(flib_ipcbase_state(conn->ipcBase) == IPC_NOT_CONNECTED) {
        conn->state = FINISHED;
        conn->onDisconnectCb(conn->onDisconnectCtx, conn->disconnectReason);

void flib_gameconn_tick(flib_gameconn *conn) {
    if(!log_badargs_if(conn == NULL)
            && !log_w_if(conn->running, "Call to flib_gameconn_tick from a callback")
            && !log_w_if(conn->state == FINISHED, "We are already done.")) {
        conn->running = true;
        conn->running = false;

        if(conn->destroyRequested) {