author Wuzzy <>
Mon, 25 Sep 2017 20:09:33 +0200
changeset 12520 22f2a586b9ca
parent 11046 47a8c19ecb60
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove checkpoints in ASA: Getting to the device This means the player now must win this mission in one go. Justification: There were many ways for the mission to be saved in an unwinnable state, there are many ways to win this mission and the checkpoints try to "force" one particular way. Also, this mission isn't too long anyway.

 * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Igor Ulyanov <>
 * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <>
 * Copyright (c) 2012 Simeon Maxein <>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#include "netconn_internal.h"
#include "netprotocol.h"
#include "../util/logging.h"
#include "../util/util.h"
#include "../md5/md5.h"
#include "../base64/base64.h"
#include "../model/mapcfg.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <ctype.h>

flib_netconn *flib_netconn_create(const char *playerName, const char *dataDirPath, const char *host, int port) {
    flib_netconn *result = NULL;
    if(!log_badargs_if4(playerName==NULL, host==NULL, port<1, port>65535)) {
        flib_netconn *newConn = flib_calloc(1, sizeof(flib_netconn));
        if(newConn) {
            newConn->netBase = flib_netbase_create(host, port);
            newConn->playerName = flib_strdupnull(playerName);
            newConn->dataDirPath = flib_strdupnull(dataDirPath);

            newConn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_CONNECTING;

            newConn->isChief = false;
            newConn->map = flib_map_create_named("", "NoSuchMap");
            newConn->pendingTeamlist.teamCount = 0;
            newConn->pendingTeamlist.teams = NULL;
            newConn->teamlist.teamCount = 0;
            newConn->teamlist.teams = NULL;
            newConn->scheme = NULL;
            newConn->style = NULL;
            newConn->weaponset = NULL;

            newConn->running = false;
            newConn->destroyRequested = false;
            if(newConn->netBase && newConn->playerName && newConn->dataDirPath && newConn->map) {
                result = newConn;
                newConn = NULL;
    return result;

void flib_netconn_destroy(flib_netconn *conn) {
    if(conn) {
        if(conn->running) {
             * The function was called from a callback, so the tick function is still running
             * and we delay the actual destruction. We ensure no further callbacks will be
             * sent to prevent surprises.
            conn->destroyRequested = true;
        } else {



bool flib_netconn_is_chief(flib_netconn *conn) {
    if(!log_badargs_if(conn==NULL) && conn->netconnState==NETCONN_STATE_ROOM) {
        return conn->isChief;
    return false;

const char *flib_netconn_get_playername(flib_netconn *conn) {
    if(!log_badargs_if(conn==NULL)) {
        return conn->playerName;
    return NULL;

void netconn_leaveRoom(flib_netconn *conn) {
    conn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_LOBBY;
    conn->isChief = false;
    conn->map = flib_map_create_named("", "NoSuchMap");
    conn->scheme = NULL;
    conn->style = NULL;
    conn->weaponset = NULL;

void netconn_setMap(flib_netconn *conn, const flib_map *map) {
    flib_map *copy = flib_map_copy(map);
    if(copy) {
        conn->map = copy;

void netconn_setWeaponset(flib_netconn *conn, const flib_weaponset *weaponset) {
    flib_weaponset *copy = flib_weaponset_copy(weaponset);
    if(copy) {
        conn->weaponset = copy;

void netconn_setScript(flib_netconn *conn, const char *script) {
    char *copy = flib_strdupnull(script);
    if(copy) {
        conn->style = copy;

void netconn_setScheme(flib_netconn *conn, const flib_scheme *scheme) {
    flib_scheme *copy = flib_scheme_copy(scheme);
    if(copy) {
        conn->scheme = copy;

flib_gamesetup *flib_netconn_create_gamesetup(flib_netconn *conn) {
    flib_gamesetup *result = NULL;
    if(!log_badargs_if(conn==NULL)) {
        if(conn->teamlist.teamCount==0 || !conn->scheme || !conn->weaponset) {
            flib_log_e("Incomplete room state");
        } else {
            flib_gamesetup stackSetup = {0};
            stackSetup.gamescheme = conn->scheme;
   = conn->map;
   = conn->style;
            stackSetup.teamlist = &conn->teamlist;
            result = flib_gamesetup_copy(&stackSetup);
            if(result) {
                bool error = false;
                for(int i=0; i<result->teamlist->teamCount; i++) {
                    if(flib_team_set_weaponset(result->teamlist->teams[i], conn->weaponset)) {
                        error = true;
                    flib_team_set_health(result->teamlist->teams[i], flib_scheme_get_setting(conn->scheme, "health", 100));
                if(result->map->mapgen == MAPGEN_NAMED && result->map->name) {
                    flib_mapcfg mapcfg;
                    if(!flib_mapcfg_read(conn->dataDirPath, result->map->name, &mapcfg)) {
                        result->map->theme = flib_strdupnull(mapcfg.theme);
                        if(!result->map->theme) {
                            error = true;
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Unable to read map config for map %s", result->map->name);
                if(error) {
                    result = NULL;
    return result;

static void flib_netconn_wrappedtick(flib_netconn *conn) {
    flib_netmsg *netmsg;
    flib_netbase *net = conn->netBase;
    bool exit = false;

    while(!exit && !conn->destroyRequested && (netmsg=flib_netbase_recv_message(conn->netBase))) {
        if(netmsg->partCount==0) {
            flib_log_w("Empty server message");

        if(flib_log_isActive(FLIB_LOGLEVEL_DEBUG)) {
            char *buf = flib_join(netmsg->parts, netmsg->partCount, "|");
            if(buf) {
                flib_log_d("[Net In]%s", buf);

        const char *cmd = netmsg->parts[0];

        if (!strcmp(cmd, "NICK") && netmsg->partCount>=2) {
            if(netmsg->partCount<2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Malformed NICK message");
            } else {
                char *nick = flib_strdupnull(netmsg->parts[1]);
                if(nick) {
                    conn->playerName = nick;
                } else {
                    conn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_DISCONNECTED;
                    conn->onDisconnectedCb(conn->onDisconnectedCtx, NETCONN_DISCONNECT_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Out of memory");
                    exit = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "PROTO")) {
            // The server just echoes this back apparently
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "ERROR")) {
            if (netmsg->partCount >= 2) {
                conn->onMessageCb(conn->onMessageCtx, NETCONN_MSG_TYPE_ERROR, netmsg->parts[1]);
            } else {
                conn->onMessageCb(conn->onMessageCtx, NETCONN_MSG_TYPE_ERROR, "Unknown Error");
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "WARNING")) {
            if (netmsg->partCount >= 2) {
                conn->onMessageCb(conn->onMessageCtx, NETCONN_MSG_TYPE_WARNING, netmsg->parts[1]);
            } else {
                conn->onMessageCb(conn->onMessageCtx, NETCONN_MSG_TYPE_WARNING, "Unknown Warning");
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "CONNECTED")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount<3 || atol(netmsg->parts[2])<MIN_SERVER_VERSION) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Server too old");
                flib_netbase_sendf(net, "%s\n%s\n\n", "QUIT", "Server too old");
                conn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_DISCONNECTED;
                conn->onDisconnectedCb(conn->onDisconnectedCtx, NETCONN_DISCONNECT_SERVER_TOO_OLD, "Server too old");
                exit = true;
            } else {
                flib_netbase_sendf(net, "%s\n%s\n\n", "NICK", conn->playerName);
                flib_netbase_sendf(net, "%s\n%i\n\n", "PROTO", (int)PROTOCOL_VERSION);
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "PING")) {
            if (netmsg->partCount > 1) {
                flib_netbase_sendf(net, "%s\n%s\n\n", "PONG", netmsg->parts[1]);
            } else {
                flib_netbase_sendf(net, "%s\n\n", "PONG");
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "ROOMS")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount % 8 != 1) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Malformed ROOMS message");
            } else {
                int roomCount = netmsg->partCount/8;
                flib_room **rooms = flib_room_array_from_netmsg(netmsg->parts+1, roomCount);
                if(rooms) {
                    conn->onRoomlistCb(conn->onRoomlistCtx, (const flib_room**)rooms, roomCount);
                    for(int i=0; i<roomCount; i++) {
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "SERVER_MESSAGE")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Empty SERVERMESSAGE message");
            } else {
                conn->onMessageCb(conn->onMessageCtx, NETCONN_MSG_TYPE_SERVERMESSAGE, netmsg->parts[1]);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "CHAT")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 3) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Empty CHAT message");
            } else {
                conn->onChatCb(conn->onChatCtx, netmsg->parts[1], netmsg->parts[2]);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "INFO")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 5) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Malformed INFO message");
            } else {
                char *joined = flib_join(netmsg->parts+1, netmsg->partCount-1, "\n");
                if(joined) {
                    conn->onMessageCb(conn->onMessageCtx, NETCONN_MSG_TYPE_PLAYERINFO, joined);
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "SERVER_VARS")) {
            for(int offset=1; offset+2<netmsg->partCount; offset+=2) {
                conn->onServerVarCb(conn->onServerVarCtx, netmsg->parts[offset], netmsg->parts[offset+1]);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "CLIENT_FLAGS")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 3 || strlen(netmsg->parts[1]) < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Malformed CLIENT_FLAGS message");
            } else {
                const char *flags = netmsg->parts[1];
                bool setFlag = flags[0] == '+';

                for(int j = 2; j < netmsg->partCount; ++j) {
                    bool isSelf = !strcmp(conn->playerName, netmsg->parts[j]);
                    if(isSelf && strchr(flags, 'h')) {
                        conn->isChief = setFlag;
                    conn->onClientFlagsCb(conn->onClientFlagsCtx, netmsg->parts[j], flags+1, setFlag);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "ADD_TEAM")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount != 24 || conn->netconnState!=NETCONN_STATE_ROOM) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad ADD_TEAM message");
            } else {
                flib_team *team = flib_team_from_netmsg(netmsg->parts+1);
                if(!team || flib_teamlist_insert(&conn->teamlist, team, conn->teamlist.teamCount)) {
                    conn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_DISCONNECTED;
                    conn->onDisconnectedCb(conn->onDisconnectedCtx, NETCONN_DISCONNECT_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal error");
                    exit = true;
                } else {
                    conn->onTeamAddCb(conn->onTeamAddCtx, team);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "REMOVE_TEAM")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount != 2 || conn->netconnState!=NETCONN_STATE_ROOM) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad REMOVETEAM message");
            } else {
                flib_teamlist_delete(&conn->teamlist, netmsg->parts[1]);
                conn->onTeamDeleteCb(conn->onTeamDeleteCtx, netmsg->parts[1]);
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "ROOMABANDONED")) {
            conn->onLeaveRoomCb(conn->onLeaveRoomCtx, NETCONN_ROOMLEAVE_ABANDONED, "Room destroyed");
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "KICKED")) {
            conn->onLeaveRoomCb(conn->onLeaveRoomCtx, NETCONN_ROOMLEAVE_KICKED, "You got kicked");
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "JOINED")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad JOINED message");
            } else {
                for(int i = 1; i < netmsg->partCount; ++i)
                    bool isMe = !strcmp(conn->playerName, netmsg->parts[i]);
                    if (isMe) {
                        conn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_ROOM;
                        conn->onEnterRoomCb(conn->onEnterRoomCtx, conn->isChief);

                    conn->onRoomJoinCb(conn->onRoomJoinCtx, netmsg->parts[i]);
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "LOBBY:JOINED")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad JOINED message");
            } else {
                for(int i = 1; i < netmsg->partCount; ++i)
                    bool isMe = !strcmp(conn->playerName, netmsg->parts[i]);
                    if (isMe && conn->netconnState == NETCONN_STATE_CONNECTING) {
                        conn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_LOBBY;
                    conn->onLobbyJoinCb(conn->onLobbyJoinCtx, netmsg->parts[i]);
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "LEFT")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad LEFT message");
            } else {
                conn->onRoomLeaveCb(conn->onRoomLeaveCtx, netmsg->parts[1], netmsg->partCount>2 ? netmsg->parts[2] : NULL);
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "ROOM") && netmsg->partCount >= 2) {
            const char *subcmd = netmsg->parts[1];
            if(!strcmp(subcmd, "ADD") && netmsg->partCount == 10) {
                flib_room *room = flib_room_from_netmsg(netmsg->parts+2);
                if(room) {
                    conn->onRoomAddCb(conn->onRoomAddCtx, room);
            } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "UPD") && netmsg->partCount == 11) {
                flib_room *room = flib_room_from_netmsg(netmsg->parts+3);
                if(room) {
                    conn->onRoomUpdateCb(conn->onRoomUpdateCtx, netmsg->parts[2], room);
            } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "DEL") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                conn->onRoomDeleteCb(conn->onRoomDeleteCtx, netmsg->parts[2]);
            } else {
                flib_log_w("Net: Unknown or malformed ROOM subcommand: %s", subcmd);
        } else if(!strcmp(cmd, "LOBBY:LEFT")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad LOBBY:LEFT message");
            } else {
                conn->onLobbyLeaveCb(conn->onLobbyLeaveCtx, netmsg->parts[1], netmsg->partCount>2 ? netmsg->parts[2] : NULL);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "RUN_GAME")) {
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "ASKPASSWORD")) {
            conn->onPasswordRequestCb(conn->onPasswordRequestCtx, conn->playerName);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "NOTICE")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad NOTICE message");
            } else {
                errno = 0;
                long n = strtol(netmsg->parts[1], NULL, 10);
                if(errno) {
                    flib_log_w("Net: Bad NOTICE message");
                } else if(n==0) {
                    conn->onNickTakenCb(conn->onNickTakenCtx, conn->playerName);
                } else {
                    flib_log_w("Net: Unknown NOTICE message: %l", n);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "TEAM_ACCEPTED")) {
            if (netmsg->partCount != 2 || conn->netconnState!=NETCONN_STATE_ROOM) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad TEAM_ACCEPTED message");
            } else {
                flib_team *team = flib_team_copy(flib_teamlist_find(&conn->pendingTeamlist, netmsg->parts[1]));
                if(team) {
                    flib_teamlist_insert(&conn->teamlist, team, conn->teamlist.teamCount);
                    flib_teamlist_delete(&conn->pendingTeamlist, netmsg->parts[1]);
                } else {
                    flib_log_e("Team accepted that was not requested: %s", netmsg->parts[1]);
                conn->onTeamAcceptedCb(conn->onTeamAcceptedCtx, netmsg->parts[1]);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "CFG")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 3 || conn->netconnState!=NETCONN_STATE_ROOM) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad CFG message");
            } else {
                const char *subcmd = netmsg->parts[1];
                if(!strcmp(subcmd, "SCHEME") && netmsg->partCount == flib_meta.modCount + flib_meta.settingCount + 3) {
                    flib_scheme *cfg = flib_scheme_from_netmsg(netmsg->parts+2);
                    if(cfg) {
                        conn->scheme = cfg;
                        conn->onSchemeChangedCb(conn->onSchemeChangedCtx, cfg);
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Error processing CFG SCHEME message");
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "FULLMAPCONFIG") && netmsg->partCount == 7) {
                    flib_map *map = flib_map_from_netmsg(netmsg->parts+2);
                    if(map) {
                        conn->map = map;
                        conn->onMapChangedCb(conn->onMapChangedCtx, conn->map, NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_FULL);
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Error processing CFG FULLMAPCONFIG message");
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "MAP") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                    char *mapname = flib_strdupnull(netmsg->parts[2]);
                    if(mapname) {
                        conn->map->name = mapname;
                        conn->onMapChangedCb(conn->onMapChangedCtx, conn->map, NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_MAP);
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Error processing CFG MAP message");
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "THEME") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                    char *themename = flib_strdupnull(netmsg->parts[2]);
                    if(themename) {
                        conn->map->theme = themename;
                        conn->onMapChangedCb(conn->onMapChangedCtx, conn->map, NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_THEME);
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Error processing CFG THEME message");
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "SEED") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                    char *seed = flib_strdupnull(netmsg->parts[2]);
                    if(seed) {
                        conn->map->seed = seed;
                        conn->onMapChangedCb(conn->onMapChangedCtx, conn->map, NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_SEED);
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Error processing CFG SEED message");
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "TEMPLATE") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                    conn->map->templateFilter = atoi(netmsg->parts[2]);
                    conn->onMapChangedCb(conn->onMapChangedCtx, conn->map, NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_TEMPLATE);
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "MAPGEN") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                    conn->map->mapgen = atoi(netmsg->parts[2]);
                    conn->onMapChangedCb(conn->onMapChangedCtx, conn->map, NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_MAPGEN);
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "MAZE_SIZE") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                    conn->map->mazeSize = atoi(netmsg->parts[2]);
                    conn->onMapChangedCb(conn->onMapChangedCtx, conn->map, NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_MAZE_SIZE);
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "DRAWNMAP") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                    size_t drawnMapSize = 0;
                    uint8_t *drawnMapData = NULL;
                    if(!flib_drawnmapdata_from_netmsg(netmsg->parts[2], &drawnMapData, &drawnMapSize)) {
                        conn->map->drawData = drawnMapData;
                        conn->map->drawDataSize = drawnMapSize;
                        conn->onMapChangedCb(conn->onMapChangedCtx, conn->map, NETCONN_MAPCHANGE_DRAWNMAP);
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Error processing CFG DRAWNMAP message");
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "SCRIPT") && netmsg->partCount == 3) {
                    netconn_setScript(conn, netmsg->parts[2]);
                    conn->onScriptChangedCb(conn->onScriptChangedCtx, netmsg->parts[2]);
                } else if(!strcmp(subcmd, "AMMO") && netmsg->partCount == 4) {
                    flib_weaponset *weapons = flib_weaponset_from_ammostring(netmsg->parts[2], netmsg->parts[3]);
                    if(weapons) {
                        conn->weaponset = weapons;
                        conn->onWeaponsetChangedCb(conn->onWeaponsetChangedCtx, weapons);
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Error processing CFG AMMO message");
                } else {
                    flib_log_w("Net: Unknown or malformed CFG subcommand: %s", subcmd);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "HH_NUM")) {
            if (netmsg->partCount != 3 || conn->netconnState!=NETCONN_STATE_ROOM) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad HH_NUM message");
            } else {
                int hogs = atoi(netmsg->parts[2]);
                if(hogs<=0 || hogs>HEDGEHOGS_PER_TEAM) {
                    flib_log_w("Net: Bad HH_NUM message: %s hogs", netmsg->parts[2]);
                } else {
                    flib_team *team = flib_teamlist_find(&conn->teamlist, netmsg->parts[1]);
                    if(team) {
                        team->hogsInGame = hogs;
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("HH_NUM message for unknown team %s", netmsg->parts[1]);
                    conn->onHogCountChangedCb(conn->onHogCountChangedCtx, netmsg->parts[1], hogs);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "TEAM_COLOR")) {
            if (netmsg->partCount != 3 || conn->netconnState!=NETCONN_STATE_ROOM) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad TEAM_COLOR message");
            } else {
                long color;
                if(sscanf(netmsg->parts[2], "%lu", &color) && color>=0 && color<flib_teamcolor_count) {
                    flib_team *team = flib_teamlist_find(&conn->teamlist, netmsg->parts[1]);
                    if(team) {
                        team->colorIndex = color;
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("TEAM_COLOR message for unknown team %s", netmsg->parts[1]);
                    conn->onTeamColorChangedCb(conn->onTeamColorChangedCtx, netmsg->parts[1], color);
                } else {
                    flib_log_w("Net: Bad TEAM_COLOR message: Color %s", netmsg->parts[2]);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "EM")) {
            if(netmsg->partCount < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad EM message");
            } else {
                for(int i = 1; i < netmsg->partCount; ++i) {
                    char *out = NULL;
                    size_t outlen;
                    bool ok = base64_decode_alloc(netmsg->parts[i], strlen(netmsg->parts[i]), &out, &outlen);
                    if(ok && outlen) {
                        conn->onEngineMessageCb(conn->onEngineMessageCtx, (uint8_t*)out, outlen);
                    } else {
                        flib_log_e("Net: Malformed engine message: %s", netmsg->parts[i]);
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "BYE")) {
            if (netmsg->partCount < 2) {
                flib_log_w("Net: Bad BYE message");
            } else {
                conn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_DISCONNECTED;
                if (!strcmp(netmsg->parts[1], "Authentication failed")) {
                    conn->onDisconnectedCb(conn->onDisconnectedCtx, NETCONN_DISCONNECT_AUTH_FAILED, netmsg->parts[1]);
                } else {
                    conn->onDisconnectedCb(conn->onDisconnectedCtx, NETCONN_DISCONNECT_NORMAL, netmsg->parts[1]);
                exit = true;
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "ADMIN_ACCESS")) {
            // deprecated
        } else if (!strcmp(cmd, "ROOM_CONTROL_ACCESS")) {
            // deprecated
        } else {
            flib_log_w("Unknown server command: %s", cmd);

    if(!exit && !conn->destroyRequested && !flib_netbase_connected(net)) {
        conn->netconnState = NETCONN_STATE_DISCONNECTED;
        conn->onDisconnectedCb(conn->onDisconnectedCtx, NETCONN_DISCONNECT_CONNLOST, "Connection lost");

void flib_netconn_tick(flib_netconn *conn) {
            && !log_w_if(conn->running, "Call to flib_netconn_tick from a callback")
            && !log_w_if(conn->netconnState == NETCONN_STATE_DISCONNECTED, "We are already done.")) {
        conn->running = true;
        conn->running = false;

        if(conn->destroyRequested) {