Try adding it to deagle too. Although the routine still doesn't consider angle, so it'll pretty much be luck. Might be a waste of time.
Also fix some neglected scores from before.
Integer = integer;
LongInt = integer;
LongWord = integer;
Cardinal = integer;
PtrInt = integer;
Word = integer;
Byte = integer;
SmallInt = integer;
ShortInt = integer;
QWord = integer;
GLInt = integer;
GLUInt = integer;
pointer = pointer;
PChar = pointer;
float = float;
double = float;
real = float;
extended = float;
GLFloat = float;
boolean = boolean;
LongBool = boolean;
string = string;
shortstring = string;
ansistring = string;
char = char;
PByte = ^Byte;
PLongInt = ^LongInt;
PLongWord = ^LongWord;
PInteger = ^Integer;
Handle = integer;
stderr = Handle;
false, true: boolean;
write, writeLn, read, readLn, inc, dec: procedure;
StrLen, ord, Succ, Pred : function : integer;
Low, High : function : integer;
Now : function : integer;
Length : function : integer;
StrPas, FormatDateTime : function : shortstring;
exit : procedure;