author | koda |
Sat, 27 Mar 2010 16:57:18 +0000 | |
changeset 3113 | 2829ea0dd47c |
parent 3112 | f1bbe35ddb83 |
child 3115 | 831bd0f7050d |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
(* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA *) {$INCLUDE ""} unit uConsts; interface uses SDLh, uFloat, uLocale, {$IFDEF GLES11} gles11; {$ELSE} GL; {$ENDIF} {$INCLUDE ""} // typed const is a variable despite const qualifier // in freepascal you may actually use var for the same purpose type HwColor4f = record r, g, b, a: byte end; TGameState = (gsLandGen, gsStart, gsGame, gsChat, gsConfirm, gsExit); TGameType = (gmtLocal, gmtDemo, gmtNet, gmtSave, gmtLandPreview, gmtSyntax); TPathType = (ptNone, ptData, ptGraphics, ptThemes, ptCurrTheme, ptTeams, ptMaps, ptMapCurrent, ptDemos, ptSounds, ptGraves, ptFonts, ptForts, ptLocale, ptAmmoMenu, ptHedgehog, ptVoices, ptHats, ptFlags); TSprite = (sprWater, sprCloud, sprBomb, sprBigDigit, sprFrame, sprLag, sprArrow, sprGrenade, sprTargetP, sprBee, sprSmokeTrace, sprRopeHook, sprExplosion50, sprMineOff, sprMineOn, sprMineDead, sprCase, sprFAid, sprDynamite, sprPower, sprClusterBomb, sprClusterParticle, sprFlame, sprHorizont, sprHorizontL, sprHorizontR, sprSky, sprSkyL, sprSkyR, sprAMBorders, sprAMSlot, sprAMSlotName, sprAMAmmos, sprAMSlotKeys, sprAMSelection, sprFinger, sprAirBomb, sprAirplane, sprAmAirplane, sprAmGirder, sprHHTelepMask, sprSwitch, sprParachute, sprTarget, sprRopeNode, sprQuestion, sprPowerBar, sprWindBar, sprWindL, sprWindR, sprFlake, sprHandRope, sprHandBazooka, sprHandShotgun, sprHandDEagle, sprHandAirAttack, sprHandBaseball, sprPHammer, sprHandBlowTorch, sprBlowTorch, sprTeleport, sprHHDeath, sprShotgun, sprDEagle, sprHHIdle, sprMortar, sprTurnsLeft, sprKamikaze, sprWhip, sprKowtow, sprSad, sprWave, sprHurrah, sprLemonade, sprShrug, sprJuggle, sprExplPart, sprExplPart2, sprCakeWalk, sprCakeDown, sprAMAmmosBW, sprWatermelon, sprEvilTrace, sprHellishBomb, sprSeduction, sprDress, sprCensored, sprDrill, sprHandDrill, sprHandBallgun, sprBalls, sprPlane, sprHandPlane, sprUtility, sprInvulnerable, sprVampiric, sprGirder, sprSpeechCorner, sprSpeechEdge, sprSpeechTail, sprThoughtCorner, sprThoughtEdge, sprThoughtTail, sprShoutCorner, sprShoutEdge, sprShoutTail, sprSniperRifle, sprBubbles, sprJetpack, sprHealth, sprHandMolotov, sprMolotov, sprSmoke, sprSmokeWhite, sprShell, sprDust, sprExplosives, sprExplosivesRoll, sprAmTeleport, sprSplash, sprDroplet, sprBirdy, sprHandCake, sprHandConstruction, sprHandGrenade, sprHandMelon, sprHandMortar, sprHandSkip, sprHandCluster, sprHandDynamite, sprHandHellish, sprHandMine, sprHandSeduction, sprHandVamp, sprBigExplosion, sprSmokeRing, sprBeeTrace, sprEgg, sprTargetBee, sprHandBee); TGearType = (gtAmmo_Bomb, gtHedgehog, gtAmmo_Grenade, gtHealthTag, // 3 gtGrave, gtBee, gtShotgunShot, gtPickHammer, gtRope, // 8 gtSmokeTrace, gtExplosion, gtMine, gtCase, gtDEagleShot, gtDynamite, // 14 gtClusterBomb, gtCluster, gtShover, gtFlame, // 18 gtFirePunch, gtATStartGame, gtATSmoothWindCh, gtATFinishGame, // 24 gtParachute, gtAirAttack, gtAirBomb, gtBlowTorch, gtGirder, // 27 gtTeleport, gtSwitcher, gtTarget, gtMortar, // 31 gtWhip, gtKamikaze, gtCake, gtSeduction, gtWatermelon, gtMelonPiece, // 37 gtHellishBomb, gtEvilTrace, gtWaterUp, gtDrill, gtBallGun, gtBall,gtRCPlane, gtSniperRifleShot, gtJetpack, gtMolotov, gtExplosives, gtBirdy, gtBigExplosion, gtEgg); TVisualGearType = (vgtFlake, vgtCloud, vgtExplPart, vgtExplPart2, vgtFire, vgtSmallDamageTag, vgtTeamHealthSorter, vgtSpeechBubble, vgtBubble, vgtSteam, vgtAmmo, vgtSmoke, vgtSmokeWhite, vgtHealth, vgtShell, vgtDust, vgtSplash, vgtDroplet, vgtSmokeRing, vgtBeeTrace); TGearsType = set of TGearType; TSound = (sndNone, sndGrenadeImpact, sndExplosion, sndThrowPowerUp, sndThrowRelease, sndSplash, sndShotgunReload, sndShotgunFire, sndGraveImpact, sndMineTick, sndPickhammer, sndGun, sndBee, sndJump1, sndJump2, sndJump3, sndYesSir, sndLaugh, sndIllGetYou, sndIncoming, sndMissed, sndStupid, sndFirstBlood, sndBoring, sndByeBye, sndSameTeam, sndNutter, sndReinforce, sndTraitor, sndRegret, sndEnemyDown, sndCoward, sndHurry, sndWatchIt, sndKamikaze, sndCake, sndOw1, sndOw4, sndFirePunch1, sndFirePunch2, sndFirePunch3, sndFirePunch4, sndFirePunch5, sndFirePunch6, sndMelon, sndHellish, sndYoohoo, sndRCPlane, sndWhipCrack, sndRideOfTheValkyries, sndDenied, sndPlaced, sndBaseballBat, sndVaporize, sndWarp, sndSuddenDeath, sndMortar, sndShutter, sndHomerun, sndMolotov, sndCover, sndUhOh, sndOops, sndNooo, sndHello, sndRopeShot, sndRopeAttach, sndRopeRelease, sndSwitchHog, sndVictory, sndSniperReload, sndSteps, sndLowGravity, sndHellishImpact, sndMelonImpact, sndDroplet1, sndDroplet2, sndDroplet3); TAmmoType = (amNothing, amGrenade, amClusterBomb, amBazooka, amBee, amShotgun, amPickHammer, amSkip, amRope, amMine, amDEagle, amDynamite, amFirePunch, amWhip, amBaseballBat, amParachute, amAirAttack, amMineStrike, amBlowTorch, amGirder, amTeleport, amSwitch, amMortar, amKamikaze, amCake, amSeduction, amWatermelon, amHellishBomb, amNapalm, amDrill, amBallgun, amRCPlane, amLowGravity, amExtraDamage, amInvulnerable, amExtraTime, amLaserSight, amVampiric, amSniperRifle, amJetpack, amMolotov, amBirdy); THWFont = (fnt16, fntBig, fntSmall, CJKfnt16, CJKfntBig, CJKfntSmall); TCapGroup = (capgrpGameState, capgrpAmmoinfo, capgrpVolume, capgrpMessage, capgrpAmmostate); TStatInfoType = (siGameResult, siMaxStepDamage, siMaxStepKills, siKilledHHs, siClanHealth); TWave = (waveRollup, waveSad, waveWave, waveHurrah, waveLemonade, waveShrug, waveJuggle); THHFont = record Handle: PTTF_Font; Height: LongInt; style: LongInt; Name: string[21]; end; PAmmo = ^TAmmo; TAmmo = record Propz: LongWord; Count: LongWord; (* Using for place hedgehogs mode, but for any other situation where the initial count would be needed I guess. For example, say, a mode where the weaponset is reset each turn, or on sudden death *) InitialCount: LongWord; NumPerTurn: LongWord; Timer: LongWord; Pos: LongWord; AmmoType: TAmmoType; AttackVoice: TSound; end; TVertex2f = record X, Y: GLfloat; end; TVertex2i = record X, Y: GLint; end; PTexture = ^TTexture; TTexture = record id: GLuint; w, h: LongInt; rx, ry: GLfloat; vb, tb: array [0..3] of TVertex2f; PrevTexture, NextTexture: PTexture; end; THogEffect = (heInvulnerable, hePoisoned); TScreenFade = (sfNone, sfInit, sfToBlack, sfFromBlack, sfToWhite, sfFromWhite); const sfMax = 1000; const // message constants errmsgCreateSurface = 'Error creating SDL surface'; errmsgTransparentSet = 'Error setting transparent color'; errmsgUnknownCommand = 'Unknown command'; errmsgUnknownVariable = 'Unknown variable'; errmsgIncorrectUse = 'Incorrect use'; errmsgShouldntRun = 'This program shouldn''t be run manually'; errmsgWrongNumber = 'Wrong parameters number'; errmsgSlotsOverflow = 'CurSlot overflowed'; msgLoading = 'Loading '; msgOK = 'ok'; msgFailed = 'failed'; msgFailedSize = 'failed due to size'; msgGettingConfig = 'Getting game config...'; // color constants cWhiteColorChannels : TSDL_Color = (r:$FF; g:$FF; b:$FF; unused:$FF); cNearBlackColorChannels : TSDL_Color = (r:$00; g:$00; b:$10; unused:$FF); cWhiteColor : Longword = $FFFFFFFF; cYellowColor : Longword = $FFFFFF00; cNearBlackColor : Longword = $FF000010; cExplosionBorderColor : LongWord = $FF808080; {$WARNINGS OFF} cAirPlaneSpeed: hwFloat = (isNegative: false; QWordValue: 3006477107); // 1.4 cBombsSpeed : hwFloat = (isNegative: false; QWordValue: 429496729); {$WARNINGS ON} // image flags (for LoadImage()) ifNone = $00000000; // nothing special ifAlpha = $00000001; // use alpha channel (unused right now?) ifCritical = $00000002; // image is critical for gameplay (exit game if unable to load) ifTransparent = $00000004; // image uses transparent pixels (color keying) ifIgnoreCaps = $00000008; // ignore hardware capabilities when loading (i.e. image will not be drawn using OpenGL) ifLowRes = $00000010; // try loading a low resolution image when it is critical {* REFERENCE 4096 -> $FFFFF000 2048 -> $FFFFF800 1024 -> $FFFFFC00 512 -> $FFFFFE00 *} {$IFDEF LOWRES} // default for iphone pre 3gs LAND_WIDTH = 2048; LAND_HEIGHT = 1024; LAND_WIDTH_MASK = $FFFFF800; LAND_HEIGHT_MASK = $FFFFFC00; {$ELSE} LAND_WIDTH = 4096; LAND_HEIGHT = 2048; LAND_WIDTH_MASK = $FFFFF000; LAND_HEIGHT_MASK = $FFFFF800; {$ENDIF} COLOR_LAND = $FFFF; // white COLOR_INDESTRUCTIBLE = $88FF; // red COLOR_OBJECT = $44FF; // no idea cMaxPower = 1500; cMaxAngle = 2048; cPowerDivisor = 1500; MAXNAMELEN = 192; // some opengl headers do not have these macros GL_BGR = $80E0; GL_BGRA = $80E1; GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE = $812F; cSendCursorPosTime : LongWord = 50; cVisibleWater : LongInt = 128; cCursorEdgesDist : LongInt = 100; cTeamHealthWidth : LongInt = 128; cWaterOpacity : byte = $80; cifRandomize = $00000001; cifTheme = $00000002; cifMap = $00000002; // either theme or map (or map+theme) cifAllInited = cifRandomize or cifTheme or cifMap; cTransparentColor: Longword = $00000000; cMaxTeams = 6; cMaxHHIndex = 7; cMaxHHs = 48; cMaxSpawnPoints = 1024; cMaxEdgePoints = 16384; cHHRadius = 9; cHHStepTicks = 29; cUsualZ = 500; cSmokeZ = 499; cHHZ = 1000; cCurrHHZ = Succ(cHHZ); cOnHHZ = 2000; cBarrelHealth = 60; cShotgunRadius = 22; cBlowTorchC = 6; cKeyMaxIndex = 1023; {$IFDEF IPHONEOS} cMaxCaptions = 3; {$ELSE} cMaxCaptions = 4; {$ENDIF} cSendEmptyPacketTime = 1000; // from uTriggers trigTurns = $80000001; // Training Flags tfNone = $00000000; tfTimeTrial = $00000001; tfRCPlane = $00000002; tfSpawnTargets = $00000004; tfIgnoreDelays = $00000008; tfTargetRespawn = $00000010; gfAny = $FFFFFFFF; gfForts = $00000001; gfMultiWeapon = $00000002; gfSolidLand = $00000004; gfBorder = $00000008; gfDivideTeams = $00000010; gfLowGravity = $00000020; gfLaserSight = $00000040; gfInvulnerable = $00000080; gfMines = $00000100; gfVampiric = $00000200; gfKarma = $00000400; gfArtillery = $00000800; gfOneClanMode = $00001000; gfRandomOrder = $00002000; gfKing = $00004000; gfPlaceHog = $00008000; gfSharedAmmo = $00010000; gfDisableGirders = $00020000; gfExplosives = $00040000; // NOTE: When adding new game flags, ask yourself // if a "game start notice" would be useful. If so, // add one in uWorld.pas - look for "AddGoal". gstDrowning = $00000001; gstHHDriven = $00000002; gstMoving = $00000004; gstAttacked = $00000008; gstAttacking = $00000010; gstCollision = $00000020; gstHHChooseTarget = $00000040; gstHHJumping = $00000100; gsttmpFlag = $00000200; gstHHThinking = $00000800; gstNoDamage = $00001000; gstHHHJump = $00002000; gstAnimation = $00004000; gstHHDeath = $00008000; gstWinner = $00010000; // this, along with gstLoser, is good for indicating hedgies know they screwed up gstWait = $00020000; gstNotKickable = $00040000; gstLoser = $00080000; gm_Left = $00000001; gm_Right = $00000002; gm_Up = $00000004; gm_Down = $00000008; gm_Switch = $00000010; gm_Attack = $00000020; gm_LJump = $00000040; gm_HJump = $00000080; gm_Destroy= $00000100; gm_Slot = $00000200; // with param gm_Weapon = $00000400; // with param gm_Timer = $00000800; // with param gm_Animate= $00001000; // with param gm_Precise= $00002000; gmAllStoppable = gm_Left or gm_Right or gm_Up or gm_Down or gm_Attack or gm_Precise; cMaxSlotIndex = 8; cMaxSlotAmmoIndex = 5; ammoprop_Timerable = $00000001; ammoprop_Power = $00000002; ammoprop_NeedTarget = $00000004; ammoprop_ForwMsgs = $00000008; ammoprop_AttackInMove = $00000010; ammoprop_NoCrosshair = $00000040; ammoprop_AttackingPut = $00000080; ammoprop_DontHold = $00000100; ammoprop_AltAttack = $00000200; ammoprop_AltUse = $00000400; ammoprop_NotBorder = $00000800; ammoprop_Utility = $00001000; ammoprop_Effect = $00002000; ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint=$10000000; AMMO_INFINITE = 100; EXPLAllDamageInRadius = $00000001; EXPLAutoSound = $00000002; EXPLNoDamage = $00000004; EXPLDoNotTouchHH = $00000008; EXPLDontDraw = $00000010; EXPLNoGfx = $00000020; EXPLPoisoned = $00000040; posCaseAmmo = $00000001; posCaseHealth = $00000002; posCaseUtility = $00000004; NoPointX = Low(LongInt); cTargetPointRef : TPoint = (X: NoPointX; Y: 0); // hog tag mask htNone = $00; htTeamName = $01; htName = $02; htHealth = $04; htTransparent = $08; cHHFileName = 'Hedgehog'; cCHFileName = 'Crosshair'; cThemeCFGFilename = 'theme.cfg'; FontBorder = 2; var PathPrefix: shortstring; Pathz: array[TPathType] of shortstring; CountTexz: array[1..Pred(AMMO_INFINITE)] of PTexture; const cTagsMasks : array[0..15] of byte = (7, 0, 0, 0, 15, 6, 4, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 14, 12, 13); cTagsMasksNoHealth: array[0..15] of byte = (3, 2, 11, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0); Fontz: array[THWFont] of THHFont = ( (Handle: nil; Height: 12; style: TTF_STYLE_NORMAL; Name: 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf'), (Handle: nil; Height: 24; style: TTF_STYLE_NORMAL; Name: 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf'), (Handle: nil; Height: 10; style: TTF_STYLE_NORMAL; Name: 'DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf'), (Handle: nil; Height: 12; style: TTF_STYLE_NORMAL; Name: 'wqy-zenhei.ttc'), (Handle: nil; Height: 24; style: TTF_STYLE_NORMAL; Name: 'wqy-zenhei.ttc'), (Handle: nil; Height: 10; style: TTF_STYLE_NORMAL; Name: 'wqy-zenhei.ttc') ); SpritesData: array[TSprite] of record FileName: String[14]; Path, AltPath: TPathType; Texture: PTexture; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Width, Height, imageWidth, imageHeight: LongInt; saveSurf: boolean; end = ( (FileName: 'BlueWater'; Path: ptCurrTheme;AltPath: ptGraphics; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 0; Height: 0; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprWater (FileName: 'Clouds'; Path: ptCurrTheme;AltPath: ptGraphics; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 256; Height:128; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprCloud (FileName: 'Bomb'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 8; Height: 8; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprBomb (FileName: 'BigDigits'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprBigDigit (FileName: 'Frame'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 4; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprFrame (FileName: 'Lag'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 65; Height: 65; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprLag (FileName: 'Arrow'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprCursor (FileName: 'Grenade'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprGrenade (FileName: 'Targetp'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprTargetP (FileName: 'Bee'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprBee (FileName: 'SmokeTrace'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSmokeTrace (FileName: 'RopeHook'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprRopeHook (FileName: 'Expl50'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprExplosion50 (FileName: 'MineOff'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 8; Height: 8; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprMineOff (FileName: 'MineOn'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 8; Height: 8; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprMineOn (FileName: 'MineDead'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 8; Height: 8; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprMineDead (FileName: 'Case'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 48; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprCase (FileName: 'FirstAid'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 48; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprFAid (FileName: 'dynamite'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprDynamite (FileName: 'Power'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprPower (FileName: 'ClBomb'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprClusterBomb (FileName: 'ClParticle'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprClusterParticle (FileName: 'Flame'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprFlame (FileName: 'horizont'; Path: ptCurrTheme;AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 0; Height: 0; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHorizont (FileName: 'horizontL'; Path: ptCurrTheme;AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 0; Height: 0; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHorizont (FileName: 'horizontR'; Path: ptCurrTheme;AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 0; Height: 0; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHorizont (FileName: 'Sky'; Path: ptCurrTheme;AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 0; Height: 0; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSky (FileName: 'SkyL'; Path: ptCurrTheme;AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 0; Height: 0; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSky (FileName: 'SkyR'; Path: ptCurrTheme;AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 0; Height: 0; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSky (FileName: 'BrdrLines'; Path: ptAmmoMenu; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 202; Height: 1; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAMBorders (FileName: 'Slot'; Path: ptAmmoMenu; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 202; Height: 33; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAMSlot (FileName: 'AmmoName'; Path: ptAmmoMenu; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 202; Height: 33; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAMSlotName (FileName: 'Ammos'; Path: ptAmmoMenu; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true),// sprAMAmmos (FileName: 'SlotKeys'; Path: ptAmmoMenu; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAMSlotKeys (FileName: 'Selection'; Path: ptAmmoMenu; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAMSelection (FileName: 'Finger'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprFinger (FileName: 'AirBomb'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAirBomb (FileName: 'Airplane'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 254; Height: 101; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAirplane (FileName: 'amAirplane'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAmAirplane (FileName: 'amGirder'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 160; Height:160; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true),// sprAmGirder (FileName: 'hhMask'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true),// sprHHTelepMask (FileName: 'Switch'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSwitch (FileName: 'Parachute'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 48; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprParachute (FileName: 'Target'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprTarget (FileName: 'RopeNode'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 6; Height: 6; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprRopeNode (FileName: 'thinking'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprQuestion (FileName: 'PowerBar'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 256; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprPowerBar (FileName: 'WindBar'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 151; Height: 17; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprWindBar (FileName: 'WindL'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 80; Height: 13; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprWindL (FileName: 'WindR'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 80; Height: 13; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprWindR (FileName: 'Flake'; Path:ptCurrTheme; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprFlake (FileName: 'amRope'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandRope (FileName: 'amBazooka'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandBazooka (FileName: 'amShotgun'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandShotgun (FileName: 'amDEagle'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandDEagle (FileName:'amAirAttack'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandAirAttack (FileName: 'amBaseball'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandBaseball (FileName: 'Hammer'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprPHammer (FileName: 'amBTorch_i'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandBlowTorch (FileName: 'amBTorch_w'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprBlowTorch (FileName: 'Teleport'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprTeleport (FileName: 'HHDeath'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHHDeath (FileName:'amShotgun_w'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprShotgun (FileName: 'amDEagle_w'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprDEagle (FileName: 'Idle'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHHIdle (FileName: 'Mortar'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprMortar (FileName: 'TurnsLeft'; Path: ptAmmoMenu; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprTurnsLeft (FileName: 'amKamikaze'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 256; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprKamikaze (FileName: 'amWhip'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 128; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprWhip (FileName: 'Kowtow'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprKowtow (FileName: 'Sad'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSad (FileName: 'Wave'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprWave (FileName: 'Hurrah'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHurrah (FileName:'ILoveLemonade';Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 128; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprLemonade (FileName: 'Shrug'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprShrug (FileName: 'Juggle'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprJuggle (FileName: 'ExplPart'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprExplPart (FileName: 'ExplPart2'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprExplPart2 (FileName: 'Cake_walk'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprCakeWalk (FileName: 'Cake_down'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprCakeDown (FileName: 'Ammos_bw'; Path: ptAmmoMenu; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprAMAmmosBW (FileName: 'Watermelon'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprWatermelon (FileName: 'EvilTrace'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprEvilTrace (FileName:'HellishBomb'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHellishBomb (FileName: 'Seduction'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSeduction (FileName: 'HHDress'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprDress (FileName: 'Censored'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprCensored (FileName: 'Drill'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprDrill (FileName: 'amDrill'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandDrill (FileName: 'amBallgun'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandBallgun (FileName: 'Balls'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 20; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprBalls (FileName: 'RCPlane'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprPlane (FileName: 'amRCPlane'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprHandPlane (FileName: 'Utility'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 48; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprUtility (FileName:'Invulnerable';Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 48; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprInvulnerable (FileName: 'Vampiric'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 48; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprVampiric (FileName: 'amGirder'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 512; Height:512; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprGirder (FileName:'SpeechCorner';Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 12; Height: 9; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprSpeechCorner (FileName: 'SpeechEdge'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 25; Height: 9; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprSpeechEdge (FileName: 'SpeechTail'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 25; Height: 26; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprSpeechTail (FileName:'ThoughtCorner';Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 49; Height: 37; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprThoughtCorner (FileName:'ThoughtEdge'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 23; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprThoughtEdge (FileName:'ThoughtTail'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 45; Height: 65; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprThoughtTail (FileName:'ShoutCorner'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 34; Height: 23; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprShoutCorner (FileName: 'ShoutEdge'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 30; Height: 20; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprShoutEdge (FileName: 'ShoutTail'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 30; Height: 37; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: true), // sprShoutTail (FileName:'amSniperRifle';Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 128; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprSniperRifle (FileName: 'Bubbles'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprBubbles (FileName: 'amJetpack'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprJetpack (FileName: 'Health'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprHealth (FileName: 'amMolotov'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), //sprHandMolotov (FileName: 'Molotov'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprMolotov (FileName: 'Smoke'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 22; Height: 22; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSmoke (FileName: 'SmokeWhite'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 22; Height: 22; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSmokeWhite (FileName: 'Shells'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 8; Height: 8; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprShell (FileName: 'Dust'; Path: ptCurrTheme; AltPath: ptGraphics; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 22; Height: 22; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprDust (FileName: 'Explosives'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 48; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprExplosives (FileName: 'ExplosivesRoll'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 48; Height: 48; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprExplosivesRoll (FileName: 'amTeleport'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprAmTeleport (FileName: 'Splash'; Path: ptCurrTheme; AltPath: ptGraphics; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 128; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprSplash (FileName: 'Droplet'; Path: ptCurrTheme; AltPath: ptGraphics; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprDroplet (FileName: 'Birdy'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 75; Height: 75; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprBirdy (FileName: 'amCake'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandCake (FileName: 'amConstruction'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandConstruction (FileName: 'amGrenade'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandGrenade (FileName: 'amMelon'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandMelon (FileName: 'amMortar'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandMortar (FileName: 'amSkip'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandSkip (FileName: 'amCluster'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandCluster (FileName: 'amDynamite'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandDynamite (FileName: 'amHellish'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandHellish (FileName: 'amMine'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandMine (FileName: 'amSeduction'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandSeduction (FileName: 'amVamp'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 64; Height: 64; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprHandVamp (FileName: 'BigExplosion'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 385; Height: 385; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprBigExplosion (FileName: 'SmokeRing'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 200; Height: 200; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false),// sprSmokeRing (FileName: 'BeeTrace'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 16; Height: 16; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprBeeTrace (FileName: 'Egg'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 8; Height: 8; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprEgg (FileName: 'TargetBee'; Path: ptGraphics; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 32; Height: 32; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false), // sprTargetBee (FileName: 'amBee'; Path: ptHedgehog; AltPath: ptNone; Texture: nil; Surface: nil; Width: 128; Height: 128; imageWidth: 0; imageHeight: 0; saveSurf: false) // sprHandBee ); Wavez: array [TWave] of record Sprite: TSprite; FramesCount: Longword; Interval: Longword; cmd: String[20]; Voice: TSound; VoiceDelay: LongWord; end = ( (Sprite: sprKowtow; FramesCount: 12; Interval: 125; cmd: '/rollup'; Voice: sndNone; VoiceDelay: 0), (Sprite: sprSad; FramesCount: 14; Interval: 125; cmd: '/sad'; Voice: sndNone; VoiceDelay: 0), (Sprite: sprWave; FramesCount: 16; Interval: 125; cmd: '/wave'; Voice: sndHello; VoiceDelay: 5), (Sprite: sprHurrah; FramesCount: 14; Interval: 125; cmd: '/hurrah'; Voice: sndNone; VoiceDelay: 0), (Sprite: sprLemonade; FramesCount: 24; Interval: 125; cmd: '/ilovelotsoflemonade'; Voice: sndNone; VoiceDelay: 0), (Sprite: sprShrug; FramesCount: 24; Interval: 125; cmd: '/shrug'; Voice: sndNone; VoiceDelay: 0), (Sprite: sprJuggle; FramesCount: 49; Interval: 38; cmd: '/juggle'; Voice: sndNone; VoiceDelay: 0) ); Soundz: array[TSound] of record FileName: String[25]; Path : TPathType; end = ( (FileName: ''; Path: ptNone ),// sndNone (FileName: 'grenadeimpact.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGrenadeImpact (FileName: 'explosion.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndExplosion (FileName: 'throwpowerup.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndThrowPowerUp (FileName: 'throwrelease.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndThrowRelease (FileName: 'splash.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndSplash (FileName: 'shotgunreload.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndShotgunReload (FileName: 'shotgunfire.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndShotgunFire (FileName: 'graveimpact.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGraveImpact (FileName: 'minetick.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndMineTicks (FileName: 'pickhammer.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndPickhammer (FileName: 'gun.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndGun (FileName: 'bee.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndBee (FileName: 'Jump1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump1 (FileName: 'Jump2.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump2 (FileName: 'Jump3.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndJump3 (FileName: 'Yessir.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndYesSir (FileName: 'Laugh.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndLaugh (FileName: 'Illgetyou.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndIllGetYou (FileName: 'Incoming.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndIncoming (FileName: 'Missed.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndMissed (FileName: 'Stupid.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndStupid (FileName: 'Firstblood.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirstBlood (FileName: 'Boring.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndBoring (FileName: 'Byebye.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndByeBye (FileName: 'Sameteam.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndSameTeam (FileName: 'Nutter.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndNutter (FileName: 'Reinforcements.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndReinforce (FileName: 'Traitor.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndTraitor (FileName: 'Youllregretthat.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndRegret (FileName: 'Enemydown.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndEnemyDown (FileName: 'Coward.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndCoward (FileName: 'Hurry.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndHurry (FileName: 'Watchit.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndWatchIt (FileName: 'Kamikaze.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndKamikaze (FileName: 'cake2.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndCake (FileName: 'Ow1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndOw1 (FileName: 'Ow4.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndOw4 (FileName: 'Firepunch1.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch1 (FileName: 'Firepunch2.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch2 (FileName: 'Firepunch3.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch3 (FileName: 'Firepunch4.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch4 (FileName: 'Firepunch5.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch5 (FileName: 'Firepunch6.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndFirepunch6 (FileName: 'Melon.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndMelon (FileName: 'Hellish.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndHellish (FileName: 'Yoohoo.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndYoohoo (FileName: 'rcplane.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndRCPlane (FileName: 'whipcrack.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndWhipCrack (FileName:'ride_of_the_valkyries.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndRideOfTheValkyries (FileName: 'denied.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndDenied (FileName: 'placed.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndPlaced (FileName: 'baseballbat.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndBaseballBat (FileName: 'steam.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndVaporize (FileName: 'warp.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndWarp (FileName: 'suddendeath.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndSuddenDeath (FileName: 'mortar.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndMortar (FileName: 'shutterclick.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndShutter (FileName: 'homerun.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndHomerun (FileName: 'molotov.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndMolotov (FileName: 'Takecover.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndCover (FileName: 'Uh-oh.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndUhOh (FileName: 'Oops.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndOops (FileName: 'Nooo.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndNooo (FileName: 'Hello.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndHello (FileName: ''; Path: ptSounds),// sndRopeShot (FileName: ''; Path: ptSounds),// sndRopeAttach (FileName: ''; Path: ptSounds),// sndRopeRelease (FileName: 'switchhog.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndSwitchHog (FileName: 'victory.ogg'; Path: ptVoices),// sndVictory (FileName: 'sniperreload.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndSniperReload (FileName: 'steps.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndSteps (FileName: 'lowgravity.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndLowGravity (FileName: 'hellishimpact.ogg'; Path: ptSounds), // sndHellishImpact (FileName: 'melonimpact.ogg'; Path: ptSounds), // sndMelonImpact (FileName: 'Droplet1.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndDroplet1 (FileName: 'Droplet2.ogg'; Path: ptSounds),// sndDroplet2 (FileName: 'Droplet3.ogg'; Path: ptSounds) // sndDroplet3 ); Ammoz: array [TAmmoType] of record NameId: TAmmoStrId; NameTex: PTexture; Probability, NumberInCase: Longword; Ammo: TAmmo; Slot: 0..cMaxSlotIndex; TimeAfterTurn: Longword; minAngle, maxAngle: Longword; isDamaging: boolean; SkipTurns: Longword; PosCount: Longword; PosSprite: TSprite; end = ( (NameId: sidNothing; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 0; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_Effect; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amNothing; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 0; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 9999; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidGrenade; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_Timerable or ammoprop_Power or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 3000; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amGrenade; AttackVoice: sndCover); Slot: 1; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidClusterBomb; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 3; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_Timerable or ammoprop_Power or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: 5; InitialCount: 5; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 3000; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amClusterBomb; AttackVoice: sndCover); Slot: 1; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidBazooka; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_Power or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amBazooka; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 0; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidBee; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_Power or ammoprop_NeedTarget or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: 2; InitialCount: 2; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amBee; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 0; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidShotgun; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 1; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amShotgun; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 2; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidPickHammer; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_AttackInMove or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: 2; InitialCount: 2; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amPickHammer; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 6; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidSkip; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amSkip; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 8; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidRope; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 3; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_AttackInMove or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_AltAttack; Count: 5; InitialCount: 5; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amRope; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 7; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: cMaxAngle div 2; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidMine; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_AttackInMove or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: 2; InitialCount: 2; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amMine; AttackVoice: sndLaugh); Slot: 4; TimeAfterTurn: 5000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidDEagle; NameTex: nil; Probability: 20; NumberInCase: 2; Ammo: (Propz: 0; Count: 3; InitialCount: 3; NumPerTurn: 3; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amDEagle; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 2; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidDynamite; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_AttackInMove or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amDynamite; AttackVoice: sndLaugh); Slot: 4; TimeAfterTurn: 5000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidFirePunch; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_AttackInMove; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amFirePunch; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 3; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; MinAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidWhip; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amWhip; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 3; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; MinAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidBaseballBat; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_DontHold; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amBaseballBat; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 3; TimeAfterTurn: 5000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: cMaxAngle div 2; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 2; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidParachute; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_AttackInMove or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_AltAttack; Count: 2; InitialCount: 2; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amParachute; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 7; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidAirAttack; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_NeedTarget or ammoprop_AttackingPut or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_NotBorder; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amAirAttack; AttackVoice: sndIncoming); Slot: 5; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 5; PosCount: 2; PosSprite: sprAmAirplane), (NameId: sidMineStrike; NameTex: nil; Probability: 200; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_NeedTarget or ammoprop_AttackingPut or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_NotBorder; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amMineStrike; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 5; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 5; PosCount: 2; PosSprite: sprAmAirplane), (NameId: sidBlowTorch; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 2; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amBlowTorch; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 6; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 768; maxAngle: 1280; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidGirder; NameTex: nil; Probability: 150; NumberInCase: 3; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_NeedTarget or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_AttackingPut; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amGirder; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 6; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 8; PosSprite: sprAmGirder), (NameId: sidTeleport; NameTex: nil; Probability: 200; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_NeedTarget or ammoprop_AttackingPut or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: 2; InitialCount: 2; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amTeleport; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 7; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 2; PosSprite: sprAmTeleport), (NameId: sidSwitch; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: 3; InitialCount: 3; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amSwitch; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 8; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidMortar; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 4; Ammo: (Propz: 0; Count: 4; InitialCount: 4; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amMortar; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 0; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidKamikaze; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AttackInMove; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amKamikaze; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 3; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidCake; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amCake; AttackVoice: sndLaugh); Slot: 4; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 4; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidSeduction; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amSeduction; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 3; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidWatermelon; NameTex: nil; Probability: 400; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_Timerable or ammoprop_Power or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: 0; InitialCount: 0; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 3000; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amWatermelon; AttackVoice: sndMelon); Slot: 1; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidHellishBomb; NameTex: nil; Probability: 400; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_Power or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: 0; InitialCount: 0; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 5000; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amHellishBomb; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 1; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidNapalm; NameTex: nil; Probability: 100; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_NeedTarget or ammoprop_AttackingPut or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_NotBorder; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amNapalm; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 5; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 7; PosCount: 2; PosSprite: sprAmAirplane), (NameId: sidDrill; NameTex: nil; Probability: 300; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_Power or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amDrill; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 0; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprDrill), (NameId: sidBallgun; NameTex: nil; Probability: 400; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 5001; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amBallgun; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 2; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidRCPlane; NameTex: nil; Probability: 200; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs{ or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltAttack}; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amRCPlane; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 4; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 4; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidLowGravity; NameTex: nil; Probability: 20; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltUse or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_Effect; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amLowGravity; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 8; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidExtraDamage; NameTex: nil; Probability: 15; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltUse or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_Effect; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amExtraDamage; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 0; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidInvulnerable; NameTex: nil; Probability: 20; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltUse or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_Effect; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amInvulnerable; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 6; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidExtraTime; NameTex: nil; Probability: 30; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltUse or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_Effect; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amExtraTime; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 8; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidLaserSight; NameTex: nil; Probability: 15; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltUse or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_Effect; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amLaserSight; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 2; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidVampiric; NameTex: nil; Probability: 15; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_AltUse or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_Effect; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amVampiric; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 8; TimeAfterTurn: 0; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidSniperRifle; NameTex: nil; Probability: 20; NumberInCase: 2; Ammo: (Propz: 0; Count: 2; InitialCount: 2; NumPerTurn: 1; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amSniperRifle; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 2; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidJetpack; NameTex: nil; Probability: 20; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_NoRoundEndHint or ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_AttackInMove or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold or ammoprop_Utility or ammoprop_AltAttack; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 1; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amJetpack; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 7; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: false; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidMolotov; NameTex: nil; Probability: 0; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_Power or ammoprop_AltUse; Count: AMMO_INFINITE; InitialCount: AMMO_INFINITE; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 3000; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amMolotov; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 1; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater), (NameId: sidBirdy; NameTex: nil; Probability: 20; NumberInCase: 1; Ammo: (Propz: ammoprop_ForwMsgs or ammoprop_NoCrosshair or ammoprop_DontHold; Count: 1; InitialCount: 1; NumPerTurn: 0; Timer: 0; Pos: 0; AmmoType: amBirdy; AttackVoice: sndNone); Slot: 7; TimeAfterTurn: 3000; minAngle: 0; maxAngle: 0; isDamaging: true; SkipTurns: 0; PosCount: 1; PosSprite: sprWater) ); conversionFormat: TSDL_PixelFormat = ( palette: nil; BitsPerPixel : 32; BytesPerPixel: 4; Rloss : 0; Gloss : 0; Bloss : 0; Aloss : 0; {$IFDEF ENDIAN_LITTLE} Rshift: 0; Gshift: 8; Bshift: 16; Ashift: 24; {$ELSE} Rshift: 24; Gshift: 16; Bshift: 8; Ashift: 0; {$ENDIF} RMask : RMask; GMask : GMask; BMask : BMask; AMask : AMask; colorkey: 0; alpha : 255 ); procedure initModule; procedure freeModule; implementation procedure initModule; var cPathz: array[TPathType] of shortstring = ( '', // ptNone '', // ptData 'Graphics', // ptGraphics 'Themes', // ptThemes 'Themes/avematan', // ptCurrTheme 'Teams', // ptTeams 'Maps', // ptMaps '', // ptMapCurrent 'Demos', // ptDemos 'Sounds', // ptSounds 'Graphics/Graves', // ptGraves 'Fonts', // ptFonts 'Forts', // ptForts 'Locale', // ptLocale 'Graphics/AmmoMenu', // ptAmmoMenu 'Graphics/Hedgehog', // ptHedgehog 'Sounds/voices', // ptVoices 'Graphics/Hats', // ptHats 'Graphics/Flags' // ptFlags ); begin PathPrefix := './'; Pathz:= cPathz; end; procedure freeModule; begin end; end.