author koda
Mon, 17 Jun 2013 17:40:01 +0200
changeset 9234 2bf3796c5855
parent 4995 d3ca68e4860e
permissions -rw-r--r--
This commit changes many aspect of our cmake build system - shared libraries are compiled by default: * this modifies RPATH of unix executables; * this will prevent a lot of linking issues, esp. from pascal world; * the old behaviour (static libs) is still available with -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=off; * of course in this case you have to provide the full list of dependencies with FPFLAGS and CMAKE_C_FLAGS; - pascal is now fully integrated with cmake, meaning you can just do add_sources and use CMAKE_Pascal_FLAGS: * some of the language features are only partially implemented, for example .inc files will not get rebuilt if you modify them; * target_link_libraries for pascal targets is just dummy as linking is determined within pascal files; * universal builds for osx are not available any more; - bundled libraries and system libraries are addressed using the target name: * this avoids depedency tracking; * this allows to name output as we wish.

-- Module      : Data.TConfig
-- Copyright   : (c) Anthony Simpson 2009
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  :
-- Stability   : relatively stable
-- Portability : portable
  A small and simple text file configuration
  library written in Haskell. It is similar
  to the INI file format, but lacks a few of
  it's features, such as sections. It is
  suitable for simple games that need to
  keep track of certain information between
module Data.TConfig
   , repConfig
   , readConfig
   , writeConfig
   , remKey
   , addKey
   , Conf ()
   ) where

import Data.Char
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Control.Monad

type Key   = String
type Value = String
type Conf  = M.Map Key Value

-- |Adds a key and value to the end of the configuration.
addKey :: Key -> Value -> Conf -> Conf
addKey = M.insert

-- |Utility function.
-- Removes a key and its value from the configuration.
remKey :: Key -> Conf -> Conf
remKey = M.delete

-- |Utility function. Searches a configuration for a
-- key, and returns its value.
getValue :: Key -> Conf -> Maybe Value
getValue = M.lookup

-- |Utility function. Replaces the value
-- associated with a key in a configuration.
repConfig :: Key -> Value -> Conf -> Conf
repConfig k rv conf = let f _ = Just rv
                      in M.alter f k conf

-- |Reads a file and parses to a Map String String.
readConfig :: FilePath -> IO Conf
readConfig path = liftM (M.fromList . map ((\(a, b) -> (filter (not . isSpace) a, dropWhile isSpace $ tail b)) . break (== '=')) . filter (not . null) . lines) $ readFile path

-- |Parses a parsed configuration back to a file.
writeConfig :: FilePath -> Conf -> IO ()
writeConfig path = writeFile path . unlines . map (\(a, b) -> a ++ " = " ++ b) . M.toList