This should have been added before. add log spew if this ever happens. We should hopefully identify the various circumstances and make sure it is all cleaned up so the list becomes unnecessary.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module OfficialServer.GameReplayStore where
import Data.Time
import Control.Exception as E
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Sequence()
import System.Log.Logger
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Unique
import Control.Monad
import CoreTypes
saveReplay :: RoomInfo -> IO ()
saveReplay r = do
time <- getCurrentTime
u <- liftM hashUnique newUnique
let fileName = "replays/" ++ show time ++ "-" ++ show u
let gi = fromJust $ gameInfo r
let replayInfo = (teamsAtStart gi, Map.toList $ mapParams r, Map.toList $ params r, roundMsgs gi)
(writeFile fileName (show replayInfo))
(\(e :: IOException) -> warningM "REPLAYS" $ "Couldn't write to " ++ fileName ++ ": " ++ show e)