- Fixed bug with hedgehog under water using rope
- Add locale support in engine
- Bots use ljump and hjump
- Fix shotgun rating
- Support for theme-dependent sprites
- Horizon and sky can have any image size
- Many small fixes
; Конфиг команды
name team "-= ЕЖЫ =-"
name hh0 "Маленький"
name hh1 "Удаленький"
name hh2 "Игольчатый"
name hh3 "Стреляный"
name hh4 "Ежиха"
name hh5 "Ежонок"
name hh6 "Инфернальный"
name hh7 "X"
bind left "+left"
bind right "+right"
bind up "+up"
bind down "+down"
bind F1 "slot 1"
bind F2 "slot 2"
bind F3 "slot 3"
bind F4 "slot 4"
bind F5 "slot 5"
bind F6 "slot 6"
bind F7 "slot 7"
bind F8 "slot 8"
bind F10 "quit"
bind F11 "capture"
bind space "+attack"
bind return "ljump"
bind backspace "hjump"
bind tab "switch"
bind 1 "timer 1"
bind 2 "timer 2"
bind 3 "timer 3"
bind 4 "timer 4"
bind 5 "timer 5"
bind mousel "put"
grave Bone
fort Barrelhouse