Easier back jumps in Basic Movement Training (fixes
bug #692)
The explanation of Back Jumping (2/2) has been simplified
and the "hard" part has been made easier by lowering the girders.
The original idea was that I wanted to force players to learn
how to jump higher by delaying the 2nd backspace keypress.
But this turned out that this section was too unfair and we have
lost at least one player due to rage-quitting, according to feedback.
Glicko2, as described in http://www.glicko.net/glicko/glicko2.pdf
module OfficialServer.Glicko2 where
data RatingData = RatingData {
, rD
, volatility :: Double
data GameData = GameData {
opponentRating :: RatingData,
gameScore :: Double
τ, ε :: Double
τ = 0.2
ε = 0.000001
g_φ :: Double -> Double
g_φ φ = 1 / sqrt (1 + 3 * φ^2 / pi^2)
calcE :: RatingData -> GameData -> (Double, Double, Double)
calcE oldRating (GameData oppRating s) = (
1 / (1 + exp (g_φᵢ * (μᵢ - μ)))
, g_φᵢ
, s
μ = (ratingValue oldRating - 1500) / 173.7178
φ = rD oldRating / 173.7178
μᵢ = (ratingValue oppRating - 1500) / 173.7178
φᵢ = rD oppRating / 173.7178
g_φᵢ = g_φ φᵢ
calcNewRating :: RatingData -> [GameData] -> (Int, RatingData)
calcNewRating oldRating [] = (0, RatingData (ratingValue oldRating) (173.7178 * sqrt (φ ^ 2 + σ ^ 2)) σ)
φ = rD oldRating / 173.7178
σ = volatility oldRating
calcNewRating oldRating games = (length games, RatingData (173.7178 * μ' + 1500) (173.7178 * sqrt φ'sqr) σ')
_Es = map (calcE oldRating) games
υ = 1 / sum (map υ_p _Es)
υ_p (_Eᵢ, g_φᵢ, _) = g_φᵢ ^ 2 * _Eᵢ * (1 - _Eᵢ)
_Δ = υ * part1
part1 = sum (map _Δ_p _Es)
_Δ_p (_Eᵢ, g_φᵢ, sᵢ) = g_φᵢ * (sᵢ - _Eᵢ)
μ = (ratingValue oldRating - 1500) / 173.7178
φ = rD oldRating / 173.7178
σ = volatility oldRating
a = log (σ ^ 2)
f :: Double -> Double
f x = exp x * (_Δ ^ 2 - φ ^ 2 - υ - exp x) / 2 / (φ ^ 2 + υ + exp x) ^ 2 - (x - a) / τ ^ 2
_A = a
_B = if _Δ ^ 2 > φ ^ 2 + υ then log (_Δ ^ 2 - φ ^ 2 - υ) else head . dropWhile ((>) 0 . f) . map (\k -> a - k * τ) $ [1 ..]
fA = f _A
fB = f _B
σ' = (\(_A, _, _, _) -> exp (_A / 2)) . head . dropWhile (\(_A, _, _B, _) -> abs (_B - _A) > ε) $ iterate step5 (_A, fA, _B, fB)
step5 (_A, fA, _B, fB) = let _C = _A + (_A - _B) * fA / (fB - fA); fC = f _C in
if fC * fB < 0 then (_B, fB, _C, fC) else (_A, fA / 2, _C, fC)
φ'sqr = 1 / (1 / (φ ^ 2 + σ' ^ 2) + 1 / υ)
μ' = μ + φ'sqr * part1