author Wuzzy <>
Mon, 17 Sep 2018 22:37:47 +0200
changeset 13819 4ed202f0428e
parent 9464 901e363d5837
permissions -rw-r--r--
Easier back jumps in Basic Movement Training (fixes bug #692) The explanation of Back Jumping (2/2) has been simplified and the "hard" part has been made easier by lowering the girders. The original idea was that I wanted to force players to learn how to jump higher by delaying the 2nd backspace keypress. But this turned out that this section was too unfair and we have lost at least one player due to rage-quitting, according to feedback.

module Test where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS

data OP = Sum
        | Mul
        | Sub
    deriving Show

genOps :: Int -> [[OP]]
genOps 1 = [[Sum], [Mul], [Sub]]
genOps n = [a : as | a <- [Sum, Mul, Sub], as <- genOps (n - 1)]

genPos :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
genPos m 1 = map (:[]) [-m..m - 1]
genPos m n = [a : as | a <- [-m..m - 1], as <- genPos m (n - 1)]

hash :: [Int] -> [OP] -> [Int] -> Int
hash poss op s = foldl applyOp s' (zip ss op)
        applyOp v (n, Sum) = (v + n) `mod` 256
        applyOp v (n, Mul) = (v * n) `mod` 256
        applyOp v (n, Sub) = (v - n) `mod` 256
        (s' : ss) = map (\p -> if p >= 0 then s !! p else s !! (l + p)) poss
        l = length s

test = do
    a <- liftM lines getContents
    let w = minimum $ map length a
    let opsNum = 4
    let opsList = genOps (opsNum - 1)
    let posList = genPos w opsNum
    let target = length a
    let wordsList = map (map fromEnum) a
    let hashedSize = IS.size . IS.fromList
    print $ length a
    putStrLn . unlines . map show $ filter (\l -> fst l == length a) $ [(hs, (p, o)) | p <- posList, o <- opsList, let hs = hashedSize . map (hash p o) $ wordsList]

didIunderstand' = do
    a <- liftM lines getContents
    print $ length a
    print . IS.size . IS.fromList . map (testHash . map fromEnum) $ a
        testHash s = let l = length s in (
                         (s !! (l - 2) * s !! 1) + s !! (l - 1) - s !! 0
                         ) `mod` 256