author Wuzzy <Wuzzy2@mail.ru>
Fri, 09 Mar 2018 19:05:59 +0100
changeset 13145 5083fb0a2992
parent 10017 de822cd3df3a
permissions -rw-r--r--
A Classic Fairytale: Harden all missions against missing campaign variables in team file and assume default values This assumes the worst case in which the team file is missing all campaign variables except Progress. This has been successfully tested with all 10 missions and still generates a logical storyline. By default, the game assumes: - The cyborg's offer in mission 2 was refused - The traitor in mission 5 was killed As a consequence, missions 8 and 10 use the princessScene cut scene.

** $Id: lzio.h,v 2007/12/27 13:02:25 roberto Exp $
** Buffered streams
** See Copyright Notice in lua.h

#ifndef lzio_h
#define lzio_h

#include "lua.h"

#include "lmem.h"

#define EOZ (-1)            /* end of stream */

typedef struct Zio ZIO;

#define char2int(c) cast(int, cast(unsigned char, (c)))

#define zgetc(z)  (((z)->n--)>0 ?  char2int(*(z)->p++) : luaZ_fill(z))

typedef struct Mbuffer {
  char *buffer;
  size_t n;
  size_t buffsize;
} Mbuffer;

#define luaZ_initbuffer(L, buff) ((buff)->buffer = NULL, (buff)->buffsize = 0)

#define luaZ_buffer(buff)   ((buff)->buffer)
#define luaZ_sizebuffer(buff)   ((buff)->buffsize)
#define luaZ_bufflen(buff)  ((buff)->n)

#define luaZ_resetbuffer(buff) ((buff)->n = 0)

#define luaZ_resizebuffer(L, buff, size) \
    (luaM_reallocvector(L, (buff)->buffer, (buff)->buffsize, size, char), \
    (buff)->buffsize = size)

#define luaZ_freebuffer(L, buff)    luaZ_resizebuffer(L, buff, 0)

LUAI_FUNC char *luaZ_openspace (lua_State *L, Mbuffer *buff, size_t n);
LUAI_FUNC void luaZ_init (lua_State *L, ZIO *z, lua_Reader reader,
                                        void *data);
LUAI_FUNC size_t luaZ_read (ZIO* z, void* b, size_t n); /* read next n bytes */
LUAI_FUNC int luaZ_lookahead (ZIO *z);

/* --------- Private Part ------------------ */

struct Zio {
  size_t n;         /* bytes still unread */
  const char *p;        /* current position in buffer */
  lua_Reader reader;
  void* data;           /* additional data */
  lua_State *L;         /* Lua state (for reader) */

LUAI_FUNC int luaZ_fill (ZIO *z);
