#!/bin/sh -# Script to check all engine locale files (XX.txt)# HOW TO USE:# - Run this script in the tools/ directory.# Result: All problems and missing translations in .txt files will be reported# SYNTAX:## ./check_engine_locale_files.sh [file_to_check [show_untranslated]]## Optional parameters:## * file_to_check: Add this if you want to check a single file. Use the special value ALL to check all files.# * show_untranslated: Set to 0 if you want to hide the list of untranslated files, set to 1 otherwiseSHOW_UNTRANSLATED_STRINGS=1;CHECKED_FILES=*.txt# Parse command lineif [[ $# -gt 0 ]]then if [ $1 = ALL ] then CHECKED_FILES=*.txt else CHECKED_FILES=$1; fifiif [[ $# -gt 1 ]]then if [[ $2 -eq 1 ]] then SHOW_UNTRANSLATED_STRINGS=1; elif [[ $2 -eq 0 ]] then SHOW_UNTRANSLATED_STRINGS=0; fificd ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale;# Temporary filesTEMP_SYMBOLS_EN=$(mktemp);TEMP_SYMBOLS=$(mktemp);TEMP_COMPARE=$(mktemp);TEMP_COMPARE_2=$(mktemp);TEMP_CHECK=$(mktemp);TEMP_TEMP=$(mktemp);declare -a TEMP_PARAMS;for n in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9do TEMP_PARAMS[$n]=$(mktemp);done# Collect list of string IDsecho -n "" > $TEMP_SYMBOLS_EN;grep -o "^[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]=" en.txt | cut -c1-5 | sort | uniq > $TEMP_SYMBOLS_EN;TOTAL_STRINGS=`wc -l < $TEMP_SYMBOLS_EN`;# Collect strings with placeholders (only in 01:XX)for n in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9do grep -o "^01:[0-9][0-9]=.*%$n.*" en.txt | cut -c1-5 | sort | uniq > $TEMP_PARAMS[$n];done# Iterate through selected language filesfor CHECKED_LANG_FILE in $CHECKED_FILES; # Skip files that don't contain engine strings do if [[ $CHECKED_LANG_FILE == campaigns_* ]] || [[ $CHECKED_LANG_FILE == missions_* ]] || [ $CHECKED_LANG_FILE == CMakeLists.txt ] then continue; fi if [ ! -e $CHECKED_LANG_FILE ] then echo "ERROR: $CHECKED_LANG_FILE not found!"; continue; fi if [ ! -r $CHECKED_LANG_FILE ] then echo "ERROR: No permission to read $CHECKED_LANG_FILE!"; continue; fi # Start the tests echo "== $CHECKED_LANG_FILE =="; MISSING_STRINGS=0; HAS_PROBLEMS=0; if [ $CHECKED_LANG_FILE != en.txt ] then grep -o "^[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]=" $CHECKED_LANG_FILE | cut -c1-5 | sort | uniq > $TEMP_SYMBOLS; # Find strings with missing placeholders > $TEMP_COMPARE; > $TEMP_COMPARE_2; for n in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 do grep -o "^01:[0-9][0-9]=.*%$n.*" $CHECKED_LANG_FILE | cut -c1-5 | sort | uniq > $TEMP_CHECK; comm $TEMP_PARAMS[$n] $TEMP_CHECK -2 -3 >> $TEMP_COMPARE; comm $TEMP_PARAMS[$n] $TEMP_CHECK -1 -3 >> $TEMP_COMPARE_2; done cat $TEMP_COMPARE | cut -c1-5 | sort | uniq > $TEMP_TEMP; cat $TEMP_TEMP > $TEMP_COMPARE; comm $TEMP_COMPARE $TEMP_SYMBOLS -1 -2 > $TEMP_TEMP; if [ -s $TEMP_TEMP ] then echo "ERROR! Missing placeholders in these strings:"; cat $TEMP_TEMP; HAS_PROBLEMS=1; fi cat $TEMP_COMPARE_2 | cut -c1-5 | sort | uniq > $TEMP_TEMP; cat $TEMP_TEMP > $TEMP_COMPARE_2; comm $TEMP_COMPARE_2 $TEMP_SYMBOLS -1 -2 > $TEMP_TEMP; if [ -s $TEMP_TEMP ] then echo "ERROR! Invalid placeholders found in these strings:"; cat $TEMP_TEMP; HAS_PROBLEMS=1; fi # Find superficial strings comm $TEMP_SYMBOLS_EN $TEMP_SYMBOLS -1 -3 > $TEMP_COMPARE; if [ -s $TEMP_COMPARE ] then echo "WARNING! Superficial strings that do not exist in en.txt:"; cat $TEMP_COMPARE; HAS_PROBLEMS=1; fi # Find missing translations comm $TEMP_SYMBOLS_EN $TEMP_SYMBOLS -2 -3 > $TEMP_COMPARE; if [ -s $TEMP_COMPARE ] then if [ $SHOW_UNTRANSLATED_STRINGS -eq 1 ] then echo "Missing translations:"; cat $TEMP_COMPARE; fi MISSING_STRINGS=`wc -l < $TEMP_COMPARE`; fi # Print summary if [ $MISSING_STRINGS -ne 0 ] then echo "Missing translations TOTAL: $MISSING_STRINGS/$TOTAL_STRINGS"; else echo "All strings translated!"; fi if [ $HAS_PROBLEMS -eq 1 ] then echo "Problems have been found."; fi else if [ $HAS_PROBLEMS -eq 0 ] then echo "No problems."; fi fi;done;# Clean up filesrm $TEMP_SYMBOLS $TEMP_SYMBOLS_EN $TEMP_COMPARE $TEMP_COMPARE_2 $TEMP_CHECK $TEMP_TEMP;