author lovelacer
Tue, 17 Jan 2012 09:01:31 -0500
changeset 6580 6155187bf599
parent 5210 a5329e52a71b
child 10460 8dcea9087d75
permissions -rw-r--r--
A partial reformatting of the pascal code to have consistent syntax. Things that are still inconsistent. Some switch statements (uVisualGears.pas) are not lined up on the : so the internal code blocks are not aligned (lined up on the start of the label instead). Some function contents are indented against begin/end of function, some are not, some function begin/end are themselves indented (adler32). Also inconsistency in things like assigning of variables (whitespace before :=) and use of brackets in tests. Probably needs further review for possible code errors.

module Opts
) where

import System.Environment
import System.Console.GetOpt
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import CoreTypes
import Utils

options :: [OptDescr (ServerInfo -> ServerInfo)]
options = [
    Option "p" ["port"] (ReqArg readListenPort "PORT") "listen on PORT",
    Option "d" ["dedicated"] (ReqArg readDedicated "BOOL") "start as dedicated (True or False)"

    , readDedicated
    :: String -> ServerInfo -> ServerInfo

readListenPort str opts = opts{listenPort = readPort}
        readPort = fromInteger $ fromMaybe 46631 (maybeRead str :: Maybe Integer)

readDedicated str opts = opts{isDedicated = readDed}
        readDed = fromMaybe True (maybeRead str :: Maybe Bool)

getOpts :: ServerInfo -> IO ServerInfo
getOpts opts = do
    args <- getArgs
    case getOpt Permute options args of
        (o, [], []) -> return $ foldr ($) opts{runArgs = args} o
        (_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
    where header = "Usage: hedgewars-server [OPTION...]"