Disable gfMoreWind for land objects on turn end only after a fixed-time delay
15s sounds much, but it's the average amount for gfMineStrike mines to settle
naturally. And it would be very confusing to see falling mines suddenly not
caring about gfMoreWind for no apparent reason.
Note this whole thing is a giant hack anyway, to prevent a turn being
blocked by infinitely bouncing mines.
The better solution would be to help gfMoreWind-affected land objects settle
naturally more reliably even under extreme wind.
But this commit is "good enough" for now.
If you don't like the delay, you can always tweak the constant.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Confuse where
import Numeric
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.Map as Map
hx :: [Char] -> String
hx cs = let ch = (chr . fst . last . readHex $ cs) in
case ch of
'\'' -> "''"
'\\' -> "\\\\"
c -> c : []
conv :: String -> B.ByteString
conv s = B.concat ["('", UTF8.fromString i, "', '", UTF8.fromString r, "')"]
i :: String
i = hx s
r :: String
r = concatMap hx . words . takeWhile ((/=) ';') . tail $ dropWhile ((/=) '\t') s
convRules :: (B.ByteString, [B.ByteString]) -> B.ByteString
convRules (a, b) = B.concat ["<reset>", u a, "</reset>\n<s>", B.concat $ map u b, "</s>"]
u a = B.concat ["\\","u",a]
toPair :: String -> (B.ByteString, [B.ByteString])
toPair s = (UTF8.fromString $ takeWhile isHexDigit s, map UTF8.fromString . words . takeWhile ((/=) ';') . tail $ dropWhile ((/=) '\t') s)
main = do
ll <- liftM (filter (isHexDigit . head) . filter (not . null) . lines) $ readFile "confusables.txt"
B.writeFile "rules.txt" . B.intercalate "\n" . map convRules . Map.toList . Map.fromList . filter notTooLong . filter fits16bit . map toPair $ ll
notTooLong = (>) 6 . length . snd
fits16bit (a, b) = let f = (>) 5 . B.length in all f $ a:b