Disable gfMoreWind for land objects on turn end only after a fixed-time delay
15s sounds much, but it's the average amount for gfMineStrike mines to settle
naturally. And it would be very confusing to see falling mines suddenly not
caring about gfMoreWind for no apparent reason.
Note this whole thing is a giant hack anyway, to prevent a turn being
blocked by infinitely bouncing mines.
The better solution would be to help gfMoreWind-affected land objects settle
naturally more reliably even under extreme wind.
But this commit is "good enough" for now.
If you don't like the delay, you can always tweak the constant.
diff --git a/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Hedgewars.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Hedgewars.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
--- a/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Hedgewars.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/project_files/HedgewarsMobile/Hedgewars.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -1830,7 +1830,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
- shellScript = "# Build libfpc.a\n# 9 July 2006 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * original version\n# 15 September 2006 (Erling Johansen)\n# * simplified\n# 26 April 2007 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * added support for ppc64/x86_64 (future proofing)\n# 4 August 2007 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * call ranlib after ar so the toc of the library is up-to-date\n# 3 January 2009 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * support for ARM\n# 24 October 2009 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * don't hardcode version 2.3.1 anymore under certain circumstances\n# * use the FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE setting\n# 13 December 2009 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * use new FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR setting to make it easier to change the used FPC version\n\nrm -f \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/*.a\nnarch=\n\n#temparchs=`echo $ARCHS|sed -e 's/arm[^\\w]*/arm\\\n#/'|sort -u`\ntemparchs=`echo $ARCHS|sort -u`\necho $temparchs\nfor arch in $temparchs\ndo\n\ttargetos=darwin;\n\tcase $arch in\n arm64) fpc_arch=rossa64; fpc_rtl=aarch64 ;;\n armv7) fpc_arch=rossarm; fpc_rtl=arm ;;\n x86_64) fpc_arch=x64; fpc_rtl=x86_64; targetos=iphonesim ;;\n# ppc) fpc_arch=ppc; fpc_rtl=powerpc ;;\n#\t\ti386) fpc_arch=386; fpc_rtl=i386; targetos=iphonesim ;;\n#\t\tppc64) fpc_arch=ppc64; fpc_rtl=powerpc64 ;;\n#\t\tx86_64) fpc_arch=x64; fpc_rtl=x86_64 ;;\n#\t\tarm*) fpc_arch=arm; fpc_rtl=arm ;;\n\t\t*) continue\n\tesac\n\tif test -e \"${FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR}\"/ppc${fpc_arch}\n\tthen\n\t\tupath=\"$FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE\"/`\"${FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR}\"/ppc${fpc_arch} -iV`/units/${fpc_rtl}-${targetos}\n\t\tar -q \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/libfpc${narch}.a `ls \"$upath\"/*/*.o | grep -v 'darwin/fv/'`\n\t\tranlib \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/libfpc${narch}.a\n\t\tnarch=${narch}x\n\telse\n\t\techo error: can\\'t build libfpc.a for $arch \\(${FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR}/ppc${fpc_arch} not found, derived from FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR project setting\\)\n\tfi\ndone\n \nif test ${#narch} -gt 1\nthen\n\tlipo -create \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/libfpc*.a -output \"$TARGET_BUILD_DIR\"/libfpc.a\n\trm -f \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/*.a\nelse\n\tmv \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/libfpc.a \"$TARGET_BUILD_DIR\"\nfi\n";
+ shellScript = "# Build libfpc.a\n# 9 July 2006 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * original version\n# 15 September 2006 (Erling Johansen)\n# * simplified\n# 26 April 2007 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * added support for ppc64/x86_64 (future proofing)\n# 4 August 2007 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * call ranlib after ar so the toc of the library is up-to-date\n# 3 January 2009 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * support for ARM\n# 24 October 2009 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * don't hardcode version 2.3.1 anymore under certain circumstances\n# * use the FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE setting\n# 13 December 2009 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * use new FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR setting to make it easier to change the used FPC version\n\nrm -f \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/*.a\nnarch=\n\n#temparchs=`echo $ARCHS|sed -e 's/arm[^\\w]*/arm\\\n#/'|sort -u`\ntemparchs=`echo $ARCHS|sort -u`\necho $temparchs\nfor arch in $temparchs\ndo\n\ttargetos=darwin;\n\tcase $arch in\n arm64) fpc_arch=a64; fpc_rtl=aarch64 ;;\n armv7) fpc_arch=arm; fpc_rtl=arm ;;\n x86_64) fpc_arch=x64; fpc_rtl=x86_64; targetos=iphonesim ;;\n# ppc) fpc_arch=ppc; fpc_rtl=powerpc ;;\n#\t\ti386) fpc_arch=386; fpc_rtl=i386; targetos=iphonesim ;;\n#\t\tppc64) fpc_arch=ppc64; fpc_rtl=powerpc64 ;;\n#\t\tx86_64) fpc_arch=x64; fpc_rtl=x86_64 ;;\n#\t\tarm*) fpc_arch=arm; fpc_rtl=arm ;;\n\t\t*) continue\n\tesac\n\tif test -e \"${FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR}\"/ppc${fpc_arch}\n\tthen\n\t\tupath=\"$FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE\"/`\"${FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR}\"/ppc${fpc_arch} -iV`/units/${fpc_rtl}-${targetos}\n\t\tar -q \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/libfpc${narch}.a `ls \"$upath\"/*/*.o | grep -v 'darwin/fv/'`\n\t\tranlib \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/libfpc${narch}.a\n\t\tnarch=${narch}x\n\telse\n\t\techo error: can\\'t build libfpc.a for $arch \\(${FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR}/ppc${fpc_arch} not found, derived from FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR project setting\\)\n\tfi\ndone\n \nif test ${#narch} -gt 1\nthen\n\tlipo -create \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/libfpc*.a -output \"$TARGET_BUILD_DIR\"/libfpc.a\n\trm -f \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/*.a\nelse\n\tmv \"$TARGET_TEMP_DIR\"/libfpc.a \"$TARGET_BUILD_DIR\"\nfi\n";
928301560F10E04C00CC5A3C /* Compile Pascal Sources */ = {
isa = PBXShellScriptBuildPhase;
@@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
shellPath = /bin/sh;
- shellScript = "# Compile Pascal Sources\n# 15sep06,ejo written.\n# 26 April 2007 - Jonas Maebe\n# * support for ppc64 and x86_64\n# * don't run when cleaning (in case running scripts when cleaning is ever fixed by Apple) (removed)\n# * split the options in FPC_COMMON_FLAGS (common to all configurations) and FPC_CFG_SPECIFIC_FLAGS (per configuration)\n# 4 January 2009 - Jonas Maebe\n# * support for ARM\n# 24 October 2009 - Jonas Maebe\n# * don't hardcode 2.3.1 in some cases anymore\n# 13 December 2009 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * use new FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR setting to make it easier to change the used FPC version\n\nif test ! -e \"$FPC_MAIN_FILE\"\nthen\n\techo error: FPC_MAIN_FILE not found \\($FPC_MAIN_FILE\\)\n\texit 2\nfi\n\nfor variant in $BUILD_VARIANTS\ndo\n\tfor arch in $ARCHS\n\tdo\n\t\ttargetos=darwin;\n\t\tcase $arch in\n arm64) fpc_arch=rossa64; fpc_rtl=aarch64 ;;\n armv7) fpc_arch=rossarm; fpc_rtl=arm ;;\n x86_64) fpc_arch=x64; fpc_rtl=x86_64; targetos=iphonesim ;;\n#\t\t\tppc) fpc_arch=ppc; fpc_rtl=powerpc ;;\n#\t\t\ti386) fpc_arch=386; fpc_rtl=i386; targetos=iphonesim ;;\n#\t\t\tppc64) fpc_arch=ppc64; fpc_rtl=powerpc64 ;;\n#\t\t\tx86_64) fpc_arch=x64; fpc_rtl=x86_64 ;;\n#\t\t\tarm*) fpc_arch=arm; fpc_rtl=arm ;;\n\t\t\t*) continue\n\t\tesac\n\n\t\tapp_target_temp_dir=$CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR/`basename \"$PROJECT_TEMP_DIR\"`\n\t\tout_dir=$app_target_temp_dir/`basename \"$DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR\"`-$variant/$arch\n\t\tfpccompiler=\"${FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR}/ppc${fpc_arch}\"\n\t\tif test -e \"$fpccompiler\"\n\t\tthen\n\t\t\tfpcversion=`\"$fpccompiler\" -iV`\n\t\t\tmainunitdir=\"$FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE/$fpcversion/units/${fpc_rtl}-${targetos}/\"\n\t\t\tmkdir -p \"$out_dir\"\n\t\t\tcd \"$out_dir\"\n\t\t\techo \"Compiling to $out_dir\"\n\t\t\trm -f compilefailed\n\t\n\t\t\t# delete any ppu files for which the \".s\" file was somehow deleted (Xcode does that sometimes in case of errors),\n\t\t\t# so that FPC will recompile the unit\n\t\t\tfor file in *.ppu\n\t\t\tdo\n\t\t\t\tasmname=`basename \"$file\" ppu`s\n\t\t\t\tif [ ! -f \"$asmname\" ]; then\n\t\t\t\t\t# can fail in case there are no .ppu files, since then it will try to erase the file with name '*.ppu'\n\t\t\t\t\t# -> use -f so it won't give an error message\n\t\t\t\t\trm -f \"$file\"\n\t\t\t\tfi\n\t\t\tdone\n\n\t\t\techo $fpccompiler -n -l -viwn -a -s -vbr -FE. $FPC_COMMON_OPTIONS $FPC_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS '\\' >ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\techo -Fi\\\"`dirname \"$FPC_MAIN_FILE\"`\\\" '\\' >>ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\techo -Fu\"$mainunitdir/*\" -Fu\"$mainunitdir/rtl\" '\\' >>ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\t# allow FPC_UNIT_PATHS to override default search directory\n\t\t\techo $FPC_UNIT_PATHS '\\' >>ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\techo \\\"$FPC_MAIN_FILE\\\" >>ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\t# cat ppccmd.sh\n\n\t\t\t/bin/sh ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\tif [ $? != 0 ]; then\n\t\t\t\ttouch \"$out_dir\"/compilefailed\n\t\t\t\texit 1\n\t\t\tfi\n\t\telse\n\t\t\ttouch \"$out_dir\"/compilefailed\n\t\t\techo $FPC_MAIN_FILE:1: error: 1: can\\'t compile for $arch \\(ppc${fpc_arch} not found\\)\n\t\t\texit 2\n\t\tfi\n\tdone\ndone\n";
+ shellScript = "# Compile Pascal Sources\n# 15sep06,ejo written.\n# 26 April 2007 - Jonas Maebe\n# * support for ppc64 and x86_64\n# * don't run when cleaning (in case running scripts when cleaning is ever fixed by Apple) (removed)\n# * split the options in FPC_COMMON_FLAGS (common to all configurations) and FPC_CFG_SPECIFIC_FLAGS (per configuration)\n# 4 January 2009 - Jonas Maebe\n# * support for ARM\n# 24 October 2009 - Jonas Maebe\n# * don't hardcode 2.3.1 in some cases anymore\n# 13 December 2009 (Jonas Maebe)\n# * use new FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR setting to make it easier to change the used FPC version\n\nif test ! -e \"$FPC_MAIN_FILE\"\nthen\n\techo error: FPC_MAIN_FILE not found \\($FPC_MAIN_FILE\\)\n\texit 2\nfi\n\nfor variant in $BUILD_VARIANTS\ndo\n\tfor arch in $ARCHS\n\tdo\n\t\ttargetos=darwin;\n\t\tcase $arch in\n arm64) fpc_arch=a64; fpc_rtl=aarch64 ;;\n armv7) fpc_arch=arm; fpc_rtl=arm ;;\n x86_64) fpc_arch=x64; fpc_rtl=x86_64; targetos=iphonesim ;;\n#\t\t\tppc) fpc_arch=ppc; fpc_rtl=powerpc ;;\n#\t\t\ti386) fpc_arch=386; fpc_rtl=i386; targetos=iphonesim ;;\n#\t\t\tppc64) fpc_arch=ppc64; fpc_rtl=powerpc64 ;;\n#\t\t\tx86_64) fpc_arch=x64; fpc_rtl=x86_64 ;;\n#\t\t\tarm*) fpc_arch=arm; fpc_rtl=arm ;;\n\t\t\t*) continue\n\t\tesac\n\n\t\tapp_target_temp_dir=$CONFIGURATION_TEMP_DIR/`basename \"$PROJECT_TEMP_DIR\"`\n\t\tout_dir=$app_target_temp_dir/`basename \"$DERIVED_SOURCES_DIR\"`-$variant/$arch\n\t\tfpccompiler=\"${FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR}/ppc${fpc_arch}\"\n\t\tif test -e \"$fpccompiler\"\n\t\tthen\n\t\t\tfpcversion=`\"$fpccompiler\" -iV`\n\t\t\tmainunitdir=\"$FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE/$fpcversion/units/${fpc_rtl}-${targetos}/\"\n\t\t\tmkdir -p \"$out_dir\"\n\t\t\tcd \"$out_dir\"\n\t\t\techo \"Compiling to $out_dir\"\n\t\t\trm -f compilefailed\n\t\n\t\t\t# delete any ppu files for which the \".s\" file was somehow deleted (Xcode does that sometimes in case of errors),\n\t\t\t# so that FPC will recompile the unit\n\t\t\tfor file in *.ppu\n\t\t\tdo\n\t\t\t\tasmname=`basename \"$file\" ppu`s\n\t\t\t\tif [ ! -f \"$asmname\" ]; then\n\t\t\t\t\t# can fail in case there are no .ppu files, since then it will try to erase the file with name '*.ppu'\n\t\t\t\t\t# -> use -f so it won't give an error message\n\t\t\t\t\trm -f \"$file\"\n\t\t\t\tfi\n\t\t\tdone\n\n\t\t\techo $fpccompiler -n -l -viwn -a -s -vbr -FE. $FPC_COMMON_OPTIONS $FPC_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS '\\' >ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\techo -Fi\\\"`dirname \"$FPC_MAIN_FILE\"`\\\" '\\' >>ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\techo -Fu\"$mainunitdir/*\" -Fu\"$mainunitdir/rtl\" '\\' >>ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\t# allow FPC_UNIT_PATHS to override default search directory\n\t\t\techo $FPC_UNIT_PATHS '\\' >>ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\techo \\\"$FPC_MAIN_FILE\\\" >>ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\t# cat ppccmd.sh\n\n\t\t\t/bin/sh ppccmd.sh\n\t\t\tif [ $? != 0 ]; then\n\t\t\t\ttouch \"$out_dir\"/compilefailed\n\t\t\t\texit 1\n\t\t\tfi\n\t\telse\n\t\t\ttouch \"$out_dir\"/compilefailed\n\t\t\techo $FPC_MAIN_FILE:1: error: 1: can\\'t compile for $arch \\(ppc${fpc_arch} not found\\)\n\t\t\texit 2\n\t\tfi\n\tdone\ndone\n";
/* End PBXShellScriptBuildPhase section */
@@ -2141,7 +2141,7 @@
FPC_COMMON_OPTIONS = "-l- -dIPHONEOS -Cs2000000 -B -vwi -Sgix -Fi${PROJECT_DIR}";
- FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.1.1;
+ FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.0.1;
FPC_MAIN_FILE = "$(PROJECT_DIR)/../../hedgewars/hwLibrary.pas";
FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE = /usr/local/lib/fpc;
@@ -2258,7 +2258,7 @@
FPC_COMMON_OPTIONS = "-l- -dIPHONEOS -Cs2000000 -B -vwi -Sgix -Fi${PROJECT_DIR}";
- FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.1.1;
+ FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.0.1;
FPC_MAIN_FILE = "$(PROJECT_DIR)/../../hedgewars/hwLibrary.pas";
FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE = /usr/local/lib/fpc;
FPC_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS = "-dDEBUGFILE -O- -g -gl -gw2 -gt -ghttt -Xs-";
@@ -2423,7 +2423,7 @@
FPC_COMMON_OPTIONS = "-l- -dIPHONEOS -Cs2000000 -B -vwi -Sgix -Fi${PROJECT_DIR}";
- FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.1.1;
+ FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.0.1;
FPC_MAIN_FILE = "$(PROJECT_DIR)/../../hedgewars/hwLibrary.pas";
FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE = /usr/local/lib/fpc;
FPC_SPECIFIC_OPTIONS = "-Tiphonesim -dDEBUGFILE -O- -g -gl -gw2 -gt -ghttt -Xs-";
@@ -2503,7 +2503,7 @@
FPC_COMMON_OPTIONS = "-l- -dIPHONEOS -Cs2000000 -B -vwi -Sgix -Fi${PROJECT_DIR}";
- FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.1.1;
+ FPC_COMPILER_BINARY_DIR = /usr/local/lib/fpc/3.0.1;
FPC_MAIN_FILE = "$(PROJECT_DIR)/../../hedgewars/hwLibrary.pas";
FPC_RTL_UNITS_BASE = /usr/local/lib/fpc;