Workaround for
bug #144. This workaround had occurred to me a while ago, but wasn't sure if placing them unfairly was better than not placing them at all. Argument for not placing at all is people should probably abort the game when they notice it. Argument for placing unfairly is people can still abort, and if we really wanted them to abort, we should probably just have halted launch if all hogs failed to spawn. This way at least play can continue.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module ConfigFile where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.TConfig
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import CoreTypes
cfgFileName :: String
cfgFileName = "hedgewars-server.ini"
readServerConfig :: ServerInfo -> IO ServerInfo
readServerConfig serverInfo' = do
cfg <- readConfig cfgFileName
let si = serverInfo'{
dbHost = value "dbHost" cfg
, dbName = value "dbName" cfg
, dbLogin = value "dbLogin" cfg
, dbPassword = value "dbPassword" cfg
, serverMessage = value "sv_message" cfg
, serverMessageForOldVersions = value "sv_messageOld" cfg
, bans = read . fromJust2 "bans" $ getValue "bans" cfg
, latestReleaseVersion = read . fromJust $ getValue "sv_latestProto" cfg
, serverConfig = Just cfg
return si
value n c = B.pack . fromJust2 n $ getValue n c
fromJust2 n Nothing = error $ "Missing config entry " ++ n
fromJust2 _ (Just a) = a
writeServerConfig :: ServerInfo -> IO ()
writeServerConfig ServerInfo{serverConfig = Nothing} = return ()
writeServerConfig ServerInfo{
dbHost = dh,
dbName = dn,
dbLogin = dl,
dbPassword = dp,
serverMessage = sm,
serverMessageForOldVersions = smo,
bans = b,
latestReleaseVersion = ver,
serverConfig = Just cfg}
writeConfig cfgFileName $ foldl1 (.) entries cfg
entries =
repConfig "sv_latestProto" (show ver)
: repConfig "bans" (show b)
: map (\(n, v) -> repConfig n (B.unpack v)) [
("dbHost", dh)
, ("dbName", dn)
, ("dbLogin", dl)
, ("dbPassword", dp)
, ("sv_message", sm)
, ("sv_messageOld", smo)