author Mitchell Kember <>
Tue, 04 Dec 2012 17:57:18 -0500
changeset 8251 81789b027dd7
parent 8138 cfb228baa598
permissions -rw-r--r--
Changed uSound.pas so that music will still play if music is enabled and sound is disabled. Effectively, isSoundEnabled represents only sound effects and does not include music (and I have replaced the places where both are concerned with a logical combination of the two). Still need to figure out why isSEBackup is used and if my changes affect it.

module PascalPreprocessor where

import Text.Parsec
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad
import System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Char

-- comments are removed
comment = choice [
        char '{' >> notFollowedBy (char '$') >> manyTill anyChar (try $ char '}') >> return ""
        , (try $ string "(*") >> manyTill anyChar (try $ string "*)") >> return ""
        , (try $ string "//") >> manyTill anyChar (try newline) >> return "\n"

initDefines = Map.fromList [
    ("FPC", "")
    , ("PAS2C", "")
    , ("ENDIAN_LITTLE", "")

preprocess :: String -> IO String
preprocess fn = do
    r <- runParserT (preprocessFile fn) (initDefines, [True]) "" ""
    case r of
         (Left a) -> do
             hPutStrLn stderr (show a)
             return ""
         (Right a) -> return a

    preprocessFile fn = do
        f <- liftIO (readFile fn)
        setInput f

    preprocessor, codeBlock, switch :: ParsecT String (Map.Map String String, [Bool]) IO String

    preprocessor = chainr codeBlock (return (++)) ""

    codeBlock = do
        s <- choice [
            , comment
            , char '\'' >> many (noneOf "'\n") >>= \s -> char '\'' >> return ('\'' : s ++ "'")
            , identifier >>= replace
            , noneOf "{" >>= \a -> return [a]
        (_, ok) <- getState
        return $ if and ok then s else ""

    --otherChar c = c `notElem` "{/('_" && not (isAlphaNum c)
    identifier = do
        c <- letter <|> oneOf "_"
        s <- many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "_")
        return $ c:s

    switch = do
        try $ string "{$"
        s <- choice [
            , ifdef
            , if'
            , elseSwitch
            , endIf
            , define
            , unknown
        return s

    include = do
        try $ string "INCLUDE"
        (char '"')
        fn <- many1 $ noneOf "\"\n"
        char '"'
        char '}'
        f <- liftIO (readFile fn `catch` error ("File not found: " ++ fn))
        c <- getInput
        setInput $ f ++ c
        return ""

    ifdef = do
        s <- try (string "IFDEF") <|> try (string "IFNDEF")
        let f = if s == "IFNDEF" then not else id

        d <- identifier
        char '}'

        updateState $ \(m, b) ->
            (m, (f $ d `Map.member` m) : b)

        return ""

    if' = do
        s <- try (string "IF" >> notFollowedBy alphaNum)

        manyTill anyChar (char '}')
        --char '}'

        updateState $ \(m, b) ->
            (m, False : b)

        return ""

    elseSwitch = do
        try $ string "ELSE}"
        updateState $ \(m, b:bs) -> (m, (not b):bs)
        return ""
    endIf = do
        try $ string "ENDIF}"
        updateState $ \(m, b:bs) -> (m, bs)
        return ""
    define = do
        try $ string "DEFINE"
        i <- identifier
        d <- ((string ":=" >> return ()) <|> spaces) >> many (noneOf "}")
        char '}'
        updateState $ \(m, b) -> (if (and b) && (head i /= '_') then Map.insert i d m else m, b)
        return ""
    replace s = do
        (m, _) <- getState
        return $ Map.findWithDefault s s m

    unknown = do
        fn <- many1 $ noneOf "}\n"
        char '}'
        return $ "{$" ++ fn ++ "}"