author Wuzzy <>
Mon, 16 Sep 2019 17:33:49 +0200
changeset 15431 8504fee3b601
parent 14934 68e1783762bc
child 15899 6cb7330113d8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Racer: Fix weird water splashes after waypoint placement Does not affect official racer, as only waypoint placement is touched. The reason was that the air attack gear sometimes was not deleted fast enough so it might occassionally drop some air bombs (these are deleted now). Also, the airplane position was set to water level, which caused another water splash.

#include "SysUtils.h"

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "system.h"
#include "misc.h"

TDateTime fpcrtl_date()
    const int num_days_between_1900_1980 = 29220;

    struct tm ref_date;
    struct tm cur_date;
    time_t local_time;
    time_t ref_time, cur_time;

    double timeDiff;
    double day_time_frac; //fraction that represents the time in one day
    int num_seconds;
    int numDays;

    // unix epoch doesn't work, choose Jan 1st 1980 instead
    ref_date.tm_year = 80;
    ref_date.tm_mon = 0;
    ref_date.tm_mday = 1;
    ref_date.tm_hour = 0;
    ref_date.tm_min = 0;
    ref_date.tm_sec = 0;
    ref_date.tm_isdst = 0;
    ref_date.tm_wday = 0; // ignored
    ref_date.tm_yday = 0; // ignored

    local_time = time(NULL);
    cur_date = *localtime(&local_time);

    cur_date.tm_hour = 0;
    cur_date.tm_min = 0;
    cur_date.tm_sec = 0;

    ref_time = mktime(&ref_date);
    cur_time = mktime(&cur_date);

    timeDiff = difftime(cur_time, ref_time);
    numDays = fpcrtl_round(timeDiff / 3600 / 24) + num_days_between_1900_1980 + 1;

    fpcrtl_printf("[date] tim diff: %f\n", timeDiff);
    fpcrtl_printf("[date] num days between 1980 and today:  %d\n", fpcrtl_round(timeDiff/3600/24));
    fpcrtl_printf("[date] current date: %s\n", asctime(&cur_date));
    fpcrtl_printf("[date] reference date: %s\n", asctime(&ref_date));
    fpcrtl_printf("[date] num days: %d\n", numDays);

    return numDays;

TDateTime fpcrtl_time()
    struct tm cur_date;
    time_t local_time;
    time_t cur_time;

    double day_time_frac; //fraction that represents the time in one day
    int num_seconds;

    local_time = time(NULL);
    cur_date = *localtime(&local_time);

    num_seconds = cur_date.tm_hour * 3600 + cur_date.tm_min * 60 + cur_date.tm_sec;
    day_time_frac = num_seconds / 3600.0 / 24.0;

    fpcrtl_printf("%f\n", day_time_frac);

    return day_time_frac;

TDateTime fpcrtl_now()
    return fpcrtl_date() + fpcrtl_time();

// Semi-dummy implementation of FormatDateTime
string255 fpcrtl_formatDateTime(string255 FormatStr, TDateTime DateTime)
    string255 buffer = STRINIT(FormatStr.str);
    time_t rawtime;
    struct tm* my_tm;

    // DateTime is ignored, always uses current time.
    // TODO: Use DateTime argument properly.
    my_tm = localtime(&rawtime);

    // Currently uses a hardcoded format string, FormatStr is ignored.
    // The format strings for C and Pascal differ!
    // TODO: Use FormatStr argument properly.
    size_t len = strftime(buffer.str, sizeof(buffer.str), "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-0", my_tm);
    buffer.len = len;
    return buffer;

string255 fpcrtl_trim(string255 s)
    int left, right;

    if(s.len == 0){
        return s;

    for(left = 0; left < s.len; left++)
        if(s.str[left] != ' '){

    for(right = s.len - 1; right >= 0; right--)
        if(s.str[right] != ' '){

    if(left > right){
        s.len = 0;
        s.str[0] = 0;
        return s;

    s.len = right - left + 1;
    memmove(s.str, s.str + left, s.len);

    s.str[s.len] = 0;

    return s;

Integer fpcrtl_strToInt(string255 s)
    s.str[s.len] = 0;
    return atoi(s.str);

string255 fpcrtl_extractFileDir(string255 f)
    const char sep[] = {'\\', '/', ':'};
    LongInt i,j;

    i = f.len - 1;
    while(i >= 0){
        for(j = 0; j < sizeof(sep); j++){
            if(f.str[i] == sep[j]){
                goto FPCRTL_EXTRACTFILEDIR_END;
    return fpcrtl_copy(f, 1, i);

//function ExtractFileName(const FileName: string): string;
//  i : longint;
//  EndSep : Set of Char;
//  I := Length(FileName);
//  EndSep:=AllowDirectorySeparators+AllowDriveSeparators;
//  while (I > 0) and not (FileName[I] in EndSep) do
//    Dec(I);
//  Result := Copy(FileName, I + 1, MaxInt);

string255 fpcrtl_extractFileName(string255 f)
    const char sep[] = {'\\', '/', ':'};
    LongInt i,j;

    i = f.len - 1;
    while(i >= 0){
        for(j = 0; j < sizeof(sep); j++){
            if(f.str[i] == sep[j]){
                goto FPCRTL_EXTRACTFILENAME_END;
    return fpcrtl_copy(f, i + 2, 256);

string255 fpcrtl_strPas(PChar p)
    return fpcrtl_pchar2str(p);