author dag10
Mon, 14 Jan 2013 11:19:59 +0100
changeset 8377 869f80966a77
parent 7766 98edc0724a28
child 8479 8d71109b04d2
permissions -rw-r--r--
GCI2012: Improve Game Configuration Widget - Refactored mapmodel+datamanager to have two separate map models for static and mission maps, and then three static MapInfos in MapModel for the three special maps (random, maze, drawn). - Created theme selector dialog. - Created seed view/edit dialog. - Enlarged start icon on pagemultiplayer and pagenetgame, and added Start.png. - Moved "Settings" button on pagemultiplayer and pagenetgame from middle of page to page footer. - Added "load drawing" button to mapcontainer widget. - Map preview is no longer the randomize button; The randomize functionality is now in a button of its own. - Map preview no longer grays out (isn't disabled) when in slave mode. - Seed is now viewable and copyable when in slave mode -- but not editable. - You should now use the property master (isMaster() and setMaster()) on gamecfgwidget and mapcontainer instead of the enabled property. This is because some widgets (e.g. "view/edit seed" button and map preview) shouldn't be disabled, when all other widgets should be. - Added mission map descriptions w/ locale support in INI format in mapname/desc.txt if applicable. Use '|' for line break.

module EngineInteraction where

import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad
import qualified Codec.Binary.Base64 as Base64
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as BW
import CoreTypes

toEngineMsg :: B.ByteString -> B.ByteString
toEngineMsg msg = B.pack $ Base64.encode (fromIntegral (BW.length msg) : BW.unpack msg)

fromEngineMsg :: B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString
fromEngineMsg msg = liftM BW.pack (Base64.decode (B.unpack msg) >>= removeLength)
        removeLength (x:xs) = if length xs == fromIntegral x then Just xs else Nothing
        removeLength _ = Nothing

checkNetCmd :: B.ByteString -> (Bool, Bool)
checkNetCmd msg = check decoded
        decoded = fromEngineMsg msg
        check Nothing = (False, False)
        check (Just ms) | B.length ms > 0 = let m = B.head ms in (m `Set.member` legalMessages, m == '+')
                        | otherwise        = (False, False)
        legalMessages = Set.fromList $ "M#+LlRrUuDdZzAaSjJ,sNpPwtghbc12345" ++ slotMessages
        slotMessages = "\128\129\130\131\132\133\134\135\136\137\138"

gameInfo2Replay :: GameInfo -> B.ByteString
gameInfo2Replay GameInfo{roundMsgs = rm,
        teamsAtStart = teams,
        giMapParams = params1,
        giParams = params2} = undefined