GCI2012: Improve Game Configuration Widget
- Refactored mapmodel+datamanager to have two separate map models for static and mission maps, and then three static MapInfos in MapModel for the three special maps (random, maze, drawn).
- Created theme selector dialog.
- Created seed view/edit dialog.
- Enlarged start icon on pagemultiplayer and pagenetgame, and added Start.png.
- Moved "Settings" button on pagemultiplayer and pagenetgame from middle of page to page footer.
- Added "load drawing" button to mapcontainer widget.
- Map preview is no longer the randomize button; The randomize functionality is now in a button of its own.
- Map preview no longer grays out (isn't disabled) when in slave mode.
- Seed is now viewable and copyable when in slave mode -- but not editable.
- You should now use the property master (isMaster() and setMaster()) on gamecfgwidget and mapcontainer instead of the enabled property. This is because some widgets (e.g. "view/edit seed" button and map preview) shouldn't be disabled, when all other widgets should be.
- Added mission map descriptions w/ locale support in INI format in mapname/desc.txt if applicable. Use '|' for line break.
module Main where
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import Control.Concurrent
import Network
import Control.OldException
import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Posix
type SState = Handle
io = liftIO
readPacket :: StateT SState IO [String]
readPacket = do
h <- get
io $ hGetPacket h []
hGetPacket h buf = do
l <- hGetLine h
if not $ null l then hGetPacket h (buf ++ [l]) else return buf
waitPacket :: String -> StateT SState IO Bool
waitPacket s = do
p <- readPacket
return $ head p == s
sendPacket :: [String] -> StateT SState IO ()
sendPacket s = do
h <- get
io $ do
mapM_ (hPutStrLn h) s
hPutStrLn h ""
hFlush h
emulateSession :: StateT SState IO ()
emulateSession = do
n <- io $ randomRIO (100000::Int, 100100)
waitPacket "CONNECTED"
sendPacket ["NICK", "test" ++ show n]
waitPacket "NICK"
sendPacket ["PROTO", "41"]
waitPacket "PROTO"
b <- waitPacket "LOBBY:JOINED"
--io $ print b
sendPacket ["QUIT", "BYE"]
return ()
testing = Control.OldException.handle print $ do
putStr "+"
sock <- connectTo "" (PortNumber 46631)
evalStateT emulateSession sock
--hClose sock
putStr "-"
hFlush stdout
forks = forever $ do
delay <- randomRIO (0::Int, 80000)
threadDelay delay
forkIO testing
main = withSocketsDo $ do
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing;