Add a few WhatsThis texts in frontend, rename “Stereo rendering” to “Stereoscopy”
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (C) 2012 Simeon Maxein <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */#include "mapconn.h"#include "ipcbase.h"#include "ipcprotocol.h"#include "../util/logging.h"#include "../util/buffer.h"#include "../util/util.h"#include <stdlib.h>typedef enum { AWAIT_CONNECTION, AWAIT_REPLY, AWAIT_CLOSE, FINISHED} mapconn_state;struct _flib_mapconn { uint8_t mapBuffer[IPCBASE_MAPMSG_BYTES]; flib_ipcbase *ipcBase; flib_vector *configBuffer; mapconn_state progress; void (*onSuccessCb)(void*, const uint8_t*, int); void *onSuccessCtx; void (*onFailureCb)(void*, const char*); void *onFailureCtx; bool running; bool destroyRequested;};static void noop_handleSuccess(void *context, const uint8_t *bitmap, int numHedgehogs) {}static void noop_handleFailure(void *context, const char *errormessage) {}static void clearCallbacks(flib_mapconn *conn) { conn->onSuccessCb = &noop_handleSuccess; conn->onFailureCb = &noop_handleFailure;}static flib_vector *createConfigBuffer(const flib_map *mapdesc) { flib_vector *result = NULL; flib_vector *tempbuffer = flib_vector_create(); if(tempbuffer) { bool error = false; error |= flib_ipc_append_mapconf(tempbuffer, mapdesc, true); error |= flib_ipc_append_message(tempbuffer, "!"); if(!error) { result = tempbuffer; tempbuffer = NULL; } } flib_vector_destroy(tempbuffer); return result;}flib_mapconn *flib_mapconn_create(const flib_map *mapdesc) { if(log_badargs_if(mapdesc==NULL)) { return NULL; } flib_mapconn *result = NULL; flib_mapconn *tempConn = flib_calloc(1, sizeof(flib_mapconn)); if(tempConn) { tempConn->ipcBase = flib_ipcbase_create(); tempConn->configBuffer = createConfigBuffer(mapdesc); if(tempConn->ipcBase && tempConn->configBuffer) { tempConn->progress = AWAIT_CONNECTION; clearCallbacks(tempConn); result = tempConn; tempConn = NULL; } } flib_mapconn_destroy(tempConn); return result;}void flib_mapconn_destroy(flib_mapconn *conn) { if(conn) { if(conn->running) { /* * The function was called from a callback, so the tick function is still running * and we delay the actual destruction. We ensure no further callbacks will be * sent to prevent surprises. */ clearCallbacks(conn); conn->destroyRequested = true; } else { flib_ipcbase_destroy(conn->ipcBase); flib_vector_destroy(conn->configBuffer); free(conn); } }}int flib_mapconn_getport(flib_mapconn *conn) { if(log_badargs_if(conn==NULL)) { return 0; } return flib_ipcbase_port(conn->ipcBase);}void flib_mapconn_onSuccess(flib_mapconn *conn, void (*callback)(void* context, const uint8_t *bitmap, int numHedgehogs), void *context) { if(!log_badargs_if(conn==NULL)) { conn->onSuccessCb = callback ? callback : &noop_handleSuccess; conn->onSuccessCtx = context; }}void flib_mapconn_onFailure(flib_mapconn *conn, void (*callback)(void* context, const char *errormessage), void *context) { if(!log_badargs_if(conn==NULL)) { conn->onFailureCb = callback ? callback : &noop_handleFailure; conn->onFailureCtx = context; }}static void flib_mapconn_wrappedtick(flib_mapconn *conn) { if(conn->progress == AWAIT_CONNECTION) { flib_ipcbase_accept(conn->ipcBase); switch(flib_ipcbase_state(conn->ipcBase)) { case IPC_CONNECTED: { flib_constbuffer configBuffer = flib_vector_as_constbuffer(conn->configBuffer); if(flib_ipcbase_send_raw(conn->ipcBase,, configBuffer.size)) { conn->progress = FINISHED; conn->onFailureCb(conn->onFailureCtx, "Error sending map information to the engine."); return; } else { conn->progress = AWAIT_REPLY; } } break; case IPC_NOT_CONNECTED: conn->progress = FINISHED; conn->onFailureCb(conn->onFailureCtx, "Engine connection closed unexpectedly."); return; default: break; } } if(conn->progress == AWAIT_REPLY) { if(flib_ipcbase_recv_map(conn->ipcBase, conn->mapBuffer) >= 0) { conn->progress = AWAIT_CLOSE; } else if(flib_ipcbase_state(conn->ipcBase) != IPC_CONNECTED) { conn->progress = FINISHED; conn->onFailureCb(conn->onSuccessCtx, "Engine connection closed unexpectedly."); return; } } if(conn->progress == AWAIT_CLOSE) { // Just do throwaway reads so we find out when the engine disconnects uint8_t buf[256]; flib_ipcbase_recv_message(conn->ipcBase, buf); if(flib_ipcbase_state(conn->ipcBase) != IPC_CONNECTED) { conn->progress = FINISHED; conn->onSuccessCb(conn->onSuccessCtx, conn->mapBuffer, conn->mapBuffer[IPCBASE_MAPMSG_BYTES-1]); return; } }}void flib_mapconn_tick(flib_mapconn *conn) { if(!log_badargs_if(conn==NULL) && !log_w_if(conn->running, "Call to flib_mapconn_tick from a callback") && !log_w_if(conn->progress == FINISHED, "We are already done.")) { conn->running = true; flib_mapconn_wrappedtick(conn); conn->running = false; if(conn->destroyRequested) { flib_mapconn_destroy(conn); } }}