Use standard units and abbreviations in frontend
Replaces things like “fps”, “Kbps”, “m” (for minute), etc.
#ifndef _FPCRTL_MISC_H_
#define _FPCRTL_MISC_H_
#include "pas2c.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <GL/gl.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#define VA_NUM_ARGS(...) VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL(__VA_ARGS__, 5,4,3,2,1)
#define VA_NUM_ARGS_IMPL(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,N,...) N
#define macro_dispatcher(func, ...) macro_dispatcher_(func, VA_NUM_ARGS(__VA_ARGS__))
#define macro_dispatcher_(func, nargs) macro_dispatcher__(func, nargs)
#define macro_dispatcher__(func, nargs) func ## nargs
//#define FPCRTL_DEBUG
#define FIX_STRING(s) (s.str[s.len == 255 ? 254 : s.len] = 0)
//#define fpcrtl_check_string(s) do{ if(strlen((s).str) != (s).len){ \
// printf("String %s internal inconsistency error. Length should be %d but actually is %d.\n", (s).str, strlen((s).str), (s).len); \
// assert(0);\
// }}while(0)
void fpcrtl_assert(int);
void fpcrtl_print_trace (void);
int fpcrtl_round(double number);
void fpcrtl_printf(const char* format, ...);
string255 fpcrtl_make_string(const char* s);
string255 fpcrtl_strconcat(string255 str1, string255 str2);
string255 fpcrtl_strappend(string255 s, char c);
string255 fpcrtl_strprepend(char c, string255 s);
string255 fpcrtl_chrconcat(char a, char b);
astring fpcrtl_strconcatA(astring str1, astring str2);
astring fpcrtl_strappendA(astring s, char c);
// return true if str1 == str2
bool fpcrtl_strcompare(string255 str1, string255 str2);
bool fpcrtl_strcomparec(string255 a, char b);
bool fpcrtl_strncompare(string255 a, string255 b);
bool fpcrtl_strncompareA(astring a, astring b);
#define fpcrtl__pchar(s) fpcrtl__pchar__vars(&(s))
#define fpcrtl__pcharA(s) fpcrtl__pcharA__vars(&(s))
char* fpcrtl__pchar__vars(const string255 * s);
char* fpcrtl__pcharA__vars(astring * s);
string255 fpcrtl_pchar2str(const char *s);
astring fpcrtl_pchar2astr(const char *s);
astring fpcrtl_str2astr(const string255 s);
string255 fpcrtl_astr2str(const astring s);
#define fpcrtl_TypeInfo sizeof // dummy
#define GLEW_OK 1
GLenum glewInit();