If 2 or more resolutions are available, use the 2nd in the list. This should (usually) be smaller than the desktop resolution, which should reduce noob fail (not realising part of interface is obscured)
1. Fix broken trainings/missions
2. Update translations (check fireforge for patches)
3. Check copyright headers
4. Changelog
5. Turn debug stuff off (frontend console output)
6. Update message in game server, update check for client version
7. Make a branch
8. Make packages
9. Test packages
10. Upload (hedgewars.org, fireforge.net, gna.org (rsync --delete -avr --rsh="ssh" . unc0rr@download.gna.org:/upload/hedgewars))
11. Post news (hedgewars.org, hedgewars forum, fireforge.net, gna.org, happypenguin, etc.)
12. Make tag (svn copy svn+ssh://unc0rr@svn.fireforge.net/svnroot/hedgewars/branches/0.9.7 svn+ssh://unc0rr@svn.fireforge.net/svnroot/hedgewars/tags/0.9.7 -m "Tag for 0.9.7 release")