author nemo
Sat, 02 Jun 2012 16:25:13 -0400
changeset 7165 aad1aea05f1e
parent 6541 08ed346ed341
child 8371 0551b5c3de9a
permissions -rw-r--r--
add onGameTick20 to basic training, extend laser sight out way more (it was visible at top when completely zoomed out), move call of new turn to after AfterSwitchHedgehog to avoid lua issues in onNewTurn - if this causes problems, lua can do delayed actions in onGameTick

module ServerState
    module RoomsAndClients,
    ) where

import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Set as Set(Set)
import Data.Word
import RoomsAndClients
import CoreTypes

data ServerState = ServerState {
        clientIndex :: !(Maybe ClientIndex),
        serverInfo :: !ServerInfo,
        removedClients :: !(Set.Set ClientIndex),
        roomsClients :: !MRnC

clientRoomA :: StateT ServerState IO RoomIndex
clientRoomA = do
    (Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
    rnc <- gets roomsClients
    io $ clientRoomM rnc ci

client's :: (ClientInfo -> a) -> StateT ServerState IO a
client's f = do
    (Just ci) <- gets clientIndex
    rnc <- gets roomsClients
    io $ client'sM rnc f ci

allClientsS :: StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
allClientsS = gets roomsClients >>= liftIO . clientsM

roomClientsS :: RoomIndex -> StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
roomClientsS ri = do
    rnc <- gets roomsClients
    io $ roomClientsM rnc ri

sameProtoClientsS :: Word16 -> StateT ServerState IO [ClientInfo]
sameProtoClientsS p = liftM f allClientsS
        f = filter (\c -> clientProto c == p)
io :: IO a -> StateT ServerState IO a
io = liftIO