Reverse order of visual gears linked list
Now vgears will render in the order they have been added.
Older visual gears are rendered earlier, so they are "behind" newer visual gears.
This has been primarily done to fix the render order of speech bubbles (
bug #287).
* Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game
* Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
unit uConsts;
uses SDLh, uFloat, GLunit;
HDPIScaleFactor = 1;
// application return codes
HaltNoError = 0; // Hedgewars quits normally
// error codes are placed in range 50-99 because that way then don't overlap with run-time errors of pascal
// see
HaltUsageError = 51; // Hedgewars was invoked incorrectly (e.g. bad command-line parameter)
HaltFatalError = 52; // Fatal internal error. See logs for more. Also reports error to frontend
HaltStartupError = 53; // Failure loading critical resources
HaltFatalErrorNoIPC = 54; // Fatal internal error, IPC socket is not available
HaltVideoRec = 55; // Failure while video recording
// for automatic tests
HaltTestSuccess = 0; // Test result: success
HaltTestFailed = 60; // Test result: failed
HaltTestLuaError = 61; // Lua runtime error
HaltTestUnexpected = 62; // Unexpected error
// maximum ScreenFadeValue
sfMax = 1000;
// log message constants
errmsgCreateSurface = 'Error creating SDL surface';
errmsgTransparentSet = 'Error setting transparent color';
errmsgUnknownCommand = 'Unknown command';
errmsgUnknownVariable = 'Unknown variable';
errmsgIncorrectUse = 'Incorrect use';
errmsgShouldntRun = 'This program shouldn''t be run manually';
errmsgWrongNumber = 'Wrong parameters number';
errmsgLuaTestTerm = 'WARNING: Lua test terminated before the test was properly finished with EndLuaTest()!';
msgLoading = 'Loading ';
msgOK = 'ok';
msgFailed = 'failed';
msgFailedSize = 'failed due to size';
msgGettingConfig = 'Getting game config...';
// camera movement multipliers
cameraKeyboardSpeed : ShortInt = 10;
// color constants
cWhiteColorChannels : TSDL_Color = (r:$FF; g:$FF; b:$FF; a:$FF);
cNearBlackColorChannels : TSDL_Color = (r:$00; g:$00; b:$10; a:$FF);
cWhiteColor : Longword = $FFFFFFFF; // white
cNearBlackColor : Longword = $FF000010; // nearly black
capcolDefault : Longword = $FFFFFFFF; // default caption color
capcolSetting : Longword = $FFCCCCCC; // caption color for changing client setting like volume or auto camera
cCentralMessageColor : Longword = $FFFFFF00; // color of message in center of screen like quit or pause
cAirPlaneSpeed: hwFloat = (isNegative: false; QWordValue: 3006477107); // 1.4
cBombsSpeed : hwFloat = (isNegative: false; QWordValue: 429496729);
// reducedquality flags
rqNone = $00000000; // don't reduce quality
rqLowRes = $00000001; // use half land array
rqBlurryLand = $00000002; // downscaled terrain
rqNoBackground= $00000004; // don't draw background
rqSimpleRope = $00000008; // draw rope using lines only
rq2DWater = $00000010; // disable 3D water effect
rqAntiBoom = $00000020; // no fancy explosion effects
rqKillFlakes = $00000040; // no flakes
rqSlowMenu = $00000080; // ammomenu appears with no animation
rqPlainSplash = $00000100; // no droplets
rqClampLess = $00000200; // don't clamp textures
rqTooltipsOff = $00000400; // tooltips are not drawn
rqDesyncVBlank= $00000800; // don't sync on vblank
// image flags (for LoadImage())
// TODO: discuss whether ifAlpha and ifColorKey are actually needed and if and where we want to support which colorkeys
ifNone = $00000000; // nothing special
ifAlpha = $00000001; // use alpha channel (unused right now?)
ifCritical = $00000002; // image is critical for gameplay (exit game if unable to load)
ifColorKey = $00000004; // image uses transparent pixels (color keying)
ifIgnoreCaps = $00000008; // ignore hardware capabilities when loading (i.e. image will not be drawn using OpenGL)
// texture priority (allows OpenGL to keep frequently used textures in video memory more easily)
tpLowest = 0.00;
tpLow = 0.25;
tpMedium = 0.50;
tpHigh = 0.75;
tpHighest = 1.00;
// To allow these to layer, going to treat them as masks. The bottom byte is reserved for objects
// TODO - set lfBasic for all solid land, ensure all uses of the flags can handle multiple flag bits
// lfObject and lfBasic are only to be different *graphically* in all other ways they should be treated the same
lfBasic = $8000; // normal destructible terrain (mask.png: black)
lfIndestructible = $4000; // indestructible terrain (mask.png: red)
lfObject = $2000; // destructible terrain, land object (mask.png: white)
lfDamaged = $1000; //
lfIce = $0800; // icy terrain (mask.png: blue)
lfBouncy = $0400; // bouncy terrain (mask.png: green)
lfLandMask = $FF00; // upper byte is used for terrain, not objects.
lfCurHogCrate = $0080; // CurrentHedgehog, and crates, for convenience of AI. Since an active hog would instantly collect the crate, this does not impact playj
lfNotCurHogCrate = $FF7F; // inverse of above. frequently used
lfObjMask = $007F; // lower 7 bits used for hogs and explosives and mines
lfNotObjMask = $FF80; // inverse of above.
// breaking up hogs would makes it easier to differentiate
// colliding with a hog from colliding with other things
// if overlapping hogs are less common than objects, the division can be altered.
// 3 bits for objects, 4 for hogs, that is, overlap 7 barrels/mines before possible dents, and 15 hogs.
lfHHMask = $000F; // lower 4 bits used only for hogs
lfNotHHObjMask = $0070; // next 3 bits used for non-hog things
lfNotHHObjShift = 4;
lfNotHHObjSize = lfNotHHObjMask shr lfNotHHObjShift;
// lower byte is for objects.
// consists of 0-127 counted for object checkins and $80 as a bit flag for current hog.
lfAllObjMask = $00FF; // lfCurHogCrate or lfObjMask
lfAll = $FFFF; // everything
cMaxPower = 1500; // maximum power value for ammo that powers up
cMaxAngle = 2048; // maximum positive value for Gear angle
cPowerDivisor = 1500;
// some opengl headers do not have these macros
GL_BGR = $80E0;
GL_BGRA = $80E1;
cVisibleWater : LongInt = 128;
cTeamHealthWidth : LongInt = 128;
cifRandomize = $00000001;
cifTheme = $00000002;
cifMap = $00000002; // either theme or map (or map+theme)
cifAllInited = cifRandomize or cifTheme or cifMap;
// hedgehog info
cMaxTeams = 8; // maximum number of teams
cMaxHHIndex = 7; // maximum hedgehog index (counting starts at 0)
// NOTE: If you change cMaxHHIndex, also change cMaxHogHealth!
cMaxHHs = cMaxTeams * (cMaxHHIndex+1); // maximum number of hogs
cClanColors = 9; // number of possible clan colors
cMaxEdgePoints = 32768;
cHHRadius = 9; // hedgehog radius
cHHStepTicks = 29;
cMaxHogHealth = 268435455; // maximum hedgehog health
// cMaxHogHealth was calculated by: High(LongInt) div (cMaxHHIndex+1);
ouchDmg = 55; // least amount of damage a hog must take in one blow for sndOuch to play
// Z levels
cHHZ = 1000;
cCurrHHZ = Succ(cHHZ);
// some gear constants
cBarrelHealth = 60; // initial barrel health
cShotgunRadius = 22; // radius of land a shotgun shot destroys
cBlowTorchC = 6; // blow torch gear radius component (added to cHHRadius to get the full radius)
cakeDmg = 75; // default cake damage
// key stuff
cKeyMaxIndex = 1600;
cKbdMaxIndex = 65536;//need more room for the modifier keys
// font stuff
cFontBorder = 2 * HDPIScaleFactor;
cFontPadding = 2 * HDPIScaleFactor;
cDefaultBuildMaxDist = 256; // default max. building distance with girder/rubber
ExtraTime = 30000; // amount of time (ms) given for using Extra Time
// do not change this value
cDefaultZoomLevel = 2.0;
// game flags
gfAny = $FFFFFFFF; // mask for all possible gameflags
gfOneClanMode = $00000001; // Game does not end if there's only one clan in play. For missions
gfMultiWeapon = $00000002; // Enter multishoot mode after attack with infinite shots. For target practice
gfSolidLand = $00000004; // (almost) indestrutible land
gfBorder = $00000008; // border at top, left and right
gfDivideTeams = $00000010; // each clan spawns their hogs on own side of terrain
gfLowGravity = $00000020; // low gravity
gfLaserSight = $00000040; // laser sight for all
gfInvulnerable = $00000080; // invulerable for all
gfResetHealth = $00000100; // heal hogs health up to InitialHealth each turn
gfVampiric = $00000200; // vampirism for all
gfKarma = $00000400; // receive damage you deal
gfArtillery = $00000800; // hogs can't walk
gfSwitchHog = $00001000; // free switch hog at turn start
gfRandomOrder = $00002000; // hogs play in random order
gfKing = $00004000; // King Mode
gfPlaceHog = $00008000; // place all hogs at game start
gfSharedAmmo = $00010000; // ammo is shared per-clan
gfDisableGirders = $00020000; // disable land girders
gfDisableLandObjects = $00040000; // disable land objects
gfAISurvival = $00080000; // AI is revived
gfInfAttack = $00100000; // infinite attack
gfResetWeps = $00200000; // reset weapons each turn
gfPerHogAmmo = $00400000; // each hog has its own ammo
gfDisableWind = $00800000; // don't automatically change wind
gfMoreWind = $01000000; // wind influences most gears
gfTagTeam = $02000000; // hogs of same clan share their turn time
gfBottomBorder = $04000000; // border at bottom
gfShoppaBorder = $08000000; // Surround terrain with fancy "security border". Pure eye candy
// NOTE: When adding new game flags, ask yourself
// if a "game start notice" would be useful. If so,
// add one in uWorld.pas - look for "AddGoal".
// gear states
gstDrowning = $00000001; // drowning
gstHHDriven = $00000002; // hog is controlled by current player
gstMoving = $00000004; // moving
gstAttacked = $00000008; // after attack
gstAttacking = $00000010; // while attacking
gstCollision = $00000020; // it has *just* collided
gstChooseTarget = $00000040; // choosing target
gstHHJumping = $00000100; // hog is doing long jump
gsttmpFlag = $00000200; // temporary wildcard flag, use it for anything you want
gstHHThinking = $00000800; // AI hog is thinking
gstNoDamage = $00001000; // gear is immune to damage
gstHHHJump = $00002000; // hog is doing high jump
gstAnimation = $00004000; // hog is playing an animation
gstHHDeath = $00008000; // hog is dying
gstWinner = $00010000; // indicates if hog did well
gstWait = $00020000;
gstNotKickable = $00040000; // gear cannot be pushed by forces
gstLoser = $00080000; // indicates if hog screwed up
gstHHGone = $00100000; // hog is gone (teamgone event)
gstInvisible = $00200000; // invisible
gstSubmersible = $00400000; // can survive in water
gstFrozen = $00800000; // frozen
gstNoGravity = $01000000; // ignores gravity
// gear messages
gmLeft = $00000001; // left
gmRight = $00000002; // right
gmUp = $00000004; // up
gmDown = $00000008; // down
gmSwitch = $00000010; // switch hedgehog
gmAttack = $00000020; // attack
gmLJump = $00000040; // long jump
gmHJump = $00000080; // high jump
gmDestroy = $00000100; // request to self-destruct
gmSlot = $00000200; // slot key; with param
gmWeapon = $00000400; // direct weapon selection (SetWeapon); with param
gmTimer = $00000800; // set timer; with param
gmAnimate = $00001000; // start animation; with param
gmPrecise = $00002000; // precise aim
// gmAddToList and gmRemoveFromList are used when changing order of gears in the gear list. They are used together when changing a gear's Z (drawing order)
gmRemoveFromList = $00004000; // remove gear from gear list
gmAddToList = $00008000; // add gear to gear list
gmDelete = $00010000; // delete gear
gmAllStoppable = gmLeft or gmRight or gmUp or gmDown or gmAttack or gmPrecise;
// ammo slots
cMaxSlotIndex = 10; // maximum slot index (including hidden slot) (row in ammo menu)
cHiddenSlotIndex = cMaxSlotIndex; // slot for hidden ammo types, not visible and has no key
cMaxSlotAmmoIndex = 5; // maximum index for ammos per slot (column in ammo menu)
// AI hints to be set for any gear
aihUsualProcessing = $00000000; // treat gear as usual
aihDoesntMatter = $00000001; // ignore gear in attack calculations and don't intentionally attack it
// ammo properties
ammoprop_Timerable = $00000001; // can set timer
ammoprop_Power = $00000002; // can power up fire strength
ammoprop_NeedTarget = $00000004; // must select target
ammoprop_ForwMsgs = $00000008; // received gear messages are forwarded to the spawned gear
ammoprop_AttackInMove = $00000010; // can attack while moving / in mid-air
= $00000020; // doesn't stop timer while attacker is attacking
ammoprop_NoCrosshair = $00000040; // no crosshair rendered
ammoprop_AttackingPut = $00000080; // selecting a target is considered an attack
ammoprop_DontHold = $00000100; // don't keep ammo selected in next turn
ammoprop_AltAttack = $00000200; // ammo can equip alternate ammo (ammoprop_AltUse)
ammoprop_AltUse = $00000400; // ammo can be equipped by an ammo with ammoprop_AltAttack
ammoprop_NotBorder = $00000800; // ammo is not available if map has border
ammoprop_Utility = $00001000; // ammo is considered an utility instead of a weapon
ammoprop_Effect = $00002000; // ammo is considered an effect like extra time or vampirism
ammoprop_SetBounce = $00004000; // can set bounciness
ammoprop_NeedUpDown = $00008000; // used by TouchInterface to show or hide up/down widgets
ammoprop_OscAim = $00010000; // oscillating aim
ammoprop_NoMoveAfter = $00020000; // can't move after attacking
ammoprop_Track = $00040000; // ammo follows the landscape, used by AI
= $00080000; // doesn't stop timer after entering multi-shoot mode
= $00100000; // doesn't stop timer while Attacking gear msg is set and inf. attack mode is on
ammoprop_ForceTurnEnd = $00200000; // always ends turn after usage, ignoring inf. attack
ammoprop_NoTargetAfter= $00400000; // disable target selection after attack
ammoprop_NoWrapTarget = $00800000; // allow to select target beyond wrap world edge limits
ammoprop_NoRoundEnd = $10000000; // ammo doesn't end turn
AMMO_INFINITE = 100; // internal representation of infinite ammo count
AMMO_FINITE_MAX = 99; // maximum possible finite ammo count
JETPACK_FUEL_INFINITE : LongInt = Low(LongInt); // internal representation of infinite jetpack fuel
BIRDY_ENERGY_INFINITE : LongInt = Low(LongInt); // as above, but for Birdy
// Special msgParam value used internally for invalid/non-existing value
// Must not be sent over the network!
// raw probability values for crate drops
probabilityLevels: array [0..8] of LongWord = (0,20,30,60,100,200,400,600,800);
// raw bounciness values for each of the player-selectable bounciness levels
defaultBounciness = 1000;
bouncinessLevels: array [0..4] of LongWord = (350, 700, defaultBounciness, 2000, 4000);
// explosion flags
// By default, an explosion removes land, damages and pushes gears,
// spawns an explosion animation and plays no sound.
//EXPLAllDamageInRadius = $00000001; Completely unused for ages
EXPLAutoSound = $00000002; // enable sound (if appropriate)
EXPLNoDamage = $00000004; // don't damage gears
EXPLDoNotTouchHH = $00000008; // don't push hogs
EXPLDontDraw = $00000010; // don't remove land
EXPLNoGfx = $00000020; // don't spawn visual effects
EXPLPoisoned = $00000040; // poison hogs in effect radius
EXPLDoNotTouchAny = $00000080; // don't push anything
EXPLForceDraw = $00000100; // remove land even with gfSolidLand
// Pos flags for gtCase
posCaseAmmo = $00000001; // ammo crate
posCaseHealth = $00000002; // health crate
posCaseUtility = $00000004; // utility crate
posCaseDummy = $00000008; // dummy crate
posCaseExplode = $00000010; // crate explodes when touched
posCasePoison = $00000020; // crate poisons hog when touched
cCaseHealthRadius = 14;
// hog tag mask
//htNone = $00;
htTeamName = $01;
htName = $02;
htHealth = $04;
htTransparent = $08;
NoPointX = Low(LongInt); // special value for CursorX/CursorY if cursor's disabled
cTargetPointRef : TPoint = (x: NoPointX; y: 0);
kSystemSoundID_Vibrate = $00000FFF;
cMinPlayWidth = 200;
cWorldEdgeDist = 200;
cMaxLaserSightWraps = 1; // maximum number of world wraps of laser sight
cMaxTurnTime = Pred(High(LongInt)); // maximum possible turn time