hide complete IP of other users, when non-admin requests player info. showing the first two parts of the IP was kinda pointless to begin with (what for?) and has recently lead to increased abuse and lobby flooding due to bots collecting/posting IP tracking information
{This file contains functions that are re-implemented}
{pas2c will add prefix fpcrtl_ to all these functions}
uinteger = uinteger;
Integer = integer;
LongInt = integer;
LongWord = uinteger;
Cardinal = uinteger;
PtrInt = integer;
Word = uinteger;
Byte = integer;
SmallInt = integer;
ShortInt = integer;
Int64 = integer;
QWord = uinteger;
GLint = integer;
GLuint = integer;
int = integer;
size_t = integer;
pointer = pointer;
float = float;
single = float;
double = float;
real = float;
extended = float;
GLfloat = float;
boolean = boolean;
LongBool = boolean;
string = string;
shortstring = string;
ansistring = string;
widechar = string;
char = char;
PChar = ^char;
PPChar = ^Pchar;
PByte = ^Byte;
PLongInt = ^LongInt;
PLongWord = ^LongWord;
PInteger = ^Integer;
Handle = integer;
write, writeLn, read, readLn, flush, CreateDir: procedure;
StrLen:function : integer;
odd, even : function : boolean;
Length : function : integer;
Now : function : integer;
new, dispose, FillChar, Move : procedure;
trunc, round : function : integer;
abs, sqr : function : integer;
StrPas, FormatDateTime, copy, delete, str, PosS, trim, LowerCase : function : shortstring;
pos : function : integer;
StrToInt : function : integer;
SetLength, val : procedure;
_pchar : function : PChar;
pchar2str : function : string;
memcpy : procedure;
min, max:function:integer;
assign, rewrite, rewrite_2, reset, reset_2, flush, BlockWrite, BlockRead, close : procedure;
FileExists, DirectoryExists, eof : function : boolean;
ExtractFileName : function : string;
ParamCount : function : integer;
ParamStr : function : string;
arctan2, power: function : float;
//TypeInfo, GetEnumName : function : shortstring;
UTF8ToUnicode, WrapText: function : shortstring;
GetMem : function : pointer;
FreeMem : procedure;
BeginThread, ThreadSwitch : procedure;
InterlockedIncrement, InterlockedDecrement : procedure;
random : function : integer;
randomize : procedure;
Assigned : function : boolean;
//EnumToStr : function : string;
initParams : procedure;
Load_GL_VERSION_2_0 : procedure;