author | unc0rr |
Sat, 07 Jan 2006 15:21:44 +0000 | |
changeset 39 | b78e7185ed13 |
parent 32 | 78bff13b11c0 |
child 46 | c99140d2355a |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
(* * Hedgewars, a worms-like game * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005 Andrey Korotaev <> * * Distributed under the terms of the BSD-modified licence: * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * with the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO * EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; * OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. *) unit uConsole; interface uses SDLh; {$INCLUDE} const isDeveloperMode: boolean = true; type TVariableType = (vtCommand, vtInteger, vtReal, vtBoolean); TCommandHandler = procedure (var params: shortstring); procedure DrawConsole(Surface: PSDL_Surface); procedure WriteToConsole(s: shortstring); procedure WriteLnToConsole(s: shortstring); procedure KeyPressConsole(Key: Longword); procedure ParseCommand(CmdStr: shortstring); implementation {$J+} uses uMisc, uStore, Types, uConsts, uGears, uTeams, uIO, uKeys, uSound, uWorld, uLand; const cLineWidth: integer = 0; cLinesCount = 256; type PVariable = ^TVariable; TVariable = record Next: PVariable; Name: string[15]; VType: TVariableType; Handler: pointer; end; var ConsoleLines: array[byte] of ShortString; CurrLine: integer = 0; InputStr: shortstring; Variables: PVariable = nil; function RegisterVariable(Name: string; VType: TVariableType; p: pointer): PVariable; begin New(Result); TryDo(Result <> nil, 'RegisterVariable: Result = nil', true); FillChar(Result^, sizeof(TVariable), 0); Result.Name:= Name; Result.VType:= VType; Result.Handler:= p; if Variables = nil then Variables:= Result else begin Result.Next:= Variables; Variables:= Result end end; procedure FreeVariablesList; var t, tt: PVariable; begin tt:= Variables; Variables:= nil; while tt<>nil do begin t:= tt; tt:= tt.Next; Dispose(t) end; end; procedure SplitBySpace(var a, b: shortstring); var i, t: integer; begin i:= Pos(' ', a); if i>0 then begin for t:= 1 to Pred(i) do if (a[t] >= 'A')and(a[t] <= 'Z') then Inc(a[t], 32); b:= copy(a, i + 1, Length(a) - i); while (b[0]<>#0) and (b[1]=#32) do Delete(b, 1, 1); byte(a[0]):= Pred(i) end else b:= ''; end; procedure DrawConsole(Surface: PSDL_Surface); var x, y: integer; r: TSDL_Rect; begin with r do begin x:= 0; y:= cConsoleHeight; w:= cScreenWidth; h:= 4; end; SDL_FillRect(Surface, @r, cConsoleSplitterColor); for y:= 0 to cConsoleHeight div 256 + 1 do for x:= 0 to cScreenWidth div 256 + 1 do DrawGear(sConsoleBG, x * 256, cConsoleHeight - 256 - y * 256, Surface); for y:= 0 to cConsoleHeight div Fontz[fnt16].Height do DXOutText(4, cConsoleHeight - (y + 2) * (Fontz[fnt16].Height + 2), fnt16, ConsoleLines[(CurrLine - 1 - y + cLinesCount) mod cLinesCount], Surface); DXOutText(4, cConsoleHeight - Fontz[fnt16].Height - 2, fnt16, '> '+InputStr, Surface); end; procedure WriteToConsole(s: shortstring); var Len: integer; begin {$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('Console write: ' + s);{$ENDIF} Write(s); repeat Len:= cLineWidth - Length(ConsoleLines[CurrLine]); ConsoleLines[CurrLine]:= ConsoleLines[CurrLine] + copy(s, 1, Len); Delete(s, 1, Len); if byte(ConsoleLines[CurrLine][0])=cLineWidth then begin inc(CurrLine); if CurrLine = cLinesCount then CurrLine:= 0; PLongWord(@ConsoleLines[CurrLine])^:= 0 end; until Length(s) = 0 end; procedure WriteLnToConsole(s: shortstring); begin WriteToConsole(s); WriteLn; inc(CurrLine); if CurrLine = cLinesCount then CurrLine:= 0; PLongWord(@ConsoleLines[CurrLine])^:= 0 end; procedure InitConsole; var i: integer; begin cLineWidth:= cScreenWidth div 10; if cLineWidth > 255 then cLineWidth:= 255; for i:= 0 to Pred(cLinesCount) do PLongWord(@ConsoleLines[i])^:= 0 end; procedure ParseCommand(CmdStr: shortstring); type PReal = ^real; var i, ii: integer; s: shortstring; t: PVariable; c: char; begin //WriteLnToConsole(CmdStr); if CmdStr[0]=#0 then exit; {$IFDEF DEBUGFILE}AddFileLog('ParseCommand "' + CmdStr + '"');{$ENDIF} c:= CmdStr[1]; if c in ['/', '$'] then Delete(CmdStr, 1, 1) else c:= '/'; SplitBySpace(CmdStr, s); t:= Variables; while t <> nil do begin if t.Name = CmdStr then begin case t.VType of vtCommand: if c='/' then begin TCommandHandler(t.Handler)(s); end; vtInteger: if c='$' then if s[0]=#0 then begin str(PInteger(t.Handler)^, s); WriteLnToConsole('$' + CmdStr + ' is "' + s + '"'); end else val(s, PInteger(t.Handler)^, i); vtReal: if c='$' then if s[0]=#0 then begin str(PReal(t.Handler)^:4:6, s); WriteLnToConsole('$' + CmdStr + ' is "' + s + '"'); end else val(s, PReal(t.Handler)^ , i); vtBoolean: if c='$' then if s[0]=#0 then begin str(ord(boolean(t.Handler^)), s); WriteLnToConsole('$' + CmdStr + ' is "' + s + '"'); end else begin val(s, ii, i); boolean(t.Handler^):= not (ii = 0) end; end; exit end else t:= t.Next end; case c of '$': WriteLnToConsole(errmsgUnknownVariable + ': "$' + CmdStr + '"') else WriteLnToConsole(errmsgUnknownCommand + ': "/' + CmdStr + '"') end end; procedure KeyPressConsole(Key: Longword); begin case Key of 8: if Length(InputStr)>0 then dec(InputStr[0]); 13,271: begin ParseCommand('/say ' + InputStr); InputStr:= '' end; 96: begin GameState:= gsGame; cConsoleYAdd:= 0; ResetKbd end; else InputStr:= InputStr + char(Key) end end; {$INCLUDE} initialization InitConsole; RegisterVariable('quit' , vtCommand, @chQuit ); RegisterVariable('capture' , vtCommand, @chCapture ); RegisterVariable('addteam' , vtCommand, @chAddTeam ); RegisterVariable('rdriven' , vtCommand, @chTeamLocal ); //RegisterVariable('gravity' , vtReal , @cGravity ); гравитация не должна быть доступна вообще RegisterVariable('c_height', vtInteger, @cConsoleHeight ); RegisterVariable('gmflags' , vtInteger, @GameFlags ); RegisterVariable('turntime', vtInteger, @cHedgehogTurnTime); RegisterVariable('showfps' , vtBoolean, @cShowFPS ); RegisterVariable('sound' , vtBoolean, @isSoundEnabled ); RegisterVariable('name' , vtCommand, @chName ); RegisterVariable('fort' , vtCommand, @chFort ); RegisterVariable('grave' , vtCommand, @chGrave ); RegisterVariable('bind' , vtCommand, @chBind ); RegisterVariable('add' , vtCommand, @chAdd ); RegisterVariable('say' , vtCommand, @chSay ); RegisterVariable('+left' , vtCommand, @chLeft_p ); RegisterVariable('-left' , vtCommand, @chLeft_m ); RegisterVariable('+right' , vtCommand, @chRight_p ); RegisterVariable('-right' , vtCommand, @chRight_m ); RegisterVariable('+up' , vtCommand, @chUp_p ); RegisterVariable('-up' , vtCommand, @chUp_m ); RegisterVariable('+down' , vtCommand, @chDown_p ); RegisterVariable('-down' , vtCommand, @chDown_m ); RegisterVariable('+attack' , vtCommand, @chAttack_p ); RegisterVariable('-attack' , vtCommand, @chAttack_m ); RegisterVariable('color' , vtCommand, @chColor ); RegisterVariable('switch' , vtCommand, @chSwitch ); RegisterVariable('nextturn', vtCommand, @chNextTurn ); RegisterVariable('timer' , vtCommand, @chTimer ); RegisterVariable('slot' , vtCommand, @chSlot ); RegisterVariable('put' , vtCommand, @chPut ); RegisterVariable('ljump' , vtCommand, @chLJump ); RegisterVariable('hjump' , vtCommand, @chHJump ); finalization FreeVariablesList end.