author nemo
Sun, 14 Nov 2010 11:24:36 -0500
changeset 4316 c4e98c10fc71
parent 4242 5e3c5fe2cb14
child 4295 1f5604cd99be
child 4334 82cfbbab73da
permissions -rw-r--r--
add a couple of emits to try and fix the desync. needs testing to make sure everything else is being passed correctly

module HWProtoInRoomState where

import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Sequence(Seq, (|>), (><), fromList, empty)
import Data.List
import Maybe
import CoreTypes
import Actions
import Utils

handleCmd_inRoom :: CmdHandler

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients _ ["CHAT", msg] =
    [AnswerOthersInRoom ["CHAT", clientNick, msg]]
        clientNick = nick $ clients IntMap.! clID

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["PART"] =
    [RoomRemoveThisClient "part"]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)
    | null paramStrs = [ProtocolError "Empty config entry"]
    | isMaster client =
        [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{params = Map.insert paramName paramStrs (params r)}),
        AnswerOthersInRoom ("CFG" : paramName : paramStrs)]
    | otherwise = [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : voicepack : flag : difStr : hhsInfo)
    | length hhsInfo == 15 && clientProto client < 30 = handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ("ADD_TEAM" : name : color : grave : fort : voicepack : " " : flag : difStr : hhsInfo)
    | length hhsInfo /= 16 = [ProtocolError "Corrupted hedgehogs info"]
    | length (teams room) == 6 = [Warning "too many teams"]
    | canAddNumber <= 0 = [Warning "too many hedgehogs"]
    | isJust findTeam = [Warning "There's already a team with same name in the list"]
    | gameinprogress room = [Warning "round in progress"]
    | isRestrictedTeams room = [Warning "restricted"]
    | otherwise =
        [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{teams = teams r ++ [newTeam]}),
        ModifyClient (\c -> c{teamsInGame = teamsInGame c + 1, clientClan = color}),
        AnswerThisClient ["TEAM_ACCEPTED", name],
        AnswerOthersInRoom $ teamToNet (clientProto client) newTeam,
        AnswerOthersInRoom ["TEAM_COLOR", name, color]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        room = rooms IntMap.! (roomID client)
        canAddNumber = 48 - (sum . map hhnum $ teams room)
        findTeam = find (\t -> name == teamname t) $ teams room
        newTeam = (TeamInfo clID (nick client) name color grave fort voicepack flag difficulty newTeamHHNum (hhsList hhsInfo))
        difficulty = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead difStr :: Maybe Int)
        hhsList [] = []
        hhsList (n:h:hhs) = HedgehogInfo n h : hhsList hhs
        newTeamHHNum = min 4 canAddNumber

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["REMOVE_TEAM", teamName]
    | noSuchTeam = [Warning "REMOVE_TEAM: no such team"]
    | nick client /= teamowner team = [ProtocolError "Not team owner!"]
    | otherwise =
            [RemoveTeam teamName,
            ModifyClient (\c -> c{teamsInGame = teamsInGame c - 1, clientClan = if teamsInGame client == 1 then undefined else anotherTeamClan})
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        room = rooms IntMap.! (roomID client)
        noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
        team = fromJust findTeam
        findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams room
        anotherTeamClan = teamcolor $ fromJust $ find (\t -> teamownerId t == clID) $ teams room

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["HH_NUM", teamName, numberStr]
    | not $ isMaster client = [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
    | hhNumber < 1 || hhNumber > 8 || noSuchTeam || hhNumber > (canAddNumber + (hhnum team)) = []
    | otherwise =
        [ModifyRoom $ modifyTeam team{hhnum = hhNumber},
        AnswerOthersInRoom ["HH_NUM", teamName, show hhNumber]]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        room = rooms IntMap.! (roomID client)
        hhNumber = fromMaybe 0 (maybeRead numberStr :: Maybe Int)
        noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
        team = fromJust findTeam
        findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams room
        canAddNumber = 48 - (sum . map hhnum $ teams room)

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor]
    | not $ isMaster client = [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
    | noSuchTeam = []
    | otherwise = [ModifyRoom $ modifyTeam team{teamcolor = newColor},
            AnswerOthersInRoom ["TEAM_COLOR", teamName, newColor],
            ModifyClient2 (teamownerId team) (\c -> c{clientClan = newColor})]
        noSuchTeam = isNothing findTeam
        team = fromJust findTeam
        findTeam = find (\t -> teamName == teamname t) $ teams room
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        room = rooms IntMap.! (roomID client)

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["TOGGLE_READY"] =
    [ModifyClient (\c -> c{isReady = not $ isReady client}),
    ModifyRoom (\r -> r{readyPlayers = readyPlayers r + (if isReady client then -1 else 1)}),
    AnswerThisRoom [if isReady client then "NOT_READY" else "READY", nick client]]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["START_GAME"] =
    if isMaster client && (playersIn room == readyPlayers room) && (not . gameinprogress) room then
        if enoughClans then
                    (\r -> r{
                        gameinprogress = True,
                        roundMsgs = empty,
                        leftTeams = [],
                        teamsAtStart = teams r}
            AnswerThisRoom ["RUN_GAME"]]
            [Warning "Less than two clans!"]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        room = rooms IntMap.! (roomID client)
        enoughClans = not $ null $ drop 1 $ group $ map teamcolor $ teams room

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["EM", msg] =
    if (teamsInGame client > 0) && isLegal then
        (AnswerOthersInRoom ["EM", msg]) : [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{roundMsgs = roundMsgs r |> msg}) | not isKeepAlive]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        (isLegal, isKeepAlive) = checkNetCmd msg

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["ROUNDFINISHED"] =
    if isMaster client then
                (\r -> r{
                    gameinprogress = False,
                    readyPlayers = 0,
                    roundMsgs = empty,
                    leftTeams = [],
                    teamsAtStart = []}
        ] ++ answerRemovedTeams
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        room = rooms IntMap.! (roomID client)
        answerRemovedTeams = map (\t -> AnswerThisRoom ["REMOVE_TEAM", t]) $ leftTeams room

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients _ ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_JOINS"]
    | isMaster client = [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRestrictedJoins = not $ isRestrictedJoins r})]
    | otherwise = [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients _ ["TOGGLE_RESTRICT_TEAMS"]
    | isMaster client = [ModifyRoom (\r -> r{isRestrictedTeams = not $ isRestrictedTeams r})]
    | otherwise = [ProtocolError "Not room master"]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients rooms ["KICK", kickNick] =
    [KickRoomClient kickID | isMaster client && not noSuchClient && (kickID /= clID) && (roomID client == roomID kickClient)]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        maybeClient = Foldable.find (\cl -> kickNick == nick cl) clients
        noSuchClient = isNothing maybeClient
        kickClient = fromJust maybeClient
        kickID = clientUID kickClient

handleCmd_inRoom clID clients _ ["TEAMCHAT", msg] =
    [AnswerSameClan ["EM", engineMsg]]
        client = clients IntMap.! clID
        engineMsg = toEngineMsg $ 'b' : ((nick client) ++ "(team): " ++ msg ++ "\x20\x20")

handleCmd_inRoom clID _ _ _ = [ProtocolError "Incorrect command (state: in room)"]