author smxx
Mon, 01 Mar 2010 12:55:54 +0000
changeset 2898 c53636f556f8
parent 2867 9be6693c78cb
child 2948 3f21a9dc93d0
permissions -rw-r--r--
Frontend: * Added language selection to options menu to allow using other languages than the one detected by Qt

module ServerCore where

import Network
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import System.Log.Logger
import CoreTypes
import NetRoutines
import Utils
import HWProtoCore
import Actions
import OfficialServer.DBInteraction

timerLoop :: Int -> Chan CoreMessage -> IO()
timerLoop tick messagesChan = threadDelay (30 * 10^6) >> writeChan messagesChan (TimerAction tick) >> timerLoop (tick + 1) messagesChan

firstAway (_, a, b, c) = (a, b, c)

reactCmd :: ServerInfo -> Int -> [String] -> Clients -> Rooms -> IO (ServerInfo, Clients, Rooms)
reactCmd serverInfo clID cmd clients rooms =
    liftM firstAway $ foldM processAction (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $ handleCmd clID clients rooms cmd

mainLoop :: ServerInfo -> Clients -> Rooms -> IO ()
mainLoop serverInfo clients rooms = do
    r <- readChan $ coreChan serverInfo
    (newServerInfo, mClients, mRooms) <-
        case r of
            Accept ci ->
                liftM firstAway $ processAction
                    (clientUID ci, serverInfo, clients, rooms) (AddClient ci)

            ClientMessage (clID, cmd) -> do
                debugM "Clients" $ (show clID) ++ ": " ++ (show cmd)
                if clID `IntMap.member` clients then
                    reactCmd serverInfo clID cmd clients rooms
                    debugM "Clients" "Message from dead client"
                    return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)

            ClientAccountInfo (clID, info) ->
                if clID `IntMap.member` clients then
                    liftM firstAway $ processAction
                        (clID, serverInfo, clients, rooms)
                        (ProcessAccountInfo info)
                    debugM "Clients" "Got info for dead client"
                    return (serverInfo, clients, rooms)

            TimerAction tick ->
                liftM firstAway $
                    foldM processAction (0, serverInfo, clients, rooms) $
                        PingAll : [StatsAction | even tick]

    {-			let hadRooms = (not $ null rooms) && (null mrooms)
                    in unless ((not $ isDedicated serverInfo) && ((null clientsIn) || hadRooms)) $
                        mainLoop serverInfo acceptChan messagesChan clientsIn mrooms -}

    mainLoop newServerInfo mClients mRooms

startServer :: ServerInfo -> Socket -> IO ()
startServer serverInfo serverSocket = do
    putStrLn $ "Listening on port " ++ show (listenPort serverInfo)

    forkIO $
            (coreChan serverInfo)

    return ()
    forkIO $ timerLoop 0 $ coreChan serverInfo

    startDBConnection serverInfo

    forkIO $ mainLoop serverInfo IntMap.empty (IntMap.singleton 0 newRoom)

    forever $ threadDelay (60 * 60 * 10^6) >> putStrLn "***"