Fix a bug screwing team selection up in network game
(REMOVETEAM message doesn't have teamID, and after
removing the team QMap still contains old info, when
add and remove team with the same name, total hedgehogs
number will be decreased by first team hh number)
TARGET = hedgewars
DESTDIR = ../bin
win32 {
RC_FILE = ./res/hedgewars.rc
QT += network svg xml
HEADERS += binds.h \
game.h \
hwform.h \
sdlkeys.h \
team.h \
teamselect.h \
teamselhelper.h \
frameTeam.h \
vertScrollArea.h \
gameuiconfig.h \
ui_hwform.h \
gamecfgwidget.h \
predefteams.h \
pages.h \
SquareLabel.h \
hedgehogerWidget.h \
hwmap.h \
mapContainer.h \
tcpBase.h \
about.h \
KB.h \
proto.h \
fpsedit.h \
netserver.h \
netconnectedclient.h \
newnetclient.h \
netudpserver.h \
netudpwidget.h \
netwwwwidget.h \
netserverslist.h \
chatwidget.h \
SDLs.h \
playrecordpage.h \
hwconsts.h \
selectWeapon.h \
itemNum.h \
SOURCES += binds.cpp \
game.cpp \
main.cpp \
hwform.cpp \
team.cpp \
teamselect.cpp \
teamselhelper.cpp \
frameTeam.cpp \
vertScrollArea.cpp \
gameuiconfig.cpp \
ui_hwform.cpp \
gamecfgwidget.cpp \
pages.cpp \
SquareLabel.cpp \
hedgehogerWidget.cpp \
hwmap.cpp \
mapContainer.cpp \
tcpBase.cpp \
about.cpp \
proto.cpp \
fpsedit.cpp \
netserver.cpp \
netconnectedclient.cpp \
newnetclient.cpp \
netudpserver.cpp \
netudpwidget.cpp \
netwwwwidget.cpp \
netserverslist.cpp \
chatwidget.cpp \
SDLs.cpp \
playrecordpage.cpp \
hwconsts.cpp \
selectWeapon.cpp \
itemNum.cpp \
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_bg.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_de.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_fr.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_it.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_pl.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_ru.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_sk.ts
TRANSLATIONS += ../share/hedgewars/Data/Locale/hedgewars_uk.ts
RESOURCES += hedgewars.qrc
LIBS += libSDL