Only registered players regain their teams on rejoin
/* * Hedgewars, a free turn based strategy game * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Andrey Korotaev <> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */#include <QGridLayout>#include <QVBoxLayout>#include <QLabel>#include <QListWidget>#include <QListWidgetItem>#include <QPushButton>#include <QFile>#include <QLocale>#include <QSettings>#include "hwconsts.h"#include "DataManager.h"#include "pagetraining.h"QLayout * PageTraining::bodyLayoutDefinition(){ QGridLayout * pageLayout = new QGridLayout();// left column // declare start button, caption and description btnPreview = formattedButton(":/res/Trainings.png", true); // make both rows equal height pageLayout->setRowStretch(0, 1); pageLayout->setRowStretch(1, 1); // add start button, caption and description to 3 different rows pageLayout->addWidget(btnPreview, 0, 0); // center preview pageLayout->setAlignment(btnPreview, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);// right column // info area (caption on top, description below) QVBoxLayout * infoLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); lblCaption = new QLabel(); lblCaption->setMinimumWidth(360); lblCaption->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom); lblCaption->setWordWrap(true); lblDescription = new QLabel(); lblDescription->setMinimumWidth(360); lblDescription->setAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop); lblDescription->setWordWrap(true); infoLayout->addWidget(lblCaption); infoLayout->addWidget(lblDescription); pageLayout->addLayout(infoLayout, 0, 1); pageLayout->setAlignment(infoLayout, Qt::AlignLeft); // tab widget containing all lists tbw = new QTabWidget(this); pageLayout->addWidget(tbw, 1, 0, 1, 2); // span 2 columns // let's not make the tab widget use more space than needed tbw->setFixedWidth(400); pageLayout->setAlignment(tbw, Qt::AlignHCenter); tbw->setStyleSheet("QListWidget { border-style: none; padding-top: 6px; }"); // training/challenge/scenario lists lstTrainings = new QListWidget(this); lstTrainings ->setWhatsThis(tr("Pick the training to play")); lstChallenges = new QListWidget(this); lstChallenges ->setWhatsThis(tr("Pick the challenge to play")); lstScenarios= new QListWidget(this); lstScenarios->setWhatsThis(tr("Pick the scenario to play")); tbw->addTab(lstTrainings, tr("Trainings")); tbw->addTab(lstChallenges, tr("Challenges")); tbw->addTab(lstScenarios, tr("Scenarios")); tbw->setCurrentWidget(lstTrainings); return pageLayout;}QLayout * PageTraining::footerLayoutDefinition(){ QBoxLayout * bottomLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); const QIcon& lp = QIcon(":/res/Start.png"); QSize sz = lp.actualSize(QSize(65535, 65535)); btnStart = new QPushButton(); btnStart->setText(QPushButton::tr("Start")); btnStart->setWhatsThis(tr("Start fighting")); btnStart->setMinimumWidth(sz.width() + 60); btnStart->setIcon(lp); btnStart->setFixedHeight(50); btnStart->setIconSize(sz); btnStart->setFlat(true); btnStart->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed); bottomLayout->addWidget(btnStart); bottomLayout->setAlignment(btnStart, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter); return bottomLayout;}void PageTraining::connectSignals(){ connect(lstTrainings, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*, QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(updateInfo())); connect(lstTrainings, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(updateInfo())); connect(lstTrainings, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(startSelected())); connect(lstChallenges, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*, QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(updateInfo())); connect(lstChallenges, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(updateInfo())); connect(lstChallenges, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(startSelected())); connect(lstScenarios, SIGNAL(currentItemChanged(QListWidgetItem*, QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(updateInfo())); connect(lstScenarios, SIGNAL(itemClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(updateInfo())); connect(lstScenarios, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(startSelected())); connect(tbw, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateInfo())); connect(btnPreview, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startSelected())); connect(btnStart, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startSelected()));}PageTraining::PageTraining(QWidget* parent) : AbstractPage(parent){ initPage(); DataManager & dataMgr = DataManager::instance(); // get locale QSettings settings(dataMgr.settingsFileName(), QSettings::IniFormat); QString loc = settings.value("misc/locale", "").toString(); if (loc.isEmpty()) loc = QLocale::system().name(); QString infoFile = QString("physfs://Locale/missions_" + loc + ".txt"); // if file is non-existant try with language only if (!QFile::exists(infoFile)) infoFile = QString("physfs://Locale/missions_" + loc.remove(QRegExp("_.*$")) + ".txt"); // fallback if file for current locale is non-existant if (!QFile::exists(infoFile)) infoFile = QString("physfs://Locale/missions_en.txt"); // preload mission info for current locale m_info = new QSettings(infoFile, QSettings::IniFormat, this); m_info->setIniCodec("UTF-8"); QStringList m_list; QListWidget * m_widget; QString subFolder; for(int i=1; i<=3; i++) { switch(i) { case 1: subFolder = "Training"; m_widget = lstTrainings; break; case 2: subFolder = "Challenge"; m_widget = lstChallenges; break; case 3: subFolder = "Scenario"; m_widget = lstScenarios; break; } m_list = dataMgr.entryList( "Missions/" + subFolder, QDir::Files, QStringList("*.lua")). replaceInStrings(QRegExp("\\.lua$"), ""); // scripts to load - TODO: model? foreach (const QString & m_id, m_list) { QListWidgetItem * item = new QListWidgetItem(m_id); // fallback name: replace underscores in mission name with spaces QString name = item->text().replace("_", " "); // see if we can get a prettier/translated name name = m_info->value(m_id + ".name", name).toString(); item->setText(name); // store original name in data item->setData(Qt::UserRole, m_id); m_widget->addItem(item); } } updateInfo(); // pre-select first mission if (lstTrainings->count() > 0) lstTrainings->setCurrentRow(0); if (lstChallenges->count() > 0) lstChallenges->setCurrentRow(0); if (lstScenarios->count() > 0) lstScenarios->setCurrentRow(0);}QString PageTraining::getSubFolderOfSelected(){ QString subFolder; if (tbw->currentWidget() == lstTrainings) { subFolder = "Training"; } else if (tbw->currentWidget() == lstChallenges) { subFolder = "Challenge"; } else if (tbw->currentWidget() == lstScenarios) { subFolder = "Scenario"; } else { subFolder = "Training"; } return subFolder;}void PageTraining::startSelected(){ QListWidget *list; list = (QListWidget*) tbw->currentWidget(); QListWidgetItem * curItem = list->currentItem(); if (curItem != NULL) emit startMission(curItem->data(Qt::UserRole).toString(), getSubFolderOfSelected());}void PageTraining::updateInfo(){ if (tbw->currentWidget()) { QString subFolder; QListWidget *list; subFolder = getSubFolderOfSelected(); list = (QListWidget*) tbw->currentWidget(); if (list->currentItem()) { // TODO also use .pngs in userdata folder QString thumbFile = "physfs://Graphics/Missions/" + subFolder + "/" + list->currentItem()->data(Qt::UserRole).toString() + "@2x.png"; if (QFile::exists(thumbFile)) btnPreview->setIcon(QIcon(thumbFile)); else btnPreview->setIcon(QIcon(":/res/Trainings.png")); QString realName = list->currentItem()->data( Qt::UserRole).toString(); QString caption = m_info->value(realName + ".name", list->currentItem()->text()).toString(); QString description = m_info->value(realName + ".desc", tr("No description available")).toString(); lblCaption->setText("<h2>" + caption +"</h2>"); lblDescription->setText(description); } else { btnPreview->setIcon(QIcon(":/res/Trainings.png")); lblCaption->setText(tr("Select a mission!")); // TODO better text and tr() lblDescription->setText(""); } }}