frontlib improvements:
- Added README with overview documentation
- Improved code documentation/comments
- Added flib_gameconn_send_quit to gracefully exit a running game
- Changed the type of some size variables to size_t
- Fixed starting a mission/training sending the mission script like a multiplayer script
- Removed reference counters from flib_scheme and flib_map
- Removed INGAME state from netconn (there is no useful difference to ROOM state)
- Added extras/jnacontrol.c to warn when functions signatures used by Hedgeroid change
- Other small code improvements
<?xml version = '1.0'?>
<author>Igor Ulyanov</author>
<programargs>-style plastique</programargs>
<toc>Guide to the Qt Translation Tools</toc>
<toc>Qt Assistant Manual</toc>
<toc>Qt Designer Manual</toc>
<toc>Qt Reference Documentation</toc>
<toc>qmake User Guide</toc>
<toc>KDE Libraries (Doxygen)</toc>
<type ext="ui" />
<type ext="cpp" />
<type ext="h" />