author Pekka Ristola <>
Mon, 27 Jan 2025 19:08:05 +0100
changeset 16096 dbdb98dafd80
parent 10015 4feced261c68
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add support for ffmpeg 6.0 - Use the new send_frame/receive_packet API for encoding - Use the new channel layout API for audio - Fix audio recording - Copy codec parameters to the stream parameters - Set correct pts for audio frames - Read audio samples from file directly to the refcounted AVFrame buffer instead of the `g_pSamples` buffer - Use global AVPackets allocated with `av_packet_alloc` - Stop trying to write more audio frames when `WriteAudioFrame` fails with a negative error code - Fix segfault with `g_pContainer->url`. The field has to be allocated with `av_malloc` before writing to it. It's set to `NULL` by default. - Properly free allocations with `avcodec_free_context` and `avformat_free_context`

module Main( main ) where

import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Data.Maybe( fromMaybe, isJust, fromJust )
import Data.List (find, intercalate)
import Control.Monad
import Pas2C

main = do
    args <- getArgs
    if length args == 0
    then do
        name <- getProgName
        hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo header options
    else do
        case getOpt RequireOrder options args of
          (flags, [],      []) | enoughFlags flags -> do
                let m = flag flags isName
                let i = flag flags isInput
                let o = flag flags isOutput
                let a = fromMaybe o $ liftM extractString $ find isAlt flags
                let symbols = ["PAS2C", "FPC"] ++ (map extractString $ filter isSymbol flags)
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "--------Pas2C Config--------"
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Main module: " ++ m
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Input path : " ++ i
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Output path: " ++ o
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Altern path: " ++ a
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "Symbols defined: " ++ (intercalate ", " symbols)
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "----------------------------"
                pas2C m (i++"/") (o++"/") (a++"/") symbols
                hPutStrLn stdout $ "----------------------------"
                      | otherwise ->  error $ usageInfo header options
          (_,     nonOpts, [])     -> error $ "unrecognized arguments: " ++ unwords nonOpts
          (_,     _,       msgs)   -> error $ usageInfo header options
        header = "Freepascal to C conversion! Please specify -n -i -o options.\n"
        enoughFlags f = and $ map (isJust . flip find f) [isName, isInput, isOutput]
        flag f = extractString . fromJust . flip find f

data Flag = HelpMessage
          | Name String
          | Input String
          | Output String
          | Alternate String
          | Symbol String

extractString :: Flag -> String
extractString (Name s) = s
extractString (Input s) = s
extractString (Output s) = s
extractString (Alternate s) = s
extractString (Symbol s) = s
extractString _ = undefined

isName, isInput, isOutput, isAlt, isSymbol :: Flag -> Bool
isName (Name _) = True
isName _ = False
isInput (Input _) = True
isInput _ = False
isOutput (Output _) = True
isOutput _ = False
isAlt (Alternate _) = True
isAlt _ = False
isSymbol (Symbol _) = True
isSymbol _ = False

options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options = [
    Option ['h'] ["help"]      (NoArg HelpMessage)      "print this help message",
    Option ['n'] ["name"]      (ReqArg Name "MAIN")     "name of the main Pascal module",
    Option ['i'] ["input"]     (ReqArg Input "DIR")     "input directory, where .pas files will be read",
    Option ['o'] ["output"]    (ReqArg Output "DIR")    "output directory, where .c/.h files will be written",
    Option ['a'] ["alternate"] (ReqArg Alternate "DIR") "alternate input directory, for out of source builds",
    Option ['d'] ["define"]    (ReqArg Symbol "SYMBOL") "define symbol"