author nemo
Tue, 17 Apr 2018 15:21:52 -0400
changeset 13329 e8801220c13f
parent 12213 bb5522e88ab2
permissions -rw-r--r--
minor simplification of conditions for not spawning a visual gear - also allows lua to spawn clouds critically or non-critically. We probably shouldn't even exempt clouds from this, and just spawn them once synced, but, eh, probably isn't a significant hit since sheepluva made the motion more efficient.

// Windows/Thread.h


#include "Defs.h"

extern "C" 
#include "../../C/Threads.h"

namespace NWindows {

class CThread
  ::CThread thread;
  CThread() { Thread_Construct(&thread); }
  ~CThread() { Close(); }
  bool IsCreated() { return Thread_WasCreated(&thread) != 0; }
  HRes Close()  { return Thread_Close(&thread); }
  HRes Create(THREAD_FUNC_RET_TYPE (THREAD_FUNC_CALL_TYPE *startAddress)(void *), LPVOID parameter)
    { return Thread_Create(&thread, startAddress, parameter); }
  HRes Wait() { return Thread_Wait(&thread); }
  #ifdef _WIN32
  DWORD Resume() { return ::ResumeThread(thread.handle); }
  DWORD Suspend() { return ::SuspendThread(thread.handle); }
  bool Terminate(DWORD exitCode) { return BOOLToBool(::TerminateThread(thread.handle, exitCode)); }
  int GetPriority() { return ::GetThreadPriority(thread.handle); }
  bool SetPriority(int priority) { return BOOLToBool(::SetThreadPriority(thread.handle, priority)); }

