minor simplification of conditions for not spawning a visual gear - also allows lua to spawn clouds critically or non-critically. We probably shouldn't even exempt clouds from this, and just spawn them once synced, but, eh, probably isn't a significant hit since sheepluva made the motion more efficient.
// Windows/Time.h
#ifndef __WINDOWS_TIME_H
#define __WINDOWS_TIME_H
#include "Common/Types.h"
#include "Windows/Defs.h"
namespace NWindows {
namespace NTime {
inline bool DosTimeToFileTime(UInt32 dosTime, FILETIME &fileTime)
return BOOLToBool(::DosDateTimeToFileTime(UInt16(dosTime >> 16),
UInt16(dosTime & 0xFFFF), &fileTime));
const UInt32 kHighDosTime = 0xFF9FBF7D;
const UInt32 kLowDosTime = 0x210000;
inline bool FileTimeToDosTime(const FILETIME &fileTime, UInt32 &dosTime)
WORD datePart, timePart;
if (!::FileTimeToDosDateTime(&fileTime, &datePart, &timePart))
if (fileTime.dwHighDateTime >= 0x01C00000) // 2000
dosTime = kHighDosTime;
dosTime = kLowDosTime;
return false;
dosTime = (((UInt32)datePart) << 16) + timePart;
return true;
const UInt32 kNumTimeQuantumsInSecond = 10000000;
const UInt64 kUnixTimeStartValue = ((UInt64)kNumTimeQuantumsInSecond) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 134774;
inline void UnixTimeToFileTime(UInt32 unixTime, FILETIME &fileTime)
UInt64 v = kUnixTimeStartValue + ((UInt64)unixTime) * kNumTimeQuantumsInSecond;
fileTime.dwLowDateTime = (DWORD)v;
fileTime.dwHighDateTime = (DWORD)(v >> 32);
inline bool FileTimeToUnixTime(const FILETIME &fileTime, UInt32 &unixTime)
UInt64 winTime = (((UInt64)fileTime.dwHighDateTime) << 32) + fileTime.dwLowDateTime;
if (winTime < kUnixTimeStartValue)
unixTime = 0;
return false;
winTime = (winTime - kUnixTimeStartValue) / kNumTimeQuantumsInSecond;
if (winTime > 0xFFFFFFFF)
unixTime = 0xFFFFFFFF;
return false;
unixTime = (UInt32)winTime;
return true;