author Medo <smaxein@googlemail.com>
Tue, 27 Nov 2012 21:21:14 +0100
changeset 8132 f68b43cf510f
parent 5172 88f2e05288ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added default weaponset to frontlib hwconsts Now the weaponset create function can actually do what it promises and create a default set instead of an empty one :)

/*                                                                         */
/*  afindic.c                                                              */
/*                                                                         */
/*    Auto-fitter hinting routines for Indic scripts (body).               */
/*                                                                         */
/*  Copyright 2007, 2011 by                                                */
/*  Rahul Bhalerao <rahul.bhalerao@redhat.com>, <b.rahul.pm@gmail.com>.    */
/*                                                                         */
/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
/*                                                                         */

#include "aftypes.h"
#include "aflatin.h"


#include "afindic.h"
#include "aferrors.h"
#include "afcjk.h"

#include "afwarp.h"

  static FT_Error
  af_indic_metrics_init( AF_LatinMetrics  metrics,
                         FT_Face          face )
    /* use CJK routines */
    return af_cjk_metrics_init( metrics, face );

  static void
  af_indic_metrics_scale( AF_LatinMetrics  metrics,
                          AF_Scaler        scaler )
    /* use CJK routines */
    af_cjk_metrics_scale( metrics, scaler );

  static FT_Error
  af_indic_hints_init( AF_GlyphHints    hints,
                       AF_LatinMetrics  metrics )
    /* use CJK routines */
    return af_cjk_hints_init( hints, metrics );

  static FT_Error
  af_indic_hints_apply( AF_GlyphHints    hints,
                        FT_Outline*      outline,
                        AF_LatinMetrics  metrics)
    /* use CJK routines */
    return af_cjk_hints_apply( hints, outline, metrics );

  /*****                                                               *****/
  /*****                I N D I C   S C R I P T   C L A S S            *****/
  /*****                                                               *****/

  static const AF_Script_UniRangeRec  af_indic_uniranges[] =
#if 0
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC( 0x0100UL, 0xFFFFUL ),  /* why this? */
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC( 0x0900UL, 0x0DFFUL),    /* Indic Range */
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC( 0x0F00UL, 0x0FFFUL),    /* Tibetan */
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC( 0x1900UL, 0x194FUL),    /* Limbu */
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC( 0x1B80UL, 0x1BBFUL),    /* Sundanese */
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC( 0x1C80UL, 0x1CDFUL),    /* Meetei Mayak */
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC( 0xA800UL, 0xA82FUL),    /* Syloti Nagri */
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC( 0x11800UL, 0x118DFUL),  /* Sharada */
    AF_UNIRANGE_REC(      0UL,      0UL)


    sizeof( AF_LatinMetricsRec ),

    (AF_Script_InitMetricsFunc) af_indic_metrics_init,
    (AF_Script_DoneMetricsFunc) NULL,

    (AF_Script_InitHintsFunc)   af_indic_hints_init,
    (AF_Script_ApplyHintsFunc)  af_indic_hints_apply


  static const AF_Script_UniRangeRec  af_indic_uniranges[] =
    { 0, 0 }


    sizeof( AF_LatinMetricsRec ),

    (AF_Script_InitMetricsFunc) NULL,
    (AF_Script_DoneMetricsFunc) NULL,

    (AF_Script_InitHintsFunc)   NULL,
    (AF_Script_ApplyHintsFunc)  NULL


/* END */