disable fall tracing for cheese. it will probably be incorrect.
use std::ffi::{ CString, CStr, OsStr };
use std::io::Result;
use std::sync::{ Mutex };
use libc::{ c_int, c_char };
/// Keep track of the number of global contexts.
static mut NUM_CONTEXTS: usize = 0;
/// Utility
mod util;
/// File operations
pub mod file;
#[link(name = "physfs")]
extern {
// nonzero on success, zero on error.
fn PHYSFS_init(arg0: *const c_char) -> c_int;
// nonzero if initialized, zero if not.
fn PHYSFS_isInit() -> c_int;
// nonzero if success, zero if error.
fn PHYSFS_deinit() -> c_int;
// string if success, NULL if error.
fn PHYSFS_getLastError() -> *const c_char;
// nonzero if success, zero if error
fn PHYSFS_mount(new_dir: *const c_char, mount_point: *const c_char, append_to_path: c_int) -> c_int;
// nonzero if success, zero if error.
fn PHYSFS_setWriteDir(write_dir: *const c_char) -> c_int;
// nonzero on success, zero on error.
fn PHYSFS_mkdir(dir_name: *const c_char) -> c_int;
// Checks if a given path exists; returns nonzero if true
fn PHYSFS_exists(path: *const c_char) -> c_int;
// Checks if a given path is a directory; returns nonzero if true
fn PHYSFS_isDirectory(path: *const c_char) -> c_int;
/// The access point for PhysFS function calls.
pub struct PhysFSContext;
unsafe impl Send for PhysFSContext {}
impl PhysFSContext {
/// Creates a new PhysFS context.
pub fn new() -> Result<Self> {
let con = PhysFSContext;
match PhysFSContext::init() {
Err(e) => Err(e),
_ => {
// Everything's gone right so far
// now, increment the instance counter
unsafe {
// and return the newly created context
/// initializes the PhysFS library.
fn init() -> Result<()> {
// Initializing multiple times throws an error. So let's not!
if PhysFSContext::is_init() { return Ok(()); }
let mut args = ::std::env::args();
let default_arg0 = "".to_string();
let arg0 = args.next().unwrap_or(default_arg0);
let c_arg0 = try!(CString::new(arg0));
let ret = unsafe { PHYSFS_init(c_arg0.as_ptr()) };
match ret {
0 => Err(util::physfs_error_as_io_error()),
_ => Ok(())
/// Checks if PhysFS is initialized
pub fn is_init() -> bool {
unsafe { PHYSFS_isInit() != 0 }
/// De-initializes PhysFS. It is recommended to close
/// all file handles manually before calling this.
fn de_init() {
// de_init'ing more than once can cause a double-free -- do not want.
if !PhysFSContext::is_init() { return }
unsafe {
/// Adds an archive or directory to the search path.
/// mount_point is the location in the tree to mount it to.
pub fn mount<P>(&self, new_dir: P, mount_point: String, append_to_path: bool) -> Result<()>
where P: AsRef<OsStr>
let c_new_dir = CString::new(new_dir.as_ref().to_string_lossy().as_bytes()).unwrap();
let c_mount_point = try!(CString::new(mount_point));
match unsafe {
append_to_path as c_int
} {
0 => Err(util::physfs_error_as_io_error()),
_ => Ok(())
/// Gets the last error message in a human-readable format
/// This message may be localized, so do not expect it to
/// match a specific string of characters.
pub fn get_last_error() -> String {
let ptr: *const c_char = unsafe {
if ptr.is_null() {
return "".to_string()
let buf = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr).to_bytes().to_vec() };
/// Sets a new write directory.
/// This method will fail if the current write dir
/// still has open files in it.
pub fn set_write_dir<P>(&self, write_dir: P) -> Result<()>
where P: AsRef<OsStr>
let write_dir = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(write_dir.as_ref().to_str().unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap();
let ret = unsafe {
match ret {
0 => Err(util::physfs_error_as_io_error()),
_ => Ok(())
/// Creates a new dir relative to the write_dir.
pub fn mkdir(&self, dir_name: &str) -> Result<()> {
let c_dir_name = try!(CString::new(dir_name));
let ret = unsafe {
match ret {
0 => Err(util::physfs_error_as_io_error()),
_ => Ok(())
/// Checks if given path exists
pub fn exists(&self, path: &str) -> Result<()> {
let c_path = try!(CString::new(path));
let ret = unsafe { PHYSFS_exists(c_path.as_ptr()) };
match ret {
0 => Err(util::physfs_error_as_io_error()),
_ => Ok(())
/// Checks if given path is a directory
pub fn is_directory(&self, path: &str) -> Result<()> {
let c_path = try!(CString::new(path));
let ret = unsafe { PHYSFS_isDirectory(c_path.as_ptr()) };
match ret {
0 => Err(util::physfs_error_as_io_error()),
_ => Ok(())
impl Drop for PhysFSContext {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// decrement NUM_CONTEXTS
unsafe {
// and de_init if there aren't any contexts left.
if unsafe { NUM_CONTEXTS == 0 } {